Cranberry garden - how to grow a curative shrub on your site and can it be?

  1. Cranberries - its harsh habitat and the possibility of planting near the house
  2. The healing power of scarlet cranberries
  3. How to choose the cranberries for your site
  4. Planting the garden cranberries around the house and caring for shrubs
  5. How to expand your cranberry possessions

If a person has his own house or cottage, then he can be called happy, because he has the opportunity to grow his own garden, garden and enjoy the landscape on the summer veranda. In our time, a healthy lifestyle has become very popular, and that's right. But you do not need to rush for fashionable drugs for beauty and health in a pharmacy, your own patch may be curative, or, rather, plants on it. Do you want to plant a shrub that will help to forget about the season of colds, will make your health strong, adjust digestion? Of course. Then you need a garden cranberry near the house, and no, you do not have to make a swamp so that the bushes grow.

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Cranberries are its harsh habitat and the possibility of planting near the house.

It is believed that cranberries grow exclusively in swamps, where there are many peat, shadows and, most importantly, moisture. In part, yes, and the native places of culture are the Far East, the Urals, Siberia, Sakhalin. But this does not mean that it can not be grown as a currant or gooseberry around the house in other regions of our country. After all, it is very convenient, not everyone can go far into the forest, walk on the swamps to pick a miracle-berry. In addition, for a long time there are different varieties that have expanded the possibilities of summer residents.

That's how cranberries grow in nature
Do you need to make a swamp or fill a designated place on the site with water to grow a cranberry garden? No, of course, unless you have a nearby swamp that nature itself has created. Culture needs plenty of water - yes, but the same cucumbers in the season must be poured every day, yes, even with warm water to harvest. All the features of growing red berries you will find here. Well, for now, let's talk about the benefits, and why it all, in general, is needed. Well, for those who do not know how unique the berry is.

Healing power of crimson cranberries

Why should you plant a shrub on the plot, spending some strength and time? Because you can create your own home pharmacy and do so many different dishes from the berry. Yes, cranberries do not differ with their sweetness and aroma, but if you know what it can, and the recipes by which you prepare real culinary masterpieces, then the opinion changes immediately.

Berries fight diseases

So, cranberries in the garden are:

  • powerful protection against colds, since the berry has the ability to fight the entire pathogenic flora;
  • support health. Due to the vitamin composition and minerals strengthens the immunity of adults and children;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and it helps to break down all food, thereby regulating the work of the digestive tract;
  • is a powerful antioxidant that removes toxins from the body, stains, stagnation, which generally affects health and our appearance;
  • assistant and those who are suffering from the ailments of the genitourinary system;
  • prevention of cancer. Scientists, studying the useful properties of the beak, found out that it can help in a hard struggle with oncology and serve as a defense against it;
  • a fighter with pathogenic flora in the oral cavity.

There are a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, manganese, silver, copper, phytoncides, tannins, vitamins and acids - lemon, acetic, sorrel. There are pectins, they influence beneficial on our stomach, helping to fight gastritis. Natural gifts are fiber, which cleans, normalizes the work of the digestive tract, and even contributes to weight loss. You can talk for a long time about the benefits, but the essence is already clear to you, we think, many summer residents and owners of their homes already want to plant a culture. But first you need to know what sorts of crops will yield and do not disappoint.

For information! Due to the large number of acids, the leader among which is lemon, cranberries are called "northern lemon" or "lemon of the north".

How to choose the right cranberry for your site

Every experienced summer resident knows that the success of planting in the form of a good harvest depends on many factors, and one of the most important is a competently chosen variety. This is important information for you, so that the forces are not wasted.

Saplings can be sold differently

Varieties of large-crusted garden cranberries:

  • "Scarlet Protected".An excellent winter hardy variety that was bred by crossing wild cranberries. Gives a very good harvest with its low growth, hibernates even at -35 degrees and does not freeze under a snow cover. The shape of the berries can be slightly different, weight up to 1 gram. Harvest can be collected from the second decade of the first month of autumn. One square meter can give up to one and a half kilograms of berries;
  • "Pilgrim".This cranberry is considered more thermophilic, but still it can suffer from mold, it grows not fast. But the works pay off with large fruits - up to 2.5 grams, good returns - up to 1.5-2 kg per square meter. The beautiful color of the fruits is purple, well suited for conservation, matures in the first ten days of October;
  • "The Beauty of the North".It is also a hybrid that was created from wild varieties, but the ancestral cranberry grew somewhere in distant Karelia. Also withstands frost more than -35 degrees. It is noted that the variety is not sick, it has a good return, and there are no minuses. Moreover, it is one of the leaders in the mass of berries - up to 5 grams, an average of 3 grams. Ripens already in the beginning of September, and productivity can reach up to 3.5 kg per square meter;
  • "Red Star".This is one of the most favorite varieties, is valued for being able to survive in the cold at -30 degrees, has high decorative. That is, this species can be planted not only to collect berries, but also for rock garden, rockery. The weight of the berries is up to 2 grams, the taste is sweet-sour, the yield is up to 2 kg. Ripening late - at the end of September;
  • "Stevens".This large-fruited cranberry surprises the cottage dwellers with their own, sometimes record, crops. Bushes are powerful, shoots grow up, fruits are dark. It is best to give a harvest for 3-4 years of life, almost never attack its diseases and pests, perfectly winter. Ripens to the beginning of October, the weight of fruits - up to 3 grams, and the yield - up to 3.5 kg;
  • Wilcox. And the last grade, but on the importance that you can choose for your home. It is a record holder for use, suitable for feeding sick people, those who need diets. It grows compactly, unpretentiously, and lays on storage for a long time. The weight of the fruit is up to 2 grams, it matures at the end of the first month of autumn, yield yields - up to 2 kg per square meter.

