Contents: What is pectin - description of
Pectin is a natural polysaccharide that is made from various fruits, berries and vegetables. It is actively used in the food, cosmetic, medical field, so more and more people are wondering what pectin is and how it can be useful for health.
for its properties. What is a pectin - description of
Pectin is a purified polysaccharide with a high molecular weight. This fiber( fiber) dissolves easily in water, forming a gel-like mass, which is an extremely favorable medium for the development of useful microflora. There is pectin in the cell walls of plants. It is thanks to him that the fruits of plants have the ability to retain moisture, maintain their appearance and properties during storage.
Extract pectin by extraction from apple or citrus pomace. In the food industry, the extract obtained is used as the food additive E440.
Products containing pectin
Learn.where pectin is contained, is quite simple. For the most part, these are berries, fruits, as well as some root vegetables and vegetables:
- apples;
- peaches, apricots, plums;
- tangerines;
- lemons, oranges;
- raspberry, strawberry;
- cherry, cherry;
- gooseberries, black currants, grapes;
- melon, watermelon;
- cranberry;
- onion, carrot;
- cabbage, carrots;
- potatoes, beets;
- eggplant, cucumber.
However, the amount of this type of fiber they have very different. Therefore, for industrial extraction of pectin, only several types of plant raw materials are used:
- Apple pulp( pectin content 10-15%).
- Sugar beet pulp( 10-20%).Sunflower baskets( 15-20%).
- Citrus peel( 20-35%).
In the food industry, apple and citrus pectin are most often used.
Than it is useful and how to use
Pectin brings a lot of benefit to the body, as it is a natural plant fiber. It is necessary for:
- normalization of metabolism;
- lowering cholesterol;
- improvement of peripheral circulation;
- stimulation of the intestine;
- cleanse the body of accumulated slags, toxins, pesticides and other harmful substances;
- removes heavy metals and radioactive elements;
- prevention of cardiovascular and cancer, diabetes.
Enveloping and astringent properties of pectin have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, especially noticeable in ulcerative diseases, when pectin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
Also pectin is able to activate the work of microorganisms that produce the necessary vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract.
Apple pectin at the same time additionally affects:
- the rate of absorption of sugar and fats, reducing the level of glucose;
- pressure adjustment;
- weight reduction;
- improvement of complexion, cleansing of the skin.
In the food industry, pectin is used as a thickener and gellant to produce a wide variety of products:
- candies;
- fruit fillers;
- jelly and pastel products;
- of dairy products;
- ice cream;
- various desserts;
- mayonnaise and ketchup;
- marmalade, marshmallow, pastille.
Apple pectins are more often used in confectionery products, while citrus varieties are used to create canned goods( including packaged fruit juices and juice-containing drinks) and dairy products. Find out what products contain pectin, you can examine the composition on the package. As a rule, it is designated there as a food supplement E440.
. Also, pectin can be used for food, adding to drinks, cereal or simply stirring with water. Produce it in two forms - powder and liquid extract. The first option is better to add to drinks and cold dishes, while liquid - to hot foods.
The following conditions or illnesses may be considered indications for the use of pectin:
- excessive weight;
- digestive problems( constipation, flatulence);
- dysbiosis;
- cholecystitis and cholelithiasis;
- decreased immunity.
It can also be used for the prevention of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, malignant tumors, ulcers and diabetes mellitus. Pectin must be included in the diet of employees of the chemical industry or people living in contaminated areas with chemical or radioactive emissions. Their daily norm is 15 grams of this fiber.
Pectin for weight loss
Very often this polysaccharide is included in the diet of people who follow a diet and try to lose weight. This is due to the fact that pectin is a natural fiber with all its inherent advantages:
- promotes the excretion of carbohydrates from the body, thereby "freeing up" the accumulated fat stores;
- turning into a gel, pectin stretches the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety, which remains for a long time. This reduces the amount of calories eaten;
- accelerates the metabolism, which is also very useful for weight normalization;
- is active, effective and, at the same time, gently cleanses the body of accumulated slag and other wastes.
Before you start taking pectin for weight loss, you need to consult a specialist who tells you how to use it correctly, so as not to harm your health. According to general recommendations, those who want to lose weight should take 20-25 g of pectin every day, which will provide a quick effect.
Also to control the weight and purification of the body as a whole, it is recommended to include in the diet rich in pectin products, which will tonify the body.
Important! The highest concentration of this polysaccharide is observed in fully ripened fruits. You can make sure of this by mixing a teaspoon of chopped pulp with a tablespoon of alcohol and shaking them. A high content of pectin converts the mixture into a gel-like mass.
Contraindications to the use of
If you misuse pectin, you can cross out all the possible benefits and cause serious harm to the body. It is necessary to adhere strictly to the recommended dosages, since the abuse is fraught with several problems:
- decrease in absorption of useful trace elements( iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc);
- fermentation in the large intestine, flatulence, colic;
- destabilization of intestinal microflora;
- appearance of a rash on the body;
- decrease in digestibility of necessary proteins and fats.
An overdose of pectin can occur only when it is taken as a food supplement, since the amount contained in vegetables, berries or fruits is relatively small and can not cause a similar result. On average, 0.5 kg of fruit contains only 5 g of pectin, while the norm for an adult is 15-30 g.
Also, pectin should not be taken if an individual is intolerant to this substance. In this case, it is important to track its presence in the purchased products, paying attention to the E440 additive.
Contraindications to the use of pectin are:
- acute cholecystitis;
- an open ulcer of the stomach or intestines.
Important! Pectin interferes with the full absorption of iron, so in the case of a parallel intake of these substances, you need to dispense them in time, leaving an interval of about 2 hours.
During the course of pectin use, it is necessary to carefully monitor the water balance and drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day.
Pectin substitutes in cooking
In home cooking pectin is most often used for cooking various jams, confitures, jam, as well as sweets - marshmallow, marmalade or pastille. Gelatin and agar-agar have similar gelatinizing properties. Choose what to replace the pectin in each case, you need to rely on the recipe and the desired result. In general, the properties of these substances are similar, although there are some nuances.
In particular, gelatin is a thickener of animal origin, which is extracted from bones, cartilages, skins and tendons of animals. It is sold in the form of powder or plates and is the most common substance of the three. Gelatin deficiencies include its origin, which makes it unsuitable for a vegetarian menu, as well as the inability to obtain the desired results in the preparation of certain sweets( for example, hard marmalade).
Agar-agar, like pectin itself, is of vegetable origin, although it is not extracted from fruits or vegetables, but from algae. This thickener has a neutral taste and smell, so it can be used in virtually any recipes. At the same time, it is quite resistant to temperature changes, so the sweets cooked on its basis will keep its shape even in a very warm room.
Agar-agar is also marketed in two forms - powder and plates. Experienced housewives recommend buying exactly the powder, since it is more convenient to work with it and measure the required dosages. The main difference between agar-agar and gelatin is the need to use hot water or even boiling water for dissolution.
Being a natural fiber, pectin can gently and gently cleanse the body, activate the work of its systems, withdraw accumulated surpluses and harmful substances. Regular consumption of pectin-rich fruits or vegetables will become a pledge of good health and an excellent figure for many years.