To sit in a warm summer evening in a friendly company with stories, anecdotes and, of course, alcohol, many like. But it happens that gatherings are not limited to small doses of alcohol and are delayed until late at night. And what if early morning you need to be fresh and cheerful at work?
- Contrast shower
- More liquid
- Wipe with snow or ice
- Bath or sauna
- Cardioversion
- Coffee or tea
- Gastric purification
- Vitamins B1 and B6
- Vitamin C
- Massage and ammonia
- Smell re-odor
Contrast shower
AlternatingCold and hot water stimulates the nervous system, "turns on" the brain. Initially, the procedure should start with moderate warm water, stand for 2-3 minutes after it, turn on moderately cool, allow room temperature, stand for 30-40 seconds, after hot water for a minute, then cool for a minute, again hot and finish everything cold.
to contents ^More fluid
Under the influence of alcohol, the body is dehydrated, so headaches and disorientation occur. The best option is ordinary water and natural juices, they will help to remove toxins from the body. The next lemonade also helps: for two liters of water the juice of two lemons, 10-15 leaves of chopped mint, grated cucumber, grated piece of ginger. Lemonade must be at least an hour.
Wiping with snow or ice
The effect is stronger than that from a contrast shower. Wipe down for 2-3 minutes, and after the procedure do not wipe off, allow the water to dry naturally. Particular attention should be given to rubbing the head, face, neck, abdomen.
to contents ^Bath or sauna
This method is suitable only for those who have no problems with the heart and venous system, blood vessels and health in general. The principle is to sweat well in the steam room. Together with the toxins will come out, and dousing with cold water after the sweating will return vigor of spirit.
This method also will suit only confident people. The duration of the training should not exceed 15-20 minutes, but the training itself must be active. You need to sweat well and then take a warm shower.
to the table of contents ^Coffee or tea
The old and effective way to sober up is to drink freshly brewed tea with lemon, ginger and honey in a snack( honey can not be added to tea, because it loses its useful properties under the influence of hot water).The drink will become an additional source of energy and vitamin C, raise the tone and help get rid of the headache. You can add a few drops of mint tincture to the tea - this will relieve you of nausea and will normalize the gastrointestinal tract.
Tea can replace coffee if you do not have high blood pressure, tachycardia, or serious kidney disease. This drink stimulates metabolic processes in the body, improves blood circulation, removes alcohol, increases mental and physical activity.
to the table of contents ^Purification of the stomach
There are sorbents that absorb and remove from the body various toxins, including the remains of alcohol. The most popular of them: activated carbon, enterosgel, polysorb, sorbex.
Vitamins B1 and B6
Intramuscular injection( dropper or injection) of these drugs will help the liver to quickly process alcohol, increase efficiency, cleanse the body of toxins. Observe the dosage indicated in the instructions.
to table of contents ^Vitamin C
It is recommended to drink the next morning more cucumber pickle, vitamin C( preferably in the form of effervescent tablets) and eat fresh fruit. Sluggishness of the body in the morning is caused by the deficiency of vitamin C.
to the table of contents ^Massage and ammonia
To recover in a few minutes and get rid of confusion, massage of the tip of the nose is recommended to improve blood flow. It will also help ammonia that needs to be smelled for a minute.
to contents ^Getting rid of the odor of
fumes The cause of an unpleasant smell after drinking alcohol is acetic aldehyde, a toxic substance released by the liver during the processing of alcohol. If too much is drunk, then the acetic aldehyde is absorbed into the blood and transported throughout the body. This substance is a poison for the body, so the organs( lungs, liver, skin) are trying hard to get it out. Hence, an unpleasant odor, called a fume, appears.
There are many folk ways how to disguise the alcohol smell. Here are the most effective of them:
- Take deep breaths and exhalations that help to reduce the concentration of exhaled aldehyde;
- Try to smell the fragrance with aromatic spices. Fennel, mint, cloves, parsley root, cinnamon, nutmeg are suitable.
- Eat one of the following foods: tomato and parsley salad, chocolate or sunflower seeds. It is also recommended to drink a glass of fatty milk.