- Kinza on the window - is it worth it?
- Can you grow coriander everywhere on the windowsill?
- Cilantro on the windowsill - all stages of growing from seeds
The summer season is almost over, truck farmers are harvesting the last fruits, berries, root crops, and the housewives are twirling blanks. Soon, winter needs reserves, but even more we need vitamins - without them our immune system can not be at the level that will provide reliable protection. Then we often get sick, lose activity, and the days go by in vain. To get the right substances, you need to eat a lot of fresh herbs and vegetables, and that's about the first today and talk. Dill and parsley is no surprise, we will tell you how to grow coriander on the windowsill. Such a vegetable garden will give a spicy herb that has a well of good.
Kinza on the window - is it worth it?
To begin with, note that coriander - this is coriander. But the small nuance is that in the first case we mean the green mass, and in the second the seeds. So, scientists say, but most people can use both names, denoting just greenery. Spicy grass can be grown in our country quite simply - it is well tolerated by the harsh climate, private weather changes, and also grows superbly at home.
Why not sow coriander then? Oh yes, many scold the spicy plant for the fragrance - bugs, they say, this coriander smells. But the smell of the smell, by the way, for many is a cognac plume, but it does not diminish the benefits that a home garden with this grass can give.
How to grow coriander on a window sill, we will tell you in detail below. But first a little about the benefits. Coriander and cilantro are known for thousands of years, they are mentioned in works and sacred books, however, in our country, like many things and products, the plant was evaluated much later. But scientists have discovered a lot of useful properties due to the rich composition. Cilantro can help the cardiovascular system, and the nervous and gastrointestinal tract, and also expels various harmful substances and helps our skin. It is also a powerful protection against infections, replenishments, bacteria and viruses. So planting coriander at home is a matter of honor and caring for your family, especially in the autumn-winter period, when avitaminosis rages.
For information! Cilantro contains vitamins - A, group B, C, E, K, macro- and microelements - magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron, potassium. It is also a source of acids and essential oils. Is it possible to grow coriander everywhere on the windowsill?
You know, often people think that they can grow something at home, including seedlings, only experienced gardeners can have grasses - those who have a warm balcony and even better their home. But this is a delusion, since any apartment can become a good place for your small garden - tomatoes, greens, herbs, cucumbers, lemons and not only, all this can grow even a resident of the capital.
Yes, the location of windows plays an important role, but even the southernmost and most successful window sills do not always give a good light. The climate can not please months of sunny days, then the help comes just lamps for growing. They can be both special - phyto lighting, and simple incandescent lamps, but the latter option is less effective. Good soil, light, competent watering, and you can already cut your coriander and put it in salads, soups, filling the deficiency of elements in the body. Also can make and preparations - to dry and freeze a grass.
For information! You knew that dried coriander does not have such a tart and unpleasant aroma for many, as fresh. The thing is that during the drying process a part of the substances evaporates. You can not eat fresh greens, eat dried, it is still of much use.
Cilantro on the windowsill - all stages of growing from seeds
We are looking for seed material
In fact, this is a fairly simple stage, because coriander is not a rare spicy plant, behind which a queue is built in shops for summer residents. You can buy seeds everywhere, spending very little money. But it is important to remember one nuance at this stage - the time of manufacture. Cilantro does not belong to those cultures that over the years gaining more strength. There are such plants, the planting of which is recommended to be carried out from the seeds, which were stored for three years. Coriander always try to buy the most fresh packaging.
is required. We choose the place
The second important stage in the cultivation of cilantro from seeds. The plant comes from warm countries, scientists believe that the birthplace of grass is the Mediterranean. The love of warmth can be seen even during the growing of greenery in the garden - on the sunny areas the plants grow very actively, they have a rich color of leaves. Hence we conclude that it is best in your house to find a window south or east, where the light for the day will be the most. If there are none, then lamps will be needed.
. Someone will ask, but can we do without them? It is possible, but your greens will be frail with elongated stems and a rare green mass. Lamps can be bought in many stores or ordered through the Internet. At the same time, manufacturers take care of the growers and make different types of fasteners, which is very convenient. To you can help such sources of additional light:
- fluorescent lamps - very often they are used by experienced summer residents. These sources give good lighting, uniform and do not heat strongly. That is, gentle seedlings will not get burned;
- aquarium. There are such gardeners who put them, but this is far from the best option, but only an extreme measure;
- daylight. The same may well come up, but it is better to combine them with incandescent lamps, since the daylight lamp gives more blue shade during operation;
- incandescent lamps. Also not the best option, expensive and should be combined with a luminescent source;
- phytolamp - have the most optimal combination of color for growing plants.
