Macadamia nut is a healing fruit, it needs the body as oxygen!

Macadamia belongs to the family of Proteaceae( drought-resistant plants with hard leaves that can hold moisture for a long time) and grows mainly in Australia and South Africa. The tree reaches a height of 15 meters, has leathery foliage, like most pro-ton plants, and gives delicious and healthy fruits, which people called "macadamia nut".


The name of the nut was given by the Australian botanist F. Müller in honor of his Scottish friend John McAdams. Muller in his works first described this unusual tree, which from his light hand became the object of close attention of famous scientists. Europeans appreciated the taste of nuts and made a real hunt for them. But since it was very difficult and labor-consuming to collect them manually, in the 20th century they invented a special assembly for collecting macadamia nuts, and the volume of their sales in Australia increased sharply. Two years later, almost 70 thousand tons of nuts were harvested - an unheard of harvest at that time.

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Macadamia began to be cultivated in South Africa, Hawaii, California and Brazil. Nowadays, about 40 thousand tons of nuts are harvested for a year, but still 40% of the harvest is in Australia.

Warning! Macadamia nut in the notion of Australians is a sacred fruit, capable of delivering many ailments.

In other countries, the product is considered one of the most expensive, as its collection is complicated, and the procurement takes a long time. Its price is quite high - from $ 30 per kg. It is caused not only by the labor-intensive procurement process, but also by the high medicinal qualities of the nuts.

Chemical composition and calorific value of

Macadamia nuts have a round, spherical shape and a very hard, dark brown shell. The kernels are smooth, shiny, their color varies from milky white to light brown.

Fruits are rich in chemical stuffing: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, essential oils, natural sugars, fiber, proteins, vitamins of group B, C, E. Especially large is a set of minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium,zinc, copper, selenium.

Because of the high medicinal qualities nuts are very expensive

Fats in nuts account for up to 75%, which makes the latter highly caloric - 717 kcal. That's why they make an incredibly useful oil that heals wounds and burns, cleanses the skin and gives it youth. It is part of many cosmetic products, the cost of which, as a rule, goes off scale.

Warning! Macadamia nut, the beneficial properties of which are admired by doctors, is very valuable for people, whereas dogs from it get strong intoxication.

After eating several nuts, the animal weakens and can not stand on its feet for 12 hours. Lethal outcome is unlikely, but the dog can be sick for 2-3 days.

Nutritional qualities of nuts

Regular use of macadamia nuts performs a variety of therapeutic functions:

  • relieves headaches with migraines;
  • facilitates the symptoms of joint and bone disease( with arthritis and osteoporosis);
  • heals angina and hypovitaminosis;
  • prevents the formation and development of tumors( due to high antioxidant properties);
  • prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular ailments;
  • relieves the body of excess cholesterol;
  • exposes carcinogens;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Warning! The benefits of macadamia nuts are also that they normalize the metabolism, and at the same time they correct the extra weight, in spite of the high nutritional value.

The product is useful for the heart and joints.

Macadamia oil

Macadamia oil is a valuable cosmetology product. It perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, so it is part of creams, masks, shampoos, balms, lipsticks and lotions.

Warning! The high cost of oil and its products is due to the fact that it does not cause allergies and side effects. And the whole point is that the composition of the product includes about 80% of fatty acids, similar in composition to the fat contained in human skin.

In addition to all, the oil is rich in mineral and vitamin complexes, which makes it an indispensable tool for caring for wilting and dry skin. It provides an excellent anti-aging effect, and also eliminates cellulite, varicose veins and couperose( in the initial stages).Shampoo or balm on the basis of this product restores hair bulbs, promotes their growth and gives strands shine, silky and strength.

Macadamia nut oil, the benefit of which is appreciated not only in cosmetology, but also in folk medicine, its composition is reminiscent of spermaceti oil, a substance derived from the head of a whale-sperm whale. This indicates that the product can be safely used to treat skin diseases, to treat non-healing and purulent wounds, burns, scars.

Recipes from

oil Macadamia oil is used for healing keratosis, allergies, dermatitis, dandruff, pigmentation, and also for modeling a figure.

In order to make the skin supple and elastic, prepare a cosmetic mixture of the following ingredients:

  • macadamia oil, olive and sesame - 1 tbsp.spoon;
  • essential oils of lemon, grapefruit, lavender and rosemary - 10 drops each;
  • flesh of one avocado;
  • aloe juice - 1 tbsp.a spoon.

All components are thoroughly mixed, the mass produced treat the problem areas of the body. Do not store the mixture in the refrigerator for more than a week. Before use, it must be heated.

Macadamia oil heals wounds and burns, rejuvenates the skin

For moisturizing and cleansing the face, use pure nuts. Wet a wet tampon and wipe your face.

Macadamia in Cooking

Useful properties of macadamia nut have found their application in cooking. It tastes like a hazelnut, but it is more delicate notes. The product is included in desserts, pastries, salads, meat and fish dishes. Many gourmets combine it with drinks, for example, with coffee and sherry, so that they get a new, interesting sound. Macadamia oil is recommended to be added to all foods. It gives them not only original taste qualities, but also useful substances.

Warning! In order to make the nuts even more delicious, they should be slightly poured before consumption.

Purchase and storage of the product

Buy the product preferably in a vacuum package, be sure to take a look at the expiry date and appearance of the nuts. They should be smooth, shiny, have a light color and a pleasant aroma - without rancidity and mold.

In order for nuts not to absorb all foreign smells, it is recommended to store them in a glass container with a hermetically sealed cover and in the refrigerator.


Australian macadamia nut has only useful properties, among the contraindications can be identified only the individual intolerance of the product.

The product has no contraindications and side effects

Attention! When using, pay attention to dosage - exceeding it can cause nausea and nosebleeds.

There is no harm to the body behind the nut, except perhaps for one - it contains a large number of calories. Abuse of macadamia can lead to weight gain.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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