Ways to cook corn for a couple: cook cobs and grains

  1. How to cook delicious corn?
  2. Corn with butter
  3. Corn in the pair in the sleeve
  4. Corn in the corn
  5. Corn in the foil

Corn is a very tasty and useful cereal containing in its composition a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids that our body can not synthesize independently. This product is boiled in water, baked on a brazier, fried, cooked in a double boiler and multivark. And today we will talk about the last method of its preparation. Corn for a couple turns out very juicy, sweet and at the same time preserves the whole benefit of fresh grain.

Cooking steamed corn is easy and at the same time much more convenient than cooking in a saucepan

How to cook a delicious corn?

In order for corn to turn out soft and juicy, first of all, choose good cobs. Such is the maize of sugar dairy varieties. And it is necessary to focus attention not only on the color and size of grains, which should be light and pale, but also on leaves - it is desirable that they are not wilted and completely dry.

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Note! If the color of the grains is too bright and they have dimples, this indicates that the cob is already too "adult" and it does not fit to cook for a couple!

Remember, a fresh head will always be wrapped with fresh leaves. If the foliage turns yellow, dried out and does not fit tight enough to the cob, this indicates that the corn was ripped off about 5-7 days ago. And after cooking her grain will certainly be tough and tasteless. Also, do not buy corn that has already been peeled off from the leaves, because, most likely, the crop was treated with pesticides when growing, or the seller wishes to hide the dubious freshness of the product.

Preferably buy small cobs of approximately the same size, while trying to take those that fit in a bowl intended for steaming. If the corn is too big, it does not matter, it can be cut into two parts - so the grains are cooked evenly and will be equally juicy and soft.

Before starting directly cooking corn in a multivark, it must be cleaned of leaves and fibers. And that the cobs are faster cooked, they pre-soaked in cold water for an hour. Cooked corn is steamed for 30-40 minutes.

If corn overrides

If it so happens that at your disposal was not a young corn, but reached full maturity, then do with it the following: release the cobs from the leaves and fibers and fill with a mixture of milk and water. Their ratio should be equal.

After 4 hours, the corn should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and ready to cook. This preliminary procedure will help you get more juicy and fragrant grains on the way out. It takes about an hour to cook them.

Consider the recipes!

Corn with butter

In a multivark on a steam bowl, maize is prepared quite simply. And if in your kitchen there is such an assistant, then it is not difficult to make a tasty and aromatic dish with it.

We will need:

  • 3 cob;
  • 400-500 ml of water;
  • 40-50 g of butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

We clean corn from leaves and fibers, the naked part of the stem, to which they are attached, cut with a knife. We wash out kochanchiki under running water.

Note! If you are going to cook corn, which was grown independently on your own site, then it is not necessary to wash it!

Small cobs are placed on a grate with holes whole, and large ones that do not fit are cut in half. Fill the plastic basket with corn, pour water into the bowl, select the desired mode, for example, "Steam", "Quenching" or "Soup", set the timer and close the lid. Press "Start" and wait for the signal, which will notify you when the cooking is finished.

After a characteristic sound, gently open the lid, let out steam and try the seeds. If they are not soft enough, then the cooking time should be extended by another quarter of an hour. Ready corn put on a plate and sprinkled with fine salt.

Top on each ears spread on a small piece of butter

Maize on a pair in the sleeve

If you want to get a spicy sweet corn saturated with the aromas of your favorite herbs and spices, then you need to use the usual sleeve for baking. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 2-3 cobs;
  • cloves of garlic;
  • spicy herbs;
  • 40-45 g of butter;
  • a pinch of salt.
We release the cobs from foliage and fibers, if necessary, rinse under running water. We cut each into two pieces and put them in a plastic container to find out how many of them should be placed in the sleeve.

Butter is melted in a microwave oven or on a steam bath. Garlic is peeled off the husks and passed through the press. Combine the prepared ingredients. We add herbs, salt and mix.

