Fruit for five stars - carambola!

Homeland of carambola is Southeast Asia. There, this fruit is as popular as we have apples. Yes, and to taste it is very reminiscent of it, except that it is more watery.

In Europe, it is loved for the unusual shape of the fruit, with a cross-section resembling a five-pointed star. Thanks to her, the fruit of carambola is often used to decorate a festive table. This exotic alien is also famous for its medicinal properties.

Carambola - description of

Carambola comes from the family of Acidic. It can also be called "starfruit", "cornichon", "carom", "star apple".It is cultivated in many Southern countries. The distribution area is India, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Israel, Polynesia, Sri Lanka, South America.


The carambola is an evergreen tree, up to 12 m high, with long drooping branches and pinnate leaves that are elongated in length. The plant has a dense crown, the branches of which sometimes descend to the ground. It is light-loving enough and can not tolerate blackout. He likes good watering, loose, rich soil. For more information about how the carambola looks like, see the photo below:

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The tree grows to 12 m in length and has a thick, sprawling crown.

The ripe fruit has a golden, honey-amber color and a ribbed shape. In size, it approaches the size of the average chicken egg, but there are also larger specimens.

The fruits of the carambola are yellow and have a ribbed form.

. The plant blooms with small pinkish or purple-red inflorescences. Flowers are located on short petioles and collected in a brush like grape.

Inflorescence small, pink or bright crimson

Interesting fact! Carambola, it turns out, is a close relative of the common acid, or, as it is also called, "hare cabbage", which is widespread in the Russian forests.

What is a fruit?

The fruit of the carambola fell in love with the Europeans for their unusual star shape. Thanks to her decorate the table is easy. In addition, the fruit has a very pleasant sweet and sour taste, similar to grapes, apple and gooseberry at the same time. Mature fruits have a bright yellow color. Unripe carambola is green, the taste of it resembles a cucumber.

Ripe fruit has a bright yellow color.

The fruit of carambola contains a large amount of moisture. From them you can prepare a refreshing drink, and the fruit itself is delicious. It is good in salads, snacks, hot dishes. A very unusual taste is obtained when this fruit is combined with other vegetables and meat dishes. They can decorate cake or dessert. Unripe fruits can be preserved as vegetables, salt, marinate.

How is carambola cooked at home? How do they eat it in other countries? Depending on local traditions, mentality, this fruit is used in its own way among different peoples. For example, the Chinese prefer to cook fish dishes with him. And at home, it is used in raw form, along with peel, like a tomato. Europeans prefer to use it to decorate salads, cakes, cocktails. Hawaiians make from it a delicious dessert, adding to it lemon juice and gelatin.

An interesting fact! In Thailand, the juice of the carambola fruit is used as a stain remover, as well as for polishing copper and brass parts.

Useful properties and application of

Useful properties of carambola are not limited only to culinary qualities. It is widely used in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. Use fruit juice, flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, young branches.

Useful properties

The fruit of the carambola contains the following useful substances:

  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • organic acids.

Group B vitamins are useful for the nervous system, A - necessary for skin and vision, C - strengthens the immune system. Microelements are involved in many processes occurring in the body, are part of the bones and soft tissues. Organic acids are essential for fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Useful fruit properties:

  • antioxidant
  • soothing
  • restorative
  • immunostimulating
  • anti-inflammatory
  • toning
  • diuretic
  • antifungal.

Tip! It is best to eat the fruit in its raw form, in order to get the maximum effect from its use.

Application of

For medicinal purposes, not only fruits are used. From leaves, branches, flowers and seeds, plants are prepared with various broths and tinctures that are applied inside or outside.

Carambola is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • internal and external bleeding;
  • kidney disease;
  • skin diseases;
  • of arthritis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • of nervous disorders.

In addition, canned fruits perfectly remove hangover syndrome, help with diarrhea. A decoction of seeds helps to increase the production of milk in nursing women. Shredded roots with sugar help with poisoning.


For all its useful properties, carambola has the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • kidney failure.

Before using it, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Needless to get involved in this fruit also should not otherwise be violated water-salt metabolism.

How to grow a tree at home?

Carambola is suitable for growing at home. In a favorable environment, it begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years when planted with the help of seed. To shorten the period to 1-2 years, you can, if you use a layer with an already developed root system. They also use the vaccine to get the fruits of the desired quality.

Plant seeds in ordinary pots with a good drainage system. For earth mix use peat, humus and vermiculite in equal parts. Seedlings appear after 1-2 weeks. With good care and abundant watering, they grow rapidly, so every year the seedlings must be transplanted. In winter, use light and reduce watering. Carambola blossoms several times a year and, with due care, will please its owners with delicious and healthy fruits.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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