Useful tips: how to keep ginger without losing its qualities

  1. Types of ginger
  2. Methods of storage

One of the undeniable advantages of ginger root, in addition to the abundance of useful properties, is the ability to store for a long time without loss of these properties. How to store ginger correctly depends largely on the kind of this spice.

With proper storage, ginger can preserve its taste qualities up to 8-12 months.

Kinds of ginger

Today, ginger shops are offered in quite different forms. It can be:

  • fresh or dried root;
  • ground;
  • pickled ginger.

Each species is different in calorie, taste. For example, ground ginger is not at all like the taste of fresh ginger, but it is much less acute than the dried root. The choice of the species will depend on where you plan to use this product. How to store ginger properly also depends on its kind.

When choosing a fresh root, you need to pay attention to its appearance - the spine should be smooth, dense, not wrinkled. On the surface of the skin should not be damaged or incomprehensible spots. The stems and fibers suggest that the root is already old, and its length will indicate a large content of essential oils and nutrients.

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The younger the root, the lighter the color. With age, the root gets more and more yellow and becomes more fibrous.

In addition to this classification, there are also two original types of ginger - white and black, which differ from each other only in the way they are processed. Black ginger root after digging is washed with water and brushes, while white after cleaning from the skin is further treated with a solution of bleach.

Because of such processing, some of the aromatic substances are lost and white ginger turns less spicy. It is most often used in European cuisine, which is not accustomed to the severity of eastern cooking, where it is used more spicy black root.

Ways of storing

Typically, storing ginger at home is not too difficult, although the timing is not too big. Fresh ginger root is stored in the refrigerator, wrapping food film. Before this, it must be dried, so that no drops of moisture remain. In this form, useful properties persist for about a week. To slightly extend this period, the root can be pre-dried in the sun and stored by wrapping parchment. After that, you can put it in the refrigerator, cellar or other dark, cool place. Shelf life will increase to one month.

You can not store ginger in ordinary packages, it's better to wrap them in food film or parchment

Another option that tells how to store fresh ginger in the refrigerator:

  1. The root is soaked for 6-8 hours, then thoroughly peeled. It is best to scrape it off, not cut it, since most of the ginger's useful ingredients are concentrated under the skin.
  2. Put it in a container, pour boiling water and put it in the refrigerator.

So the root can be stored for about 3-4 weeks, while some of the beneficial properties will pass to water, but the basic medicinal and culinary properties will be preserved.

Water can be replaced with white wine, alcohol or vodka, and cut the root into small slices. This is an excellent life style for those who do not know how to keep ginger longer for use in culinary purposes fresh at home without freezing. Shelf life will increase to two months, and the taste will remain unchanged. At the same time, if alcohol or vodka was used, not only a usable rootlet will be obtained, but also a ginger tincture, which can be used as a medicine, added to tea, syrups or juices.

Gulf sliced ​​ginger with vodka, you can get not only a culinary ingredient, but also a medicinal tincture for fighting the common cold

Many happy owners of freezers, who are accustomed to using it to store vegetables, fruits and other goodies for the winter, are worried about whether it is possible to freeze ginger in the freezer as well as other products. There is no unanimous opinion about this - some believe that this can not be done, because under the influence of low temperatures, the root will lose all its useful properties. Although the taste qualities - aroma and spice - will remain with him, so it will be possible to use it for culinary purposes.

If the ginger root is needed for cooking, it is best to freeze it already peeled and grated, by forming small portioned tiles and wrapping them in food parchment. So frozen ginger will be much easier to use, and it will take less space in the freezer than the whole root. As a rule, stored frozen grated ginger root can be up to 8 months, which allows you to store it for future use.

Pickled ginger

In pickled ginger, as a rule, it is used for cooking various dishes from Japanese cuisine. It is stored in the refrigerator, in a closed glass jar no longer than 2-3 months - this is a fairly long period, which gives one more solution to the problem of how to keep ginger for future use without loss of flavor.

Pickled ginger retains its useful properties for several months, which allows you to store it for future use.

Marinated ginger can be bought in stores, or you can cook yourself. It is not at all difficult to do this if all the necessary ingredients are at hand:

  • ginger;
  • rice vinegar;
  • salt, sugar.

Ginger is cut into thin slices, placed in ceramic or glass dishes and poured with boiling marinade( vinegar with salt and sugar).After all has cooled down, the container with ginger is placed in the refrigerator for 6 hours - during this time it will be impregnated with the marinade and will acquire a specific taste and aroma.

Important! Metal pans for marinating ginger root are contraindicated!

Ground and dried ginger

The ginger root in the hammer and dried form is quite unpretentious to the storage conditions. The powder is stored in a tightly closed package at room temperature( not allowing it to rise to 35 degrees or more).

The best way to prolong the life of ground ginger is to store it in sealed packaging.

The dried root is also perfectly stored both at room temperature and in the refrigerator, preserving its useful properties for half a year. It is worth remembering that dried ginger is more acute than fresh, so before drinking it must be soaked in water for about 6-8 hours.

Ginger is a unique plant that can bring individuality and special zest to almost any dish. Observing the rules of its storage, you can store the root for the future for the whole year, pleasing your relatives with culinary delights and maintaining their health with useful tinctures and broths from ginger.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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