Tip! Spices and spices you can use any. You can also put fresh greens, only beforehand it must be crushed!

Pour the completed dressing in a bowl and dip it into each kochanchik. Turn over several times to moisten all the grains, and shift the corn into a sleeve for baking. We tie it and leave it on the table for about an hour, so that the cobs are thoroughly soaked with fragrant dressing.

Pour water into the cup of the multivark - about 4 multi-cups and close the lid. You can use hot water - this will somewhat speed up the cooking process. We choose the program necessary for preparing dishes for a couple and press "Start".Preparing corn in the sleeve is usually no more than 40 minutes, and if you chose young cobs, then they will be quite enough and half an hour.

After the signal, open the lid, gently cut the bag and try the grains for readiness and for salt. If necessary, the cob can still be added, try again to wrap the sleeve and leave under the lid for another ten minutes. Ready corn immediately served to the table.

Juicy and fragrant corn with herbs, steamed

Grains of corn for steaming

In summer, when corn is sold almost everywhere - in markets and in stores, it does not seem to us a curiosity. After all, this is the season for such a culture. And we can enjoy it every day. But another thing, when the snow lies outside the window, and juicy cobs are no longer available. But even at this time of year, corn can be cooked by steaming frozen grains. And if you have prepared them in advance, having put them in the freezer, or you currently have only grain, now is the time to find out what to do with them further.

Ingredients that will be needed:

  • 350 g corn kernels;
  • 50-60 ml of cream;
  • a couple tablespoons of butter;
  • salt.

Take the corn grains and pour them into the plastic bowl of the device.

Note! If you want to cook only the grains, but you have the cobs, then it's quite easy to cut them with a knife. Especially if the corn is frozen!

Frozen bit of butter rubbed on a grater and sprinkled with corn. Add a little salt and sprinkle with cream( you can replace the usual milk).In the bowl, pour the water, a little before reaching the top mark.

Turn on the steam program and cook the grains for a quarter of an hour. Then turn off the device, select the "Quenching" mode and continue to cook corn. If there are a lot of grains, it is advisable to turn them several times with the help of a spatula. So they are cooked as evenly as possible.

After the sound signal, turn off the multivark and pour the finished grains into a deep bowl. If desired, they can be sprinkled with herbs, favorite spices, fresh herbs or salt.

Recommendation! The recipe for a tasty refueling to corn kernels: a slice of Parmesan cheese grate on a fine grater, add crushed basil leaves, a pinch of thyme and hot ground pepper on the tip of the skin. All mix and pour hot granules!

Cooked steamed corn can be added to salads, vegetable side dishes or eat simply

Corn in foil

Corn steamed in a multivark in foil is another simple way that makes the grains very fragrant and keeps juiciness of young cobs. We will need:

  • 3 young cobs of corn;
  • 15 ml of olive oil;
  • 500-600 ml of water;
  • spices;
  • salt.

Heads are released from leaves and fibers, cut off unnecessary part of the stem. Cut off a square piece of foil and lay out the center of the corn. Preliminary it is necessary to determine which number of cobs fit in a plastic bowl with holes.

Pour olive oil in a small plate, moisten the culinary brush in it and lubricate the corn. Sprinkle with salt, spices, carefully rub them into each ear. We close the foil, making a tight seam on top.

Note! Foil must be wrapped carefully, and the denser the seam, the more juicy the corn will turn out, since it will be cooked in its own juice!

We pour water into the main bowl of the multivark, we install a plastic container on top, put the heads in foil and close the lid. Choose a mode for steaming and set the timer for half an hour.

After the signal sounds, announcing that the time is up, open the lid of the multivark and unfold the seam.

Try several grains for taste and, if they are ready, serve the cobs directly in the foil

. As additional dressings, you can serve any sauces. It can be a mixture of tomato sauce and mayonnaise, sour cream with garlic and fresh herbs, lime juice or lemon with olive oil or just your favorite spices.

Bon appetit!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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