Ginger is a plant known to many, widely used in various industries. For example, as a medicinal product it is used in folk medicine as a spice in cooking. In cosmetology it is included in masks and face creams, hair masks. The properties of the root of the plant to enhance immunity, to provide antiviral and antibacterial action allows it to be used as an effective tool for the treatment and prevention of colds, ARVI and their bacterial complications. Some people in the form of tea with honey and lemon use ginger at a temperature related to the symptoms that accompany various infectious diseases. But how safe is it to use ginger to reduce heat, given that this item is included in the list of contraindications to the use of this plant?
Causes of elevated temperature
Body temperature is an indicator of the body's thermal state. Its increase is not an independent disease, but only a symptom that indicates that the body is not all right.
Most often, increased body temperature is one of the protective mechanisms of the immune system, aimed at eliminating the focus of infection, because at a temperature of 38 ° C, according to studies, a significant portion of viruses and bacteria die or stop reproduction. There is it as follows. When the infectious agent enters the human body, cells start to produce special compounds - pyrogens, which trigger a series of biochemical reactions that lead to a temporary increase in body temperature. This contributes to the activation of the immune system, the synthesis of interferon and antibodies to ingested antigens. That is why it is not recommended to reduce the temperature if it does not exceed 38 ° C for children and 38.5 ° C for adults.
Depending on the temperature, the following forms of fever are distinguished:
- 37.1 - 38.0 ° C - subfebrile;
- 38.1 - 39.0 ° C - febrile;
- 39.1 - 41.0 ° C - pyretic;
- above 41.0 ° C is hyperpyretic.
In subfebrile fever, it is not recommended to take antipyretics to reduce fever. For general improvement of the condition, you can use folk remedies, one of which is tea with ginger at a temperature of. The remaining forms of fever are more severe and require the intake of special antipyretic drugs, and in the case of their long ineffectiveness of calling an ambulance.
Tip: In case of elevated body temperature, people should be given plenty of water to prevent dehydration and compensate for fluid loss with sweat.
Properties of ginger with fever
Can ginger be at a temperature of? The answer to this question is not straightforward. On the one hand, ginger positively affects the work of the immune system, activates the body's defenses against viruses and bacteria, increases vitality, and gives strength. In addition, the root of the plant has a diaphoretic effect, which contributes to the improvement of human condition and a short-term decrease in temperature. But on the other hand, ginger has a warming effect, increases blood circulation and blood flow to organs and tissues. In this connection, its application can lead to an even greater increase in temperature indicators, traumatization of capillaries, hemorrhages and deterioration of the patient's condition.
Based on this, at a temperature above 38 ° C, use folk remedies with ginger, especially hot tea, is strongly discouraged. With subfebrile fever, its use is allowed and can be beneficial to the body in terms of accelerating recovery, but not in the form of hot drinks.
Important: With increased body temperature, you need to find out the cause of this phenomenon. To do this, you should pay attention to possible associated symptoms( headache, cough, sore throat, stool disorders, etc.) and report them to the doctor.
Methods of using ginger
From the root of ginger at low temperatures, colds and SARS prepare tea and other drinks. It is preferable to use the fresh root of the plant, since it contains a maximum of useful substances and has a more pleasant taste. Keep it in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
Tea with ginger
Fresh ginger root about 4 cm long is peeled, finely grated, add 1 tsp.ordinary black or green tea to choose from. The resulting mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, left for 15 to 20 minutes, filtered, slightly cooled and drunk. If desired, cardamom and cinnamon can be added to the drink during cooking.
Ginger tea with lemon and honey
Fresh ginger root 2 cm long is peeled, finely rubbed, poured a glass of water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes. Then allow to cool to a warm state, add 10 g of honey and a circle of lemon.
Folk remedies for lowering body temperature: