Variants of cooking delicious dishes with buckwheat pasta


  1. Some information about the use of the product
  2. Recommendations for the preparation of
  3. Recipe for buckwheat noodles
  4. Dishes with buckwheat pasta

Buckwheat pasta can be found on sale and in the form of long noodles, and in the form of the usual "shells", spirals and "horns".Traditional recipe for their preparation includes buckwheat and wheat flour. But there is another option - gluten-free, when only flour from buckwheat and water are used as ingredients.

Buckwheat pasta is typical for buckwheat flavor, they are useful and interesting in their own way

A little about the use of the product

The composition of buckwheat pasta almost completely repeats the composition of the core. These are:

  • mineral substances - iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and phosphorus;
  • vitamin PP and B vitamins;
  • proteins that are easily absorbed by the body;
  • carbohydrates.

Thanks to this composition, buckwheat pasta is quite useful. They normalize metabolism, improve blood circulation, positively influence the blood formula and do not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

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Note! Macaroni, cooked from buckwheat flour alone, are more useful than a combined version of them, including wheat flour. Such products do not contain gluten, and therefore can be in the diet of people with intolerance to gluten!

Pasta from buckwheat groats can have a different composition

Recommendations for the preparation of

As can be seen from the very name of pasta, they are based on crushed garlic in buckwheat flour. If you cook such noodles at home, then it is necessary to add a small amount of wheat flour to the buckwheat flour, otherwise you will not succeed. This is due to the fact that there is no gluten in buckwheat, which allows the dough to keep its shape, to be sticky.

With regard to the use of buckwheat pasta, then in its pure form without any additives they are usually not eaten. To make the dish complete and more delicious, add other ingredients, such as vegetables, fish, seafood, poultry or thick sauce to pasta.

Cook pasta from buckwheat flour is much less time than wheat - usually it takes literally 4-5 minutes. If you will also fry them together with other ingredients, then the cooking takes a minute and a half, no more.

Recipe for buckwheat noodles

Make buckwheat noodles at home is quite simple. The equipment that you need for this is a board, a rolling pin and a knife. But for rolling and cutting the dough, it's more convenient to use special machines. They are called noodles.

Note! With this tool, you make the dough fairly thin and cut it with the same strips!


  • 450 g of buckwheat flour;
  • 150 g of wheat flour;
  • 270 ml of water.

In a large bowl or simply on a cutting board we sift buckwheat and wheat flour, mix and, adding small portions of water, we begin to knead the dough. Once you feel that it has become dense and pliable, enough water.

Note! Water may need slightly more or less than indicated in the recipe!

We continue to knead the dough until all the air bubbles come out of it. To do this, you can throw it on the board several times. The total mixing time is about 10 minutes.

When the dough is ready, put it in a bowl and leave it for about a quarter of an hour, so that it "rests" a bit. After the specified time, we pluck from the total amount of it a small piece with a child's cam, make a ball out of it and roll it into a thin layer - it should turn out to be almost transparent. We cut the obtained layer into noodles. Sprinkle with flour.

Note! In this form, buckwheat noodles can be stored in the refrigerator for about five days!

In the saucepan, bring the water to a boil, add some salt to it and let down the noodles. Cook until ready, then put in a colander, add a little oil and mix.

Serving buckwheat noodles with sauce or other ingredients

Dishes with buckwheat pasta

In the following recipes, you can use ready-made( store) buckwheat pasta, and the noodles that you made yourself.

With mushrooms and vegetable stew


  • 100 g pasta;
  • 100 g of champignons;
  • bulb;
  • carrot root;
  • a pair of broccoli inflorescences;
  • eggplant;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • greens - basil, parsley, dill;
  • oil( better than olive oil).

The bulb is cleaned, cut into four parts and shredded. Carrots washed, peeled and cut into thin slabs. Eggplant is also cut into small strips, put in a bowl of water, add a little salt and leave for a quarter of an hour to leave the bitterness. After this time, we discard the eggplant slices in a colander and wait until the excess liquid leaves. Bulgarian pepper cut into strips, mushrooms - arbitrarily, broccoli is sorted into small inflorescences.

Fry mushrooms, and then all vegetables until a ruddy brown. Add half a cup of hot water and stew for 10 minutes. Solim. Prepare until the liquid is completely evaporated.

Boil the pasta to half-cooked and discarded in a colander. We spread them to vegetables, we add finely chopped greens. We mix and hold on fire still just a couple of minutes.

Buckwheat pasta with mushrooms and vegetable stew

With chicken fillet with soy sauce


  • 370 g of pasta;
  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • half a pod of chili peppers;
  • 100 g of string beans;
  • small carrots;
  • a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • tablespoon of butter;
  • sesame seeds.

We wash the chicken fillet, cut the fat and cut the meat into thin strips. In a frying pan, melt the butter and fry the chicken in it. We add carrots, cut with brusochkami, a string bean and some thin ringlets of chili. After five minutes, pour in the soy sauce, mix it well, cover it with a lid, reduce the gas supply.

Boil the pasta half-cooked in salted water, rinse it in a colander and put it into a frying pan to pieces of chicken. We cook on low heat for about five minutes. Served on a platter, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Buckwheat pasta with chicken fillet under soy sauce

In sour cream sauce with tofu


  • 280 g of pasta;
  • 170 g of tofu;
  • bulb( better red);
  • tablespoon butter;
  • 210 ml of sour cream;
  • a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce.

With the bulbs we remove the husks and finely shred. Chop the tofu cheese with a sharp knife into small cubes.

We cook pasta in salted water until half cooked, discarded in a colander and washed.

Heat the frying pan, melt a piece of butter on it and pass the onions to golden color. Pour in soy sauce, spread the pasta and with constant stirring prepare everything for 5 minutes. We pour sour cream, stew for a couple of minutes and remove it from the stove.

Serve hot, adding cubes of tofu cheese.

Buckwheat pasta with tofu cheese

If you cook dishes using purchased buckwheat pasta, then cook them according to the instructions on the package. This is due to the fact that manufacturers can add starch or algae to the product, which will affect the time of its preparation.

You can cook buckwheat pasta with any vegetables, meat, add them to soups or simply fry with a slice of garlic in vegetable oil. The last variant of cooking will make from an noodle an original snack.

Bon appetit!

  • Mar 08, 2018
  • 29
  • 115