Tip! If you do not know where the villagers buy seedlings, then fairs, online stores and private individuals that are engaged in growing seedlings for sale are best suited for these purposes. Many order this rare variety.

Planting a garden cranberry near the house and caring for shrubs

Choosing a place

Any cranberry loves moisture, so if you have a site where water often accumulates, close to the ground water, then this is it. If you do not have such a wet ground or marshy soil, then just plant the bushes next to the place where it will be easiest for you to water the cranberries, because it needs moisture all the time. So, you make it easier for yourself to work or just pull the hose straight to the landing site, too, for convenience.

Cranberries overgrow rather quickly

The second mandatory condition is light. Culture, although it does not grow in the most favorable places on our planet, but all the same sunlight and lighted area is needed. So choose the sun or partial shade. And the third prerequisite for the future harvest is the acidity of the soil. Surprisingly, cranberry prefers acidic soils. The pH should be between 3.5-4.5.Plant seedlings mainly in the middle of autumn or spring, at this point the culture will grow more than half a century.

Tip! To check the earth for acidity, you can use litmus paper. Also there is a folk method with the help of vinegar - if they pour the soil, the sour will not foam on top.

And if the land does not fit?

If your soil is not what the culture likes, then it can be acidified by adding peat. Experienced summer residents also know that sawdust from coniferous trees can also be introduced into the earth to make it sour. If, however, the soil passes very little air, moisture, then it is mixed with sand. In the event that water does not stay, the drain should be placed in the pit, which will keep it.

But also waterlogging culture is also not worth, for example, you, believing that the cranberries grow on a swamp, decided to make a very wet soil, pouring every day. But the result will be quite the opposite, rather than what you expected, the cranberries will slowly grow and develop, and the harvest will be scarce. This is due to the fact that fungi that live on the root system, stop absorbing food from the soil well. The whole bush suffers, but drought will also affect extremely negatively, so it is optimal to water the culture so that the soil is wet every day, but not wet.

For information! Overmoistening of the soil in many cultures affects poorly, besides the wet soil begins to sour, which leads to the development of pathogenic flora. Plants begin to ache, wither.

Preparing the land for planting

So, you have several seedlings and you need to prepare the soil for them. Growing cranberries in the garden area provides a distance between cuttings of 25-35 cm. So they will have enough space and soon your bed will be filled with a beautiful cranberry carpet. Now you need to dig a hole up to 35 cm, depending on the size of the root of your seedling. At the bottom to retain moisture pour rubble, expanded clay or just break the brick and lay the bottom. The optimum soil is a mixture of sand with peat and garden soil to obtain ideal acidification. Check the level with litmus paper.

Now, with regard to fertilizers. They should be so that your seedlings grow well and have high immunity, then their illnesses will not be terrible. But no organic material, such as fresh manure or chicken litter, should not be. It is best to buy superphosphate and make it from the calculation - a spoonful of dining room per square meter. At the same peat land will also do its work, and the seedlings will quickly develop. To help the root system, you can use a good drug "Kornevin", it is budgetary, but effective. They can either simply shed a plot, or soak the roots before planting.

Tip! To garden soil, if it is not suitable for planting cranberries, did not mix with that in the hole, the pit walls are closed with improvised means. This can be a film, plywood, non-woven material.

Care after planting

So, you put the seedlings in the holes, covered with a fertile layer of a mixture of components, abundantly watered. What next? Yes, nothing complicated. But do not expect that your cranberry, that you planted this fall, the next year will cover a plentiful harvest. If you do everything correctly, then actively grow fruit bushes will begin in the third or fourth year of life. During this time, berries can appear from time to time, but this is not the main crop, so that you do not get upset, but continue to move on.

Cranberries love moisture that you have already learned. So, we need watering. If the summer turned out to be rainy, then you will not need any effort. If the season is optimal for rains and heat, then watering will be 1-2 times a week. When you shed beds in the evening, then in the morning it's better to loosen the soil under the bushes, just in order to avoid stagnation. Soil and drainage will keep the optimum water level. If there is a drought in your land, then you'll have to try, and every day to water the bushes and loosen in the morning, you can make an irrigation system or put a watering pad.

In the spring you should sanitize all dry and frozen twigs. Also, make sure that there are no furriers on the site. They contribute to darkening, accumulation of excess moisture and propagation of the pathogenic environment. But the flowers for attracting bees that will pollinate and cranberries, you can plant next to the site. Important and treatment of drugs, if your variety is unstable to diseases. Most often use a few times a year Bordeaux mixture, but do not use chemicals when they are already sipping berries.

Of course, you need fertilizer. Mineral fertilizer is the best and most effective, you can buy it in a variety of stores. Reserve immediately for the entire season, as the culture needs to be fed every month - from April to October. Feeding must be bought for heather. When the cranberries begin to grow actively and bear fruit, it will need more watering and fertilizers, they are bred according to the information on the package. Each company sets its own standards. Now your culture grows and fructifies actively with such care, and you may have a question about the propagation of garden cranberries.

On how to expand your cranberry possessions

Seeds cranberries propagate extremely rarely and then more for breeding work. It is much easier to do this with the help of cuttings. They are cut off approximately 10 cm long in the period of intensive growth of the bush. After that, you can immediately plant in the ground, somewhere separately at a distance of not more than 8-10 cm, so that later the beak quickly closed or put it in the trays for rooting. The soil should be the same as for the seedlings above - peat, garden soil, sand. Cuttings are watered and sheltered from the sun, soon they take root and can be planted in a permanent place.

Rooting of cuttings

How to grow cranberries in a garden plot? Yes, it is easy, if you observe some nuances, but by doing this, you will be able to recreate a real natural pharmacy for yourself and your family.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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