Kalina has amazing properties. It contains a huge amount of useful substances, thanks to which this berry is actively used in folk medicine, especially for the treatment of colds and coughs in children. Folk remedies are quite effective and bring the human body only benefit without side effects. Kalina from cough is used in the form of infusion, decoction or tea.
Since ancient times, viburnum is a well-known fruit and medicinal plant. In Russia, it is considered a symbol of love, beauty and happiness. Earlier, viburnum was a participant in wedding ceremonies - bouquets, wedding loaves were decorated with berries, and a wreath of vinas was put on the head of the bride.
The word "viburnum" comes from the word "red-hot", because the color of the berries resembles a shade of hot iron.
The berries of Kalina are slightly bitter, but with heat treatment or freezing they lose their bitterness and become sweet and especially useful.
Rich chemical composition provides the following healing properties of berries:
- restorative,
- wound healing,
- anti-inflammatory,
- diuretic,
- antipyretic,
- sedative,
- choleretic.
Kalina contains polysaccharides, vitamins C, K, P, valerian and other organic acids, essential oils and carotene. According to the content of vitamin C, viburnum takes the first place, overtaking citrus fruits, which are considered to be its main source. In berries there are a lot of tannins, pectins, tannins, and also microelements - zinc, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium.
It is very important to properly prepare the viburnum for the winter, as with incorrect storage the plant loses its medicinal properties. Flowers of viburnum should be collected in May and June, roots - in October, berries - in November after the first frosts, bark - in mid-April during sap flow. Long-term storage of berries can be frozen or canned.
Kalina is a wild plant, but at present it is loved by many and grown in country gardens, gardens and orchards.
Folk recipes
Catarrhal diseases are treated with a frequent and abundant tea from Kalina with lemon and honey. Such tools can quickly put a sick person on their feet.
- Cough is a common cold symptom that is difficult to treat. Tea made from bilberry berries is considered an excellent cough remedy. The patient is offered to drink a decoction, which is prepared according to this recipe: they take the berries of the viburnum, grind them in enameled pots, and the resulting gruel is poured with boiling water, heated in a water bath for twenty minutes, add a glass of boiled water and take one hundred milliliters three times a day.
- Kalina is a folk medicine, which, combined with honey, copes well even with a chronic cough. To do this, the berries are scalded with boiling water, rubbed through a colander, and then mixed with honey in a one to one ratio. Prepare the viburnum with honey in advance, since this remedy must be infused for seven days. On the pages of our site you will find the best recipes from viburnum with honey that will help not only cough, but also with other diseases.
- Cough broth is prepared as follows: a liter of water take a glass of berries and boil for ten minutes, then add three tablespoons of honey and take the product.
- [Brew medicinal tea from the viburnum in this way: the berries are ground, poured hot honey and insist. Use several times throughout the day. This tea has its healing effect even with pneumonia.
- Instead of honey, sugar can be used: the viburnum berries are kneaded, poured with boiling water, added sugar and insisted. They drink once a day.
- Kalina, infused on the Cahors, is very effective for colds. To prepare mix one hundred grams of honey, one hundred grams of guelder-rose juice, as much cahors and half a chopped pod of hot red pepper. All this is placed in a clay pot and covered with a lid. The pot is put in the oven, heated to 170 degrees, for three hours. Store the finished product in the refrigerator, tightly closing. Eat fifty grams four times a day for half an hour before meals.
- From the flowers of the viburnum, a decoction is prepared that treats the cough and relieves fever. The flowers are poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour. Take a glass three times a day.
- Strong paroxysmal cough, sore throat, hoarseness of the voice is treated with a decoction of the bilberry cortex. Crushed bark pour hot water, boil on low heat for fifteen minutes and insist for two hours. Three times a day, take the remedy before each meal.
Kalina: benefits and contraindications
Useful properties of
In addition to treating cough and other cold symptoms, viburnum has a number of useful properties of :
- stimulates immunity,
- has bactericidal and disinfectant action,
- relieves inflammation in hepatitis, gastritis,
- improves mucosal regeneration in stomach ulcer,
- lowers arterial pressure,
- calms the nervous system,
- helps against insomnia,
- reg
- promotes the stopping of bleeding,
- improves the quality of drinking water,
- strengthens the heart,
- has astringent, choleretic, diuretic action,
- accelerates wound healing,
- improves stomach and bowel function,
- relieves spasms,
- increases work capacity,
- strengthens the tone of the uterus.
Interesting! Viburnum berries are used in cooking and cosmetology. From it prepare jelly, pastilles, jam, compotes, juices, jelly, filling for pies, pouring and wine. Extract of viburnum is added to many cosmetics.
Viburnum is contraindicated in persons:
- suffering from hypotension,
- prone to thrombosis,
- pregnant,
- suffering from increased blood coagulability.