Porridge from corn: from simple recipes to national dishes


  1. Cooking rules for corn porridge
  2. Corn porridge with pumpkin
  3. Corn porridge for garnish
  4. Corn cereal with shrimp and vegetables
  5. Polenta
  6. Mamaliga

Corn is a grass native to America that was brought to Europe in the Middle Ages. And till now it is actively used by culinary specialists of many countries. On our tables, this product often appears in the form of a dish, which in Italy is called polenta, in Moldova and Romania - hominy, and we simply have porridge from corn. This cereal contains a large amount of fiber, which is why the dish is very nutritious, and thanks to its soft, calm taste, corn porridge is perfectly combined with many products.

In different countries of the world there is a recipe for cooking porridge from corn cereals

Rules for the preparation of corn porridge

For the preparation of cereal, usually use corn grits of medium grinding, which is suitable for garnish and for sweet dishes.

  • Washed. First, the rump should be thoroughly rinsed to remove dust and small debris. And since this groats are relatively shallow, then it is more convenient to wash it not in a colander, but in a sieve.
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  • Cooking time. For cereals of medium grind, half an hour is enough. If the milling is shallow, the time will need a little less - about 15 minutes.
  • How to cook. If you cook cereal porridge on a garnish, then it should be cooked on the water - for 1 glass of cereal 3 glasses of water. Sweet porridge boiled in milk - 1 glass of cereal 4 glasses of milk, or combine milk with water in equal proportions. In this case, it is advisable to lay the croup in boiling water, in parallel adding salt or sugar.

What can I cook?

Corn porridge should languish on minimum heat, and therefore on the cooker it is necessary to cook it in thick-walled vessels and stir constantly. So you can prevent it from sticking.

But you can do it differently.

  • In the multivariate. Cooking corn porridge in a multivark is much easier than on a stove, since there is no need to watch it and often mix it. The process is as follows: pour water / milk into the bowl, add rinsed croup, salt / sugar, oil. Turn on the mode "Kasha" or "Quenching", after half an hour turn off, set the program "Heating" and wait another 20 minutes.

    Note! If the program for heating dishes in your multivarker is not, then it's enough just to hold the porridge with the lid closed!

  • In the steamer. We fall asleep in a crock of bread, pour water or milk and cook for half an hour, after which add salt or sugar, mix, put a small piece of butter and continue to cook for about five minutes.
  • In the oven. Put the groats in a clay pot, pour it with salted boiling water or hot milk with sugar and send to the oven. Stir at 180 ° C for an hour.

Corn porridge with pumpkin

This is the perfect solution for a hearty and nutritious breakfast. This cereal can be offered to both children and adults, adding to it a variety of fillings: yogurt, jam, sliced ​​fruit, fresh berries, honey, etc.

Ingredients that will be needed:

  • 4 tablespoons cereals;
  • 200 g of pumpkin;
  • one and a half cup of milk;
  • a glass of water;
  • 50-55 g of butter;
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

Tip! If you are preparing such a porridge for a child, then try not to take the most fatty milk - the product with a fat content of 2.5-2.7% will be just right! In this case, it is better to choose grits or grind the grind in the coffee grinder!

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water and milk, bring to a boil and add sugar. Croup is washed in several waters and put into a pan.

Pumpkin is peeled, cut into small cubes or rubbed on a large grater and sent to the rest of the ingredients. After everything boils again, we reduce the fire to a minimum and cook the porridge until ready, not forgetting to mix from time to time. We serve the table in hot form together with butter.

In this mess you can add any dried fruits or nuts

Corn porridge for garnish

This garnish is perfectly combined with meat, fish, and mushrooms. And that the ingredients are mixed together and sounded especially tasty, it is desirable to add the dish with some sauce, for example, tomato or cheese.

Ingredients for cereal:

  • glass cereals;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • a pinch of salt.

Pour a specified amount of water into the pan and put it on the fire. Add the salt and after the water boils, spread the washed rump. After repeated boiling, we reduce the heat and pour the porridge for half an hour. Do not forget from time to time with a spoon or shovel to turn the rump so that it does not burn to the bottom and walls. Season the ready garnish with butter or sauce.

Take note! We serve immediately, until the porridge has cooled, as otherwise it will quickly thicken.

Corn from corn is a great side dish for a hearty dinner

Corn cereal with shrimps and vegetables

This is a complete nutritious dish that will surprise you with its simplicity and incredible taste. In order to prepare it you will need the following products:

  • incomplete glass of cereals;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • 50 g of corn kernels( 1 ears);
  • 250 g of shrimp;
  • 3 cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • a pair of green onion stalks;
  • of a small zucchini;
  • lemon;
  • 50-55 g of hard cheese;
  • 50-55 g of butter;
  • 20-25 ml of olive oil;
  • ½ teaspoon paprika;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

Stalks of onions are washed under running water and we separate the white parts from the green ones, everything is finely shredded. Garlic is released from the husks and cut with a knife or rubbed on a fine grater. Lemon is scalded with boiling water, dried with a paper towel and peeled off the zest, dividing the flesh into 4 parts and selecting the seeds. Each cherry tomato is cut in half, cut into small cubes. We rub the cheese on a small grater. Corn corn with a knife is removed from the ear.

