Best sauce for buckwheat: a selection of recipes

  1. Sauces for buckwheat porridge: what's right for you?
  2. Vegetable sauces
  3. Mushroom sauce
  4. Sauce with meat
  5. To make the sauce tasty. ..!

Today we no longer have the opportunity to cook buckwheat porridge according to the traditionally Russian traditions - in the oven. Modern housewives either cook it on the stove, or languish in the oven, but no matter how hard they try, it's not possible to cook porridge, impregnated with a true buckwheat spirit. So our hostesses try to complement the taste of this garnish with new notes so that he can please every member of the family. And they do it through different sauces and gravy. And since this crop is combined with almost any product, it is not difficult to make a delicious sauce for buckwheat.

How to emphasize and supplement the buckwheat garnish? Make a good sauce!

Sauces for buckwheat porridge: what's right for you?

In general, the preparation of sauce - a simple matter, and therefore cope with this task can even beginner culinary. However, in order to surprise the dish, it is necessary to know which kind of sauce will be best combined with buckwheat. Due to its unique taste qualities, this groats perfectly harmonize with vegetables, meat, and mushrooms, which opens up vast expanses for the flight of fantasy.

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The easiest way to diversify the taste of buckwheat is to cook it with soy sauce. This dish is often included in dietary food, since it contains neither salt nor sugar. Garnish turns low-calorie, and thanks to a unique dressing, it's also quite original. For its preparation, buckwheat must be sorted, washed and calcined in a well-heated oven. Then we shift the rump to a saucepan and pour water: for 250 grams of buckwheat and a half cup of water. A few minutes before the readiness, add a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, mix and shampoo the porridge in a well-heated oven for half an hour. After the lulling time, the buckwheat will have a pleasant aroma and a special taste.

Vegetable Sauces

When we have absolutely no time to prepare the sauce for buckwheat porridge, we usually add to it ketchup, mayonnaise, at best sour cream, seasoned with fresh herbs and garlic. But if you have at least half an hour left, then this is enough to prepare a very tasty vegetable sauce. We suggest that you consider two fairly simple recipes.

Tomato sauce with herbs and herbs

To prepare this sauce you need the following products:

  • 3 juicy tomatoes;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • medium carrot root;
  • a couple of pods of Bulgarian pepper;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • 45-50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon of a mixture of fragrant herbs;
  • a small bunch of basil and parsley;
  • salt.

Onions are cleaned and very finely shredded. With carrots peel and grate on a fine grater. Tomatoes are blanched for half a minute in boiling water, after which we remove the peel and extract the seeds. Bulgarian pepper, cut into two parts, cleaned from seeds and white partitions, put it together with the pulp of tomatoes in a bowl of blender and we interrupt to a homogeneous consistency.

In the frying pan, heat the oil and put carrots and onions in it, pass for two to three minutes. Add the tomato mass, stir and simmer for another five minutes. Fresh greens thoroughly washed in several waters, finely cut with a knife and also sent to a frying pan. Then we put the garlic, herbs passed through the press and bring it to taste with salt.

Note! Consistency of this sauce you can adjust yourself, keeping it on fire its less or more time!

Buckwheat in such a tomato sauce is fully capable of being an independent dish and also perfectly combined with schnitzel, chopped chops and chicken ribbons.

Aromatic tomato sauce for buckwheat porridge

White sauce in Greek style

Another sauce for meatless buckwheat, which is best prepared in the summer, when plenty of fresh greens are abundant and juicy ground cucumbers ripen. So, the ingredients that we need:

  • a pair of small ground cucumbers;
  • a glass of homemade sour cream or natural yoghurt without sugar;
  • cloves of garlic;
  • small bunch of greens: basil, dill;
  • several mint leaves;
  • salt.

Cucumbers carefully washed, cut off the tips and cut as small as possible, squeeze the juice.

Tip! Cucumbers you can grate, pass through a meat grinder or simply cut with a knife!

Wash the greens, shake off the water and dry it on a paper towel. Sour cream or yogurt poured into a bowl, add cucumber mass, finely chopped garlic and chopped greens. Mix and add salt to taste.

This white sauce can be served with buckwheat with turkey meat or rabbit

Mushroom sauce

The most suitable sauce for buckwheat is mushroom.

Note! Even the famous culinary specialist V. Pokhlebkin called the dressing of mushrooms an originally Russian version of the sauce for buckwheat porridge and recommended just such a combination!

To prepare mushroom sauce you will need:

  • 250 g champignons;
  • half a cup of cream;
  • a pair of bulbs;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sour cream;
  • tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • small bunch of dill and parsley;
  • a pair of thyme sprigs;
  • salt.

Mushrooms are thoroughly washed, cut off the tips of the legs and peel off the hats. Cut into small pieces. We pour in a frying pan a little vegetable oil and we spread mushrooms. Fry them from all sides until the golden crust.

Onion is released from the husk, crushed and after about 20 minutes we add it to the frying pan to the mushrooms. We continue to fry for another five minutes.

Mix sour cream with cream, gently mix the flour and salt off. Add the resulting mixture to the mushrooms with onions. With constant stirring, bring the mass to a boil and put the finely chopped greens and herbs. Once again, we mix everything thoroughly and remove it from the plate.

Mushroom sauce is ideally combined with buckwheat porridge

Sauce with meat

Buckwheat sauce with meat is the most satisfying, and the recipe can include its different varieties: veal, pork, poultry, rabbit. The most delicious is considered to be a beef sauce, besides it has a presentable appearance, since such meat keeps the shape perfectly, and the pieces do not fall apart during cooking.

Ingredients that are needed:

  • 350 g beef fillet;
  • beef broth;
  • medium bulb;
  • a couple tablespoons of flour;
  • a couple tablespoons of butter;
  • half a cup of tomato juice or 3 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • herbs, salt.

We wash meat, cut it into small cubes. We put the frying pan on the fire, we burn a small piece of butter on it and fry the meat on it. When the pieces appear golden brown, add the beef broth in the frying pan and simmer for about 30-40 minutes.

The bulb is peeled from the husk and finely chopped. Passivate in a separate frying pan and add to the meat.

On a clean frying pan spread the remaining portion of butter and pass the flour on it.

Note! Thanks to this technique, the sauce will have a pleasant nutty taste!

When the flour has a light caramel color, dilute it with hot water and with intensive stirring make a homogeneous mass. Pour it into a frying pan to the meat, bring the sauce to taste with salt, spread the herbs. At the end, we pour tomato juice or pasta. Cover the frying pan with a lid and cook the sauce over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Meat sauce will make from a simple buckwheat cereal a delicious dish

To make the sauce tasty. ..!

And finally I want to give some recommendations that will help make the sauce very fragrant and delicious, because it will depend on it and the success of the whole dish.

  • Dishes in which you prepare the sauce( if the recipe, of course, involves thermal treatment) should be thick-walled. Due to this, the liquid will boil out slowly and the finely chopped ingredients will not burn.
  • If flour is to be added to the sauce, it must be diluted in a small amount of any liquid in order to avoid the appearance of lumps. It can be water, broth, cream, etc.
  • The sauce will be more flavorful and refined in taste, if you add a little dry wine. Usually, this ingredient is added at the initial stage of the sauce preparation and it is necessary to evaporate it a little.

Now buckwheat porridge will not seem like a fresh and uninteresting dish, because you will always have recipes for delicious sauces. You want to cook a lean dish, add vegetable or mushroom sauce to the porridge, you need to tasty and satisfyingly feed the guests, then choose a nutritious sauce with meat. Bon Appetit!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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