General description of fetus
Unlike Russians who are familiar with saucep only as a tea flavor, the inhabitants of the tropics know this plant,as a sour apple, anonymous prickly or guanabanu - a valuable food. In different languages of the world, the name of the plant is pronounced differently and has several varieties. In the countries of the former CIS, products based on saucep got the Portuguese sounding "graviola".
General characteristics of the fruit
The sour apple grows in Bermuda, the Bahamas, Sri Lanka and other resort areas. Initially, the tree was a small part of wild forests, and after the discovery of its remarkable culinary and medicinal properties, it was widely cultivated on specially created plantations.
The fruit of the tree is gravel - a multisen with a prickly skin and the smell of turpentine. A ripe light green or yellowish sausep fruit of about 30 to 15 cm and weighing up to 7 kg can not but remain unnoticed in the thick green foliage of a deciduous tree. Even in the photo, sausep fascinates with its gigantic dimensions. Hanging on thin twigs such a melon with soft thorns. Is it edible?
Nevertheless, the sour creamy white pulp is very much appreciated in cooking. At the first stage, it is important to carefully remove the poisonous seeds and you can safely try the exotic product to taste.
By the way, the immature fruit of sausep will not cause any emotions, unless - disappointment. Guanabanu is torn off half-green for commercial reasons, implying that the product will mature at the end user. The explanation is simple - the skin of an ideally ripe gravel becomes very tender, sensitive to damage during transportation. It is almost impossible to deliver such a product on the shelves without spoiling its marketable appearance.
Note! When buying a sour cream apple, press your finger on the skin. If it easily bends, then the fruit is ready for consumption, if not - it should be kept for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
Use in cooking
At the birthplace of the flesh of the guanabana( sour cream apple) is everywhere eaten fresh. At the same time, a different degree of maturity gives the product a unique taste: somewhere the flesh resembles a lemonade, somewhere a pineapple or a fragrant strawberry.
In the tropics cocktail recipes with graviola, milk and sugar are very popular. These drinks are classified as refreshing.
If the pulp of guanabana is squeezed out, then a puree juice is obtained. In the process of fermenting such a juice make cider - a known low-alcohol drink.
This experiments with the use of sour cream apple do not end. Adding to the juice or cider strong alcohol or fragrant spices allows you to get interesting cocktails and smoothies.
Also without the fruit of gravel, you can not do with the preparation of ice cream, cakes, jam and other mouth-watering desserts.
Benefits of
General properties of
All vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and important trace elements. The plant sausep is not an exception, and therefore has a mass of useful properties.
Thus, eating sour cream products:
- normalizes the digestive system
- contributes to weight loss
- improves the condition in diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- strengthens the immunity
- reduces pressure
- prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia
- favorably affects the organs of vision.
Note! Juice, wrung from the gravel, an excellent antiparasitic agent: from worms, fungi, herpes virus and other troubles. It can be drunk, and can be used externally in the form of lotions or triturates.
Application in medicine
Official medicine does not recognize sausep as a medicinal plant. However, scientists have shown that graviol juice has a weak diuretic effect and facilitates the condition of a patient suffering from kidney diseases. In addition, pharmacists do not deny that the oil of poisonous seeds is an effective tool in the fight against lice.
Representatives of alternative medicine argue that the product is able to prevent and stop the development of cancer. Since 1976, scientists are actively developing in this area, proving the effectiveness of sour apple against cancer. But! So far, there have been no official statements from pharmacists.
That's interesting! In 1997, scientists noted the special activity of acetogenins( a substance contained in sausep) in the fight against cancer cells immediately after the course of chemotherapy. If we consider that 2% of affected cells acquire resistance to drugs, then the discovery of new medicinal components can not but cause the interest of pharmacists.
It's too early to shout to the whole world about the powerful antitumor property of the sour cream apple. However, we should not exclude the possibility that in the future the fruit of sausepa will indeed become a panacea for a deadly disease.
Buy at the pharmacy
It's very problematic to buy sausep or graviol preparations in a pharmacy. Basically powders, oils or extracts in the form of capsules are sold in specialized stores, in sections vitamins, dietary supplements.
If you carefully study the instructions for these products, then their purpose is reduced to the general strengthening effect, support of immunity and prevention of oncology.
Indications for use are:
- stress state
- intense physical activity
- mental overstrain
- tendency to frequent colds
- increased pressure
- prevention of cardiac and vascular diseases.
It is noted that there are contraindications. You can not eat fresh product, as well as extracts or oils of sausep in children, hypotension, pregnant women, patients with any manifestations of parkinsonism.
Important! An overdose of any of the drugs will certainly cause nausea and vomiting, and can also lead to severe consequences in the form of exacerbation of mental disorders.
Simple recipes
In shops, guanabanu is sold as freshly frozen, and in the form of syrup. This product is good for use as a useful and natural additive for cooking home dishes. The tropical flavor is able to turn ordinary cream into an exotic drink, and bitten berry jelly into a special jelly. Here are a few simple and affordable recipes.
Milk cocktail
Ingredients: 100 g fresh or frozen gravel, 100 g milk( cream), 2 tsp. Sahara. Mix all the ingredients in a blender or mixer. Serve chilled.
Composition: 500 ml cream, 200 g condensed milk, flesh from 2 sausep fruits, 5 tbsp.l. Nutella( another chocolate paste), 1 tbsp.vanilla extract, 2 tbsp.creamy liqueur.
At first, whip the cream and divide into 2 parts. For the first layer of ice cream, you need to mix and beat with a submerged blender the pulp of guanabana, vanilla extract and condensed milk. The resulting mashed potatoes should be added to one half of the cream and mixed gently.
In the next step, the creamy liqueur is beaten with chocolate paste. The mixture is added to the second part of the cream, thoroughly mixed.
It remains to put disposable cups in layers alternately 2 kinds of mixtures - chocolate and sausep, insert a wooden stick into each glass and send ice cream to the freezer.
After hardening, the product can be extracted, slightly heated in the hands of cups, and after pulling the sticks. Ice cream is ready.
Ingredients: ½ kg of cottage cheese, 100 g of pulp of gravel, 2 tbsp.flour, 3 tbsp.sugar, one egg, a pinch of cinnamon, vegetable oil.
The pulp of guanabany is ground on a shallow grater. In a bowl, mix cottage cheese with egg, add cinnamon, pulp of exotic fruit and flour.
While the vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan, cheese cakes are formed from a dense mixture and fry them on both sides on medium heat.
The dish is served with sour cream or condensed milk.
Growing a tree at home
Unlike bananas and mandarins, guanaban can not be called a product that is in demand in the territory of the former CIS countries. Finding a fresh fruit is very difficult.
In order not to chase an exotic fruit, it is worth trying to grow a tree in your own country house, in a greenhouse. It is believed that the plant sausepa is rather unpretentious, and the first fruits give already at the age of three.
Initially, the seeds are soaked for 24 hours in water at room temperature, and then planted in a flower pot. The best time to plant is winter. The sprout appears within 30 days. The plant likes sunny window sills and regular moderate watering.
By autumn the plant can discard leaves. This is normal. The main thing is that by this time sausep is stronger, the thin stalk slightly lignified and gained strength for a long wintering.
In the first year, an exotic sapling is best not to bother, do not try to break off the tops to get branches or transplant into a comfortable pot. Everything has its time.
Any manipulation with the gravel tree is best done when it grows to a height of 15-20 cm.
This concludes by examining the useful properties, recipes and features of growing tropical fruit at home. Let acquaintance with the new product will benefit and positive impressions!