- Drink characteristics
- Healing qualities
- Application in cosmetology
- How to prepare a drink at home
- Harm to grape nectar
- Contraindications
Nectar of grapes is a tasty and very useful drink that is actively used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking. In the freshly squeezed form it prevents and heals a lot of insidious diseases, and entering into the masks, improves the condition of the hair and skin.
The benefits and harm of grape juice have been studied by doctors for many years and as many people use it for various ailments. Let's consider, what medical characteristics this miracle product possesses.
Drink characteristics
Chemical composition
Regular use of the drink has a beneficial effect on the whole organism. The enormous benefits of grape juice are due to its impressive chemical content. The product includes:
- simple sugars - fructose and glucose, which saturate the body with energy and activate brain function;
- fruit water - it contains valuable substances: mineral salts, vitamins, sugars, acids;
- tannins - prevent and relieve inflammation in the digestive tract;
- organic acids - accelerate the metabolism and regulate the acid-base balance;
- vitamins B, C, E, PP - improve the functions of internal organs and systems.
- bioflavonoids are natural antioxidants that excrete toxic substances from the body and prevent the onset of atherosclerosis, arthritis, and oncological diseases;
- iron - saves from anemia and improves nutrition of cells with oxygen;
- magnesium - improves the activity of the immune and nervous systems;
- potassium - responsible for the normal functioning of the kidneys and the heart;
- other, not less valuable substances: calcium, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, zinc, boron.
Warning! The chemical composition of grape juice can vary depending on a particular variety. The most useful is the nectar of dark, black berries.
Caloric value of
The calorie content of the drink is 70 kcal / 100 g. This is 3.3% of the daily dose recommended by dietitians.
If grapes are considered to be a fairly high-calorie berry, then its juice is worthy of any dietary ration. The drink accelerates the metabolism, cleans the body of harmful substances, thereby contributing to the burning of extra pounds. A pleasant bonus is that he gives a feeling of satiety, forcing to forget about snacks.
Healing qualities
The healing grape juice performs a whole range of medicinal actions:
- Warns and heals cardiovascular diseases.
- Saves from strokes and heart attacks.
- Discharges toxins and excess cholesterol from the body.
- Removes puffiness.
- Reduces and eliminates shortness of breath.
- Normalizes the heartbeat.
- Stabilizes blood pressure.
- Brings the body back to normal after heavy physical exertion. In this case, you should drink the juice of grapes from light varieties, since it has a lot of iron.
- Displays fluid and mucus from the lungs, is useful for severe coughing.
- Heals pleurisy, bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, tuberculosis( the initial form).
- Eliminates sore throat and ulcerative lesions in the mouth.
- Has a laxative effect, it helps with constipation and hemorrhoids.
- Produces a diuretic effect, due to which it is prescribed for chronic nephritis to reduce inflammation in the kidneys.
- Stimulates brain activity, so it is recommended to mental workers.
- Improves memory and sleep, increases resistance to stress and depression.
- Huge benefit of grape juice for the elderly, for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease and for patients with disorders of the central nervous system.
Application in cosmetology
Cosmetic products( masks, lotions, creams) with grape nectar are beneficial for hair and skin:
- refreshes complexion;
- the skin becomes elastic, soft and supple;
- bends the withering skin to normal, smoothes a fine wrinkle net;
- cleans pores, eliminates acne, rashes and other irritations;
- brighten freckles and age spots;
- strengthens the hair, heal the split ends and reduce the increased fat content.
Warning! Grape juice can provoke an allergic reaction. To avoid this, before cosmetic procedure, apply a remedy to the inner crook of the elbow. If after a while the skin turns red, then the product is contraindicated to you.
How to prepare a drink at home
The first thing to do is to choose the most sweet varieties with ripe, whole berries without damage. Recommended - "Cabernet", "Riesling", "Isabella".
Warning! Sorts "Metallic", "Alpha", "Dawn of the North" are not suitable for squeezing juice.
Rinse the berries and mash to make a pulp( gruel).The pulp of light varieties can immediately be sent under the press, whereas the mass of red grapes should be preheated to 65 degrees, cool to 25 and only after that press. Grain the juice of the grapes, strain and leave to settle. To drink does not ferment, heat it up to 90 degrees. Pour hot in the sterilized jars, seal tight and place in a cold place with a temperature of +1, +2 degrees. After a couple of months, remove the sediment and clog again.
Juice, prepared by such instructions, will preserve all useful substances and medicinal qualities of grapes. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, it should be drunk three times a day long before a meal. The starting dose is 1 glass, gradually increase it to 2 glasses. Do not drink juice in a chilled form - it can cause pain in the abdomen.
Warning! During the reception of the drink, reduce consumption of fatty meat and completely discard alcoholic beverages.
Harm to grape nectar
Grape juice can bring both benefit and harm. To avoid unpleasant consequences from taking, observe the following rules:
- Drink nectar between meals, and not during. Juice taken with food and other fluids can provoke an intestinal disorder.
- For the duration of the course of treatment, give up wandering drinks( kvass, soda, beer) - you can not combine grapes with them.
- Do not eat nectar in large quantities with exhaustion, obesity, cholelithiasis, gastritis.
- After taking the juice, immediately rinse the mouth with water, as the drink can destroy the enamel and cause tooth decay.
Warning! The restored grape juice made at the factory is often devoid of most of the useful properties. The reason for this - the high temperatures to which the product is exposed and long-term storage.
As a result, it can form hydroxymethylfurfural - a toxic substance, in large quantities provoking the emergence and development of cancer formations. Its optimal dose in a drink should not be more than 20 mg / l. In freshly squeezed and preserved juice this substance is not present.
The drink is indicated for use by pregnant women, but only until the third trimester( 28th week).If in the early stages of pregnancy it will be useful to both mother and fetus, then in later terms it will contribute to weight gain of a woman and acceleration of the child's growth. All this can complicate childbirth. Grape juice is also prohibited during lactation, as it provokes flatulence in the baby.
The product is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age. His reception can cause them bloating, an allergic reaction, a digestive disorder and destroy tooth enamel. But even after 2 years, babies should be accustomed to the drink gradually, diluting it in the initial stages with water.
Warning! Do not give the children juice from the dark varieties of grapes - it lowers the hemoglobin level in the blood.
Grape nectar is forbidden to receive:
- in diabetes mellitus;
- with fever( acute form);
- for severe obesity;
- with peptic ulcer and stomach ulcer;
- for cirrhosis of the liver;
- for diarrhea;
- for tuberculosis( late stage);
- with renal insufficiency;
- with caries started;
- for patients with urinary disorders;
- to people who are predisposed to allergies;
- for women during lactation and late pregnancy.
Attention! The most curative is freshly squeezed nectar, so try to make a drink with your own hands.
Now you know the benefits and harm of grape juice. Use it in moderation and in accordance with the above rules and contraindications. And then it will only benefit your body!