Legendary groats
It's not loud, you ask, because it's just all the known and common buckwheat. What is in it such that it can surprise even an adult person, can she really give health a lot of benefits. Why legendary? Yes, because - we often treat products, some things that surround us and are accessible to all, very mediocre. Well, what can give cereals, which is inexpensive, is sold even in the outback, whether it's products of foreign, rare, that are expensive and not so easy to buy. There's a lot of good in them, but it's a very big mistake.
We can make the right diet of those products that are available to everyone, while being healthy, beautiful, smart and energetic. The use of buckwheat should not be underestimated, and it's not just porridge that can be cooked from cereals, which is known to everyone and maybe bored. You can make a casserole, cutlets, pancakes, desserts, stew the core in the oven in the pots, even make tea and many others. At the same time the dishes will benefit you, they will diversify the table. And if you are accustomed to eat quick breakfasts, then go to buckwheat flakes that are cooked for five minutes, but over the years will not add you extra extra pounds and cellulite.
So, we said, the croup is legendary and it's not just words. One of the very beautiful grains says. In ancient times, when our distant ancestors lived, on earth there was a disaster - the rain stopped irrigating the land, there was a great drought. Month after month people suffered, grasses, cultures did not grow, and the land of fruits did not give. Not a drop was spilled for weeks. There was a longing and hunger, then the people prayed to God. This legend tells about ancient China.
But the lord of water, Lun Wang, did not hear the prayers, and did not give rain to the earth. People desperately went to ask for salvation from the Jade Emperor. He took pity on the people, promising to help, but the lord of water informed him that it was too late. The land of harvest will not give, the season has already passed and it is getting too cold. But the Jade Emperor did not give up, because he was immortal and made a great wisdom. He began rubbing his neck, seeds sprinkled on the soil, the lord said of them as those that would yield the crop with the first hoarfrost. When the seeds sprouted, people saw a new culture, and buckwheat was born.
For information! Myths have always immersed us in a fantastic, unknown, secret world, but one thing is for sure that people can harvest buckwheat crops even in the most unfavorable seasons, it is not afraid of the cold and feeds the people.
Ecologically pure culture
We have already learned one useful quality of culture, it grows even in unfavorable years, but this is not all. Read the article, it promises to be interesting. So, what is useful for buckwheat yet? The fact that this culture is clean, if we talk about environmental friendliness. Nowadays you can buy everything, but not so it pleases. After all, now more often we began to hear that the products that are in our stores have this or that harmful component in the composition. Sometimes this is a whole piggy bank of chemistry.
Unfortunately, the modern world is consumed with concerns about profit and material superiority. Manufacturers do not stint on additives, making or growing products. In the course are whole chemistry complexes that make cultures resistant to diseases. Yes, this allows us not to live in a shortage of goods on the shelves of the store, but the quality of food ultimately leaves much to be desired. After all, all this accumulates in plants, new chemistry is added during manufacture, so that the products are stored more, they do not start up parasites. It is not surprising that now at this level of medicine we did not become less sick at all.
Buckwheat is not afraid of parasites, weeds, diseases, therefore, nobody needs to poison chemistry. Groats are clean, which gives it a great advantage, by the way, this culture is not cereal, which is often mistaken for many sources that describe the benefits and harm of buckwheat and similar issues. This is the second useful quality of cereals, and the third will be the very composition of the kernel. He is rich in substances that are necessary for us, and the use of cereals and other dishes made from buckwheat serves as a preventive and even therapy of diseases.
For reference! Different peoples have their own legends about how buckwheat appeared, but more often it can be seen that it is officially believed that buckwheat comes from India, it grew in mountainous areas, where it was discovered at least three thousand years before now.
Ingredients of buckwheat groats
Certainly, speaking about the beneficial properties of buckwheat, we must understand that the entire range of croups is possible only because it has a rich chemical composition. In doing so, it is considered a product of dietary and suitable for feeding children and people who are recovering from a serious illness or surgery.
Let's start with BZHU or the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the composition of cereals. These data should be known to all who follow their weight in order to estimate the daily rate and not go beyond. Considering BJU is now fashionable, many nutritionists say this, and this is really useful and useful information.
In the buckwheat:
- protein - 12.6 g;
- fats - 3.3 g;
- carbohydrates - 62.1 g;
- calorie content is 313 kcal.
And then you may wonder how then buckwheat can be a dietary product, why recommend it to slimming, because it has so many calories per 100 grams of cereals, and the carbohydrates content is high. But do not jump to conclusions. Buckwheat does not contribute to weight gain, of course, unless you take calories for a whole day, and porridge only increases their value. Carbohydrates in the composition are slow or complex. They do not cause jumps in blood sugar, do not dig in quickly, do not form hated creases. All this refers to a quick variety.
In addition, buckwheat is a plant product and it is fiber or otherwise coarse fibers. They are necessary for each of us, since, without splitting in our body, they clean it like a sponge. Only a small part of the cellulose can be digested, thanks to enzymes that produce useful microorganisms in the intestine. In the end, you get a lot of positive for health - the body is cleaned, there are no leftovers left, and the vital activity of the beneficial microflora will be maintained, the harmful will not be able to multiply and grow.
That's interesting! Although buckwheat grows without chemistry by itself, it is not so beneficial to plant it, because the crop yield is low, and not all countries can afford to grow it.
