Melt water is easy to prepare - You need to freeze it well!

Meltwater is considered very useful for the body. Preparation of melt water is quite possible at home.
There are two main theories explaining its positive impact. A scientifically grounded theory is that meltwater is purified of salts and heavy isotopes of hydrogen( tritium and deuterium).

Alternative medicine claims that during freezing and subsequent thawing, water loses its negative energy and becomes energetically neutral. More details about all the beneficial properties and contraindications of this drink you can read here: From melt water there is benefit and harm, And the doctor decides whether to drink or not.

Recipe for preparing thawed water

To prepare melt water at home, we will need:

  • water container( a glass jar is better, but you can also take ordinary plastic pots for drinking water);
  • plain tap water;

  • freezer with a freezing temperature of -18 degrees( in winter frosts you can freeze water on the balcony).

You should pour ordinary tap water into the container. Some advise using purchased water without gas or pre-boiled and chilled.

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The container should be covered with a plastic lid and checked from time to time.
So, you are preparing thawed water: how to make it as clean as possible from harmful impurities? As soon as a thin ice crust forms on the surface, it must be removed. It is there that contains a harmful heavy liquid containing in the chemical formula deuterium. It freezes at a higher temperature( about +3.7 degrees).
Next, you need to wait until the water freezes by about two-thirds. When freezing, the salt solution freezes later than ordinary water. Therefore, the "water brine" gradually moves to the center. It is necessary to merge the remaining unfrozen liquid into the sink, and clear the clear ice to thaw at room temperature.

Tip: if you overlooked, and the liquid froze completely, you need to put a muddy center under a jet of hot water.

When all the muddy islets melt away, you can use the remaining ice.
To facilitate the preparation of melt water, proceed as follows. When the container is standing in the freezer for about 3-4 hours, the unfrozen liquid must simply be poured into another container. Then, similarly to the above recipe, leave the water to freeze it by 2/3 and drain the "water brine".

Important: Do not melt water on ice or from snow taken from the street. Especially if you live in a city. After all, from the air on the snow a lot of harmful chemicals settle. If you are in a rural area, far from roadways, you can thaw out pure snow or ice and use the product only for washing or rinsing hair.

Before cooking melt water, it can be boiled or filtered.

Do not freeze in enameled glassware, as the enamel may crack during freezing. As a result, harmful substances will enter the water. For the same reason, the use of iron and aluminum containers is prohibited.

How to use melt water?

Thawed water retains its positive qualities for 16-18 hours, and during this entire time it gradually loses its value. Therefore, it is necessary to use it as soon as possible after cooking. Melt water can be used for washing and washing hair. As a result, the complexion will improve, the skin will become more smooth and well-groomed, and the hair - shiny and silky. After all, the usual liquid from the tap contains many salts, especially in areas with hard water.
If you want to improve your general state of health or get rid of some diseases, you need to know how to properly drink thawed water. First, it is recommended to drink it immediately, as soon as it melts.
It is best to use it in small sips as it thaws throughout the day, and before ingestion it is necessary to hold water in the mouth a little. Also on thawed water, you can prepare food, but still when heated, the healing properties are reduced.

For medicinal purposes, freshly prepared thawed water should be taken orally in half a glass for 30 minutes before meals. Thus, 30-45 days must be treated. In general, you can drink thawed water with virtually no restrictions. In the first few days it is necessary to accustom the body to purified water, drinking 100 ml per day. Then gradually increase the volume, eventually reaching 750 - 1500 ml per day. There are many cases where melt water treatment improved the condition of people even in severe diseases.

Advice: if you work, then it's convenient to take the water with you in a plastic bottle. In this case, it can immediately be cooked in a bottle or poured into it already thawed water.

After thawing, the water should be stored at a temperature of no higher than 22 degrees, and heating above 37 degrees turns it into ordinary water. To water after defrosting has brought the maximum benefit, it is recommended to cook it twice a day and drink always fresh.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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