Jerusalem artichoke is a valuable and healing root crop

  1. Extraordinary vegetable
  2. Fond of nutrients
  3. Therapeutic and dietary properties of
  4. We take with health in mind

Outlandish vegetable

Judging by the fact that Jerusalem artichoke has several sonorous names( the tuberberry sunflower, earthen pear, sunny root, Jerusalem artichoke), thisthe plant has grown fond of people from different countries and continents. The native land of this root crop is North America, in the epoch of great conquests it migrated to the Old World, and from there it spread to Asia. Due to the similarity in taste with potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke can quite replace in some dishes "earth apple".It is known that the benefits and harm of Jerusalem artichoke have already been the subject of research in medicine and dietology. There are individual cases( we will mention them later), when the use of Jerusalem artichoke is undesirable. However, in general, from it - the continuous benefit of fatigued loads and negative environmental factors to the body.

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What does Jerusalem artichoke look like? The flower is similar to a small sunflower, the stems of the plant are high( up to 2 m), and the root crops look like ginger, and to taste - potatoes with a taste of sweetness or cabbage.

Fond of useful substances

Jerusalem artichoke, or earth pear is rich in organic acids, trace elements, vitamin plant components that give a person health and ease the course of diseases.

The chemical composition of Jerusalem artichoke, in addition to common vitamins( carotene, PP, C, B1, B2), is represented by many unique substances and useful natural compounds.

Organic acids( malic, raspberry, amber and fumaric) antioxidant action.
Pectines cleansing the body;
normalization and regulation of the intestine;
removal of harmful cholesterol compounds, poisonous substances( pesticides, heavy metal compounds, radioactive substances) that trigger the onset of atherosclerosis and cholelithiasis. ..
Inulin lowering of blood glucose level;help with diabetes and pancreatitis.
Silicon is involved in the process of collagen formation, heals hair, skin, nails;
strengthens bone tissue.

Read more about what it is for an amazing plant - Jerusalem artichoke, what properties it possesses, as well as its benefits and harm to the body - you can learn from the video at the end of the article.

Therapeutic and dietary properties of

Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of artichoke, you can competently approach the issue of maintaining your health in good condition.

  • Jerusalem artichoke activates and brings to normal the function of many body systems - nervous, immune, endocrine, circulatory.
  • "Earth Pear" stimulates lactation: if the mother has little milk or it is gone, taking raw tubers and Jerusalem artichoke juice can bring back the joy of breastfeeding.
  • Due to the healing effect and useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke is recommended to use for various pathological conditions of the liver: cirrhosis, hepatitis of various origin and severity, obesity, intoxication.
  • With regular use of this root, the intestines get rid of the products of decay, it forms a healthy useful microflora.
  • The invaluable benefit of the "solar root" allows it to be used in the treatment of complex ailments( for example, the use of products from Jerusalem artichoke with diabetes is known) and even for the prevention of oncology.

Assistant for severe ailments

Jerusalem artichoke is useful in diabetes, because its tubers contain a natural insulin analog - inulin, which is a soluble polysaccharide. When inulin enters the human body, the process of its cleavage begins, and some of the inulin is converted into fructose molecules, which remove from the blood the toxic products of the decomposition of various substances. Undivided parts of inulin help to cleanse the body of harmful cholesterol. The help of Jerusalem artichoke will be invaluable in pancreatitis, because the reduction of sugar in the blood regulates the pancreas.

For people suffering from diabetes, produce a variety of specialized dietary products, which include a Jerusalem artichoke

. Warnings

. As experts say, it is impossible to significantly damage the body using Jerusalem artichoke. But of course, there are contraindications, as with all products:

  • A rare phenomenon is the individual intolerance of the "earth pear".Never try Jerusalem artichoke, do not eat it in large quantities. It is enough to check the reaction of the body with a small dose of the product. If any negative effects are not noticed, you can safely apply it for the treatment and prevention of diseases.
  • Because of the high content of inartenberry in Jerusalem artichoke inulin and fiber, the intestine can "respond" to excessive gassing and discomfort. Therefore, to consume raw vegetables does not follow those who are prone to the manifestation of flatulence. But the dishes made from Jerusalem artichoke, seasoned with cumin, cilantro, on the contrary - reduce the formation of gas.
For eating and treating, only mature roots of Jerusalem artichoke are used that are excavated in autumn.

. Tip: When choosing root crops, you need to pay attention to their appearance - they must be dry, and there should be no stains or damage from the outside on the peel. How to store Jerusalem artichoke in order to save a maximum of useful substances? If you want to keep fresh roots, then the storage room should be well ventilated, without changes in temperature. It is desirable that there is kept the temperature no higher than 15. In addition, you can freeze or dry these useful tubers.

We take with health benefits

The tubers of "earthen pear" are used both raw and subjected to different heat treatment - cook, fry, cook desserts and drinks( for example, broth or kvass).How to use Jerusalem artichoke for health improvement? It is desirable to fresh( only need to peel tubers, like potatoes, and cut them with brusochkami), in the form of powder or juice.

Tip: If you do not have any ailments and just want to cleanse the body of toxins, then for preventive purposes you can eat fresh root vegetables three times three times a day in portions of 150 g for 25-30 minutes before meals for 5 days. The work of the intestine is normalized, the vessels will have a "second youth", many organs and systems will come into tonus.

Drinking juice

Carrying out the treatment with Jerusalem artichoke, you can get rid of constipation, reduce the acidity of the stomach, ease the condition of inflamed organs, regulate metabolism and "clean" the urinary system.

Unexpected positive effect of Jerusalem artichoke gives after curing headaches due to purification of blood vessels and normalization of cerebral circulation


To prepare juice from "earthen pear", fresh roots should be thoroughly rinsed, but not peeled. Further, they are either passed through a meat grinder, or ground using an ordinary grater. Kashitsu need to squeeze, drain the liquid through the cheesecloth. Further, the juice is taken according to the recommendations, depending on the indications. It is important to remember that this freshly squeezed product should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 12 hours in order to preserve all the unique properties of Jerusalem artichoke.

Tip: For the prevention of atherosclerosis, mild cleansing of the digestive tract and intestines, it is necessary to take juice 10-14 days to 150 ml per day once before meals.

Powder consumption

Powder of Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent analogue of the vitaminized drink from chicory


It is good to dry in the oven or special dryer for fruit thin slices of Jerusalem artichoke before they acquire a brown color. Then they can be ground in a coffee grinder or thoroughly crushed in a mortar. The resulting powder is brewed with boiling water, insist up to 5 minutes.and enjoy this vitaminized drink that is not inferior to the taste of "coffee" from chicory, but according to certain useful and health-improving properties, even surpassing it!

So, in the absence of contraindications, the use of Jerusalem artichoke will bring much more benefit than harm.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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