Nutritious smoothie with oatmeal for weight loss

Smoothies with oatmeal normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize metabolic processes. This cocktail can include vegetables, fruits, dairy products and juices. All these components bring huge benefits to human health, as they ensure normal digestion, which is the key to beautiful skin and a slender figure. It is for this reason that smoothies are preferred by those who wish to lose weight.

Cocktail with oat flakes will be an excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds

Recipes of low-calorie drinks

Smoothies with oat flakes are in great demand. They take up a little more time than usual fruit and vegetable cocktails, but the result is worth it. About 10 minutes will take the preparation of the oatmeal itself, which must be filled with hot water or milk, and left for swelling. At this time, you should take care of other ingredients - fruits and berries. You can use only one particular fruit or make a mix. Here everything will depend on your taste preferences.

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While oatmeal is infused, the products for smoothies should be cleaned, rinsed and cleaned if necessary. Further, all components are placed in the bowl of the combine and are ground to a uniform consistency.

Tip! The beverage need not be uniform. If you or your loved ones prefer rough grinding, when pieces of fruit are found in smoothies, then this is quite acceptable.

Make the cocktail original, adding to it your favorite spices

With the banana

The most popular smoothie with oatmeal contains a banana. Prepare this drink for breakfast and rest assured that it will only benefit your body.

  1. 2 tablespoons of oat flakes pour 50 g of boiling water.

    Tip! It is not necessary to use oat flakes, you can take rice or buckwheat. Choose your taste.

  2. 2 sweet mandarin or 1 orange peel, choose seeds, fillets to release from white films.

  3. Banana cut into slices.
  4. Put the fruit and flakes in the blender.
  5. Pour 150 ml of natural yogurt.

    Tip! Try to choose yogurt without any flavors and additives. If you could not find one, then it can be replaced with low-fat sour cream or kefir.

  6. Combine the contents of the bowl to the desired consistency.

Ready banana smoothie with oatmeal pour on low glasses and decorate with a mint leaf. If you like sweet drinks, then choose bananas slightly overripe, on the skin of which there were small dark spots. For those who prefer to feel light acid, it is recommended to put more citrus.

This smoothie is very satisfying, but at the same time soft and light

With cranberries

It offers you to try slimming smoothies with oatmeal and cranberries, which has a rather interesting slightly tart flavor. You can use both fresh and frozen berries. In the latter case you will get a nice cool drink.

  1. Pour two tablespoons of flakes with boiling water.
  2. 100 g of cranberries to sort, rinse and fold in a blender.
  3. Add 140 ml of yogurt and a couple of teaspoons of honey.
  4. Put oatmeal and shake until smooth.
Oat and cranberry smoothies - a great start to the day

With kiwi

Considering smoothie recipes with oatmeal, it is worth paying attention to a drink with kiwi content. This product effectively burns fats, so it is ideal for weight loss.

  1. Brew green tea.
  2. Oatmeal steamed in boiling water.
  3. 3 kiwi clean and cut into slices.

    Tip! To remove a thin layer of peel from kiwi, it must be cut in half and take out the pulp with a tablespoon.

  4. Put the prepared fruit, oatmeal and pour 100 ml of tea into the blender bowl.
  5. Ingredients to beat.
Smoothies with kiwi will make the figure slim, will prolong the beauty and youth

With cherry

This smoothies will please even the smallest members of your family, who are so hard to persuade to eat oatmeal.

  1. 2 tablespoons oat flakes pour a small amount of hot milk.
  2. 100 g of cherries to sort, rinse and free from bones.
  3. In the bowl combine combine berries, oatmeal, add a spoon of honey, 100 ml of yogurt and beat.
  4. Ready cocktail decorate with cinnamon and cherries.
Smoothies with oatmeal and cherry will be an ideal dessert at the children's holiday

With blueberries

Blueberry oats smoothly refreshes and quenches thirst. He takes an honorable place in the diet of many supporters of healthy eating.

  1. Half a glass of oatmeal pour a glass of natural yogurt and leave overnight.
  2. Next morning, peel and rinse 200 g of blueberries.

  3. Add berries and oatmeal to the blender bowl.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and a glass of milk.
  5. All to shake.

Tip! If you want to get a cool drink, you can prepare berries in the evening and put them in the freezer or use ice cubes instead of milk.

Blueberry smoothies will increase efficiency and clarify

thoughts. Small tricks of

  1. . If you combine acidic and sweet foods in one cocktail, its taste will turn out to be more enriched.
  2. In smoothies intended for weight loss, do not include ice cream, cream and fatty sour cream. Replace them with low-fat kefir or natural yoghurt.
  3. Do not add purchased juices to these drinks, use a juicer instead.
  4. When using this or that smoothie always listen to your body, as not every recipe can suit you.

Oatmeal smoothies can be drunk for breakfast, snack and used directly before training. Enriched with carbohydrates drink will give you strength, saturate the body with energy and will give a great mood for the whole day.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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