Such an effect leads to the fact that stagnation does not occur in the body, there are no fermentation processes, toxins, slags are not formed, or they are removed in time. The pathogenic environment does not breed. All this gives a positive effect on appearance, our skin is cleared, hair grows better, the body is filled with energy. The expression "shine from within" is not just words, for a clean body gives shine to the skin. You do not experience discomfort due to increased gas production, constipation, and they also cause hemorrhoids, and you do not have a smell from your mouth, especially in the morning.
Vitamins and minerals
Do you think this is all that can be said about how useful buckwheat? And here not. Not only cellulose, vegetable protein, which is fully absorbed, can give our health benefits, but this is a whole storehouse of vitamins. Each of which, with daily use of cereals in the diet, replenishes the deficit. Vitamins have their functions, but, in general, they help our immunity, raise the natural defenses, which means that we and our children are less sick. Nestashny and attacks of colds in the fall and spring.
In the composition of cereals there are the following vitamins:
- vitamin B1 or thiamine - 0.3 mg. Normalizes metabolism, helps the nervous system, increases resistance to stress, depression;
- vitamin B2 or riboflavin - 0.14 mg. It is an antioxidant that helps reduce the risks of oncology;
- vitamin B3 or pantothenic acid - 6.3 mg. Helps the operation of many organ systems, in general, makes us healthier;
- vitamin B6 or pyridoxine - 0.34 mg. Required for synthesizing processes. Stimulates the immune system, the nervous system, helps the formation of red blood cells, removes the convulsive state in the muscle tissue;
- vitamin B9 - 0.8 mg. Thanks to it, the cells in our body grow and multiply. This important property is necessary for children, it serves as prevention of oncology. This vitamin is folic acid, which is especially needed for pregnant women and the baby in the womb for development;
- vitamin A - 0.006 mg. It helps our eyesight, normalizes metabolism. Strengthens bones, has a beneficial effect on the skin, stimulates rejuvenation;
- vitamin E - alpha-tocopherol - 6.7 mg. Helps our circulatory system, serves as prevention of thrombi, nourishes tissues, cells, helps the cardiovascular system;
- Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid 4.2 mg. Works for the benefit of our brain, blood vessels, immune system.
There are in the croup of choline, which is needed by our nervous system, Omega-3 is unsaturated fatty acids - 5% of the daily norm. Omega-6 - 10% of the daily rate, their benefits are difficult to overestimate. Acids are necessary for adults and children for the normal operation of all organs, but they are also necessary for the development of the baby in the womb. Substances help to inform the child of the mentally generated, that in the subsequent life will not give delays in development, problems in study.
Of course, the useful properties of buckwheat in its mineral composition. This is a whole storehouse of macro and microelements. The leader among the minerals is iron, which is necessary for our blood, people suffering from anemia, children, our cardiovascular system. But also in the composition of a lot:
- potassium, which is needed by the heart, kidneys, muscles and nervous system. Its in 100 grams of the product is 15% of the daily allowance;
- silicon, which is 4 times more than what we need per day. This element is a part of all vital organs;
- magnesium - 61% of the daily allowance. It participates in more than 300 biochemical reactions of the body;
- phosphorus - 43.8%.As well as calcium is needed for the health of bones, teeth, nails, hair;
- of copper - 66%.Responsible for metabolism, formation of blood cells, saturation of the body with oxygen;
- of zinc - 23.1%.This is one of the main elements for the healing of injuries, wounds, for the skin as a whole;
- manganese - 88%.It helps to normalize blood sugar level, mental activity, thyroid gland, is useful for skeleton, teeth, protects from stress.
Important! To make up for the deficiency of substances, you should eat not only buckwheat, but also as a whole to review your diet.
This is not all the elements. Of course, there are others in the composition, but only in smaller quantities - calcium, which we all know about as a bone mate, sulfur, molybdenum, vanadium, iodine, selenium, zirconium. And the benefit of buckwheat in amino acids, which have their functions, but one of the important is the ability to reduce the risks of oncology. Well, now we will tell you the evidence for the application of buckwheat, or we list all those ailments in which porridge is useful and should be in the diet.
Benefits and harm of buckwheat for our health
Who needs to eat cereal
From all the information above you already understood how commonplace porridge might be needed. It is unique in composition, can help people:
- with high cholesterol in the blood;
- helps the croup of our liver, clearing it of harmful substances, which makes our body cleaner, which means that we are more energetic, healthy and beautiful;
- is indicated for use by anyone who has problems with blood vessels and the cardiovascular system as a whole;
- needs buckwheat for children, pregnant and lactating mothers;
- for different diseases of blood porridge should be regularly in the diet;
- if there is hypertension, then again the croup will have a beneficial effect on health;
- for depression, stress, depressed state, cereal products are very helpful;
- buckwheat in the diet makes you slimmer, prettier, swelling;
- serves as the prevention of atherosclerosis, arthrosis;
- is useful for diabetics;
- for active people and athletes porridge - is the possibility of a good set of muscle mass;
- for female and male croup health is necessary;
- if there are skin diseases, acne, dermatitis, then a proper diet and cleansing from toxins can quickly solve the problem;
- during menopause, with diseases of the endocrine system buckwheat porridge, cutlets, pancakes from her should become a woman's assistant.
. Harm to cereals
. Buckwheat is useful, and you already understood this, but if you only use it in your diet, then the deficit of elements will not keep you waiting, this applies to everyone who wants to lose weight on a mono-diet. The rest of the cereal is useful, if only it does not cause you an individual intolerance.
Here is how much information you need to know about buckwheat. Agree, you need to know everything - both adults and children, to be healthy and happy.