For seedlings to grow and develop well, they need light with red-orange rays and violet-blue. They give a good vegetation at the same time and accelerate growth. So, you will get your greens faster, and its quality will be better. It is also worth noting that the coriander is well tolerated by the cold, despite its habitats in hot countries. Therefore, do not worry if your home is not as warm as it is necessary for many cultivated plants and growing their seedlings.
And you knew! Spicy, fragrant herbs disgust many insects, as well as spices. Therefore, if you often suffer from house plants from attacks by parasites or they pester you, the coriander on the window can become a deterrent.
We choose capacity
We continue to understand the issue of growing coriander from seeds, and now it's time to take care of the container or container, or the pot, to whom, as conveniently. What would we advise. If you just want to conduct an experiment, then do not make the sills bulky trays, just buy or find one pot and throw a seed guest into the ground. You will get your bundle of coriander and understand if it is worth it or not. Yet the grass is the most unusual of all known to us, not everyone can even just smell it.
The main rule of this stage is good drainage. That is, no matter what you choose a pot, you must make holes in advance for draining the water and prepared a layer of expanded clay, broken bricks or rubble. You can also put pieces of polystyrene on the bottom. If you decide to grow greens all year, then buy long trays that will be most convenient to stand on your window, and you can easily carry out all the techniques for caring.
Also remember that your lamps and containers should be optimally matched to each other. That is, if you decide to use a simple incandescent lamp, then sift the coriander into the pot. If you have long fluorescent light sources, then the containers must be appropriate to make the process as effective as possible. Elbows sold in the store are different - there is a ready double bottom, which just gives a good flow of water and does not form stagnation.
Note! Extra moisture at the roots is the cause of the death of many plants, as well as an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic flora.
We choose the soil
And this stage is not difficult even for a beginner. Cultivation of coriander from seeds can not be successful unless the plants are given good nutrition, which they will receive from the soil.
- If you live in places where the soil is fertile, then the simple garden land is suitable.
- If not, then buy the most simple universal primer, it is in any store, not only for summer residents.
- You can use option 1/1, that is, when you take your soil and mix it with the same amount of purchased. This is the most popular primer for planting house flowers.
- There is also a recipe of soil - humus, turfy ground, sand in the proportion of 1 /1/ 0,5.
. But there are some subtleties here, if you do not follow them, you can not grow your first garden on the window. Any land can become a source of diseases for cultivated plants, and also infest the parasites. You can also bring pests to your room flowers. But this problem is easily solved - the soil, even if purchased, since not all manufacturers are conscientious, you need to shed a couple of days before planting with boiling water with potassium permanganate. After that, dry and then sow. You can make a spoon of wood ash. If you use all the land from the garden, then make sure that it does not have earthworms.
Tip! In order to grow well, add nitrogen fertilizer to the soil, which must be purchased in advance.
We sow coriander
Well, we turn to the main stages - it is cultivation and care for cilantro. So, at the bottom of the trays you lay out any drainage, on top put the fertile soil, which has already been etched from parasites and diseases. It should be loose, it is good to let in air, dry or slightly damp. Crops are produced in rows 3-4 cm. You can, of course, scatter seeds arbitrarily, but then not all seedlings can grow and develop well, and the yield will not be maximal. If you want to hold a pick, the coriander does not like it, since it has a direct root, even if it's a small damage it can wither. A transplant for seedlings is the most unpleasant moment.
. Therefore, immediately plant seeds, as necessary and at a depth of about a centimeter. Slightly sprinkle coriander, pour from the spray to prevent the crop from blurring. Now you need to cover the trays with a film to create a greenhouse effect. We transfer the containers with crops to the window, wait for the shoots. When the shoots appeared, we remove the film and then we take care of the crops.
Tip! You can shed stimulants for a better growth, there are a lot of them on sale, but always look for those that have the mark "Bio".Such drugs do not harm your health.
In principle, everything is simple - the coriander needs a good light, about which we have already spoken, especially if you plant greens in the fall, not in the spring. Watering is the main condition for greenery, but only as the soil dries up. After moistening, the next day, always loosen the soil to access oxygen. It is better to defend the water in advance for a day, so that it is softer. As you grow, turn the seedlings to light so that they do not curl or stretch. That will be enough.
Important! Lamps should illuminate seedlings regularly, and not from time to time, when you remember. So, the seedlings will not develop well, and the processes inside the seedlings will not proceed properly.
These are the main rules and subtleties during the cultivation and care of cilantro, as well as in the preparation for crops. The greens on the window will please you very soon, if you do everything right, and will benefit and positive emotions - because you raised it yourself.