Shrimp dried with a paper towel, put them in a bowl and season with paprika. We spread the oil in a frying pan and fry in it with frequent stirring the white parts of onions and chopped garlic. Cook until a bright aroma appears - 30-40 seconds.

In the pan, pour in a specified amount of water and bring it to a boil. With the appearance of the first air bubbles pour in the salt - about ¼ of a teaspoon. Pour into the boiling water of croup, add lemon peel and immediately reduce the gas supply to the minimum mark. Cook the porridge for 12-15 minutes with constant stirring, breaking all the lumps. After the mass thickens, remove it from the plate, pour corn kernels, half a portion of butter, grated cheese. We try, if necessary, add some black pepper. We mix everything thoroughly, cover it with a lid and send it to a well-heated but turned-off oven for twenty minutes.

While corn porridge comes to full readiness, we are making sauce. The bottom of a large frying pan is sprinkled with olive oil and after it is sufficiently heated, we spread the shrimps. Season with salt and pepper and fry until golden brown, from time to time turning the seafood with a spatula. We spread the finished shrimp on a paper towel. In the same pan fry the diced zucchini and when the pieces become soft, add the cherry tomatoes, the remaining piece of butter and lemon juice. We mix it, return the shrimp to the frying pan and cook everything for a minute, remembering to stir occasionally.

We take out the porridge from the oven and lay out on plates, on top - shrimps with vegetables. Sprinkle with chopped onions( green) and serve immediately.

Corn from corn with shrimps and vegetables


Polenta is called corn grits, cooked on water( sometimes with the addition of milk) to a very dense state. The caloric content of the prepared dish is about 322 kcal per 100 g. Traditionally, the polenta is seasoned with such spices as basil, thyme, white and black pepper and cook it with the addition of tender mozzarella or salted suluguni.

Polenta can be prepared for dessert. In this case, it is boiled in milk and served with a fragrant hot chocolate or jam.

According to the classic recipe, Italian polenta must be cooked in a thick-walled cauldron for a fairly long period of time. In this case, it must be constantly interfered with, and even better shaken. The ready dish turns out very gentle, and use it both in hot, and in a cold kind.

So, the recipe for Italian polenta. For its preparation you will need:

  • a glass of grits;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 140 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • spices;
  • salt.

We bring the water to a boil, salt and pour the croup. With constant stirring, we will simmer it at minimum heat for half an hour.

Recommendation! To polenta has acquired the ideal consistency and velvet taste, during the preparation, add 10-15 ml of olive oil!

Once the porridge is ready, remove it from the plate and cover it with a lid. A tray or a large tray is covered with parchment and we put polenta on it. We flatten the surface with a spatula and leave it on the table to cool.

We melt the butter in a frying pan, add the indicated amount of flour, stir thoroughly, break all the pieces, and on small fire we weigh the resulting mass for a couple of minutes. Add the grated cheese and spices.

Cut the polenta into portions, pour over the sauce and serve.

Prepare a traditional Italian polenta with cheese sauce


Mamaliga is a national Romanian and Moldavian dish, which is a steeply brewed corn grits. When the ratio of cereals and water is 1: 4, the externally prepared dish does not differ from the usual corn porridge, but there is a recipe according to which the hominy is made very thick and dense, like Italian polenta, and it is used instead of bread.

Traditionally served with hominy together with cheese and sour cream, often filled with bacon, cracklings, various cheeses, cottage cheese, eggs, etc. It also prepares corn flat cakes, frying pieces into fat, boulz - baked cornballs stuffed with butter and brynza, and other dishes.

And today we suggest you to reproduce one of the recipes of hominy. For its preparation you will need the following products:

  • 200 g of corn grits;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 400 g of bacon;
  • 100 ml of sour cream;
  • a pair of green onion stalks;
  • 100 g of brynza;
  • 4 tablespoons butter;
  • a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt.

In a frying pan, combine the vegetable oil with half a serving of cream and fry in this mixture sliced ​​into small pieces of bacon.

Put the pan on the fire, pour in water, bring to a boil, pour the croup, salt and with constant stirring, cook the mixture for 10-15 minutes until cooked. In the process of cooking, we gradually mix sour cream into the porridge.

We lay out on the plates ready hominy, on top we lay out bacon and pieces of cheese. Finely chop the onions and sprinkle the dish.

Hominy with brynza and bacon

Here is such a hearty, fragrant and delicious can be nothing less than, at first glance, porridge from corn. Bon Appetit!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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