- Unique composition of
- Influence on the body
- Recommendations for use and storage
- Contraindications
Goat's milk is considered a dietary product that can enter the menu of both young children and women during pregnancy. His valuable properties were noted in ancient times, for example, Hippocrates spoke of him as an effective means of consumption, and Avicenna argued that it can help prevent the development of senile senility. And to this day the popularity of goat's milk is not lost.
. Unique composition of
. A huge number of disputes are centered on the question of which milk is more useful: cow or goat. And to understand this can help analyze the composition of the product. First of all, it is necessary to note the difference in "behavior" in the human body of each of them. So, milk cow in the process of digestion is transformed into a dense clot, while a clump of goat's milk has a much less dense structure, which greatly facilitates the process of digestion.
As for the question of the presence of lactose in goat's milk, whether it is in this product, then the answer is unambiguous - lactose is present in it, but 13% less than in cow's milk.
Note! Absolutely any milk of animal origin, be it cow, goat, sheep, mare, etc., will have in its composition a certain portion of lactose!
At the same time, the sour-milk products obtained by fermenting goat's milk will also contain lactose, but already half as much as the same products from cow's milk.
As for the fat content of goat's milk, it can be from 4% to 9%.At the same time, the product with a low fat content, not more than 4.4%, has the best digestibility. In this case, it is absorbed by the body almost by 100%, which is of no small importance in the nutrition of babies. This property of goat's milk allows you to quickly meet the need for animal fats and for this it requires about 40% less than cow's milk.
Recommendation! Despite the fact that goat's milk is digested 2,3 times faster than cow's milk, it is preferable to use it in small sips. This will avoid the formation of too coarse clots and will further facilitate the process of assimilation!
In general, the composition of goat milk is quite rich. It contains:
- Vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, PP, which turn this beverage into a full vitamin complex. And its regular use ensures the prevention of avitaminosis at any time of the year and has a favorable effect on the state of the whole organism.
- Microelements - cobalt, controlling metabolic processes, calcium, strengthening bone tissue, nails and hair, potassium, normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as copper, phosphorus, manganese, fluorine, magnesium, iodine, sodium. Such a set of mineral substances endows this product with the ability to support the functioning of the thyroid gland, improve memory and brain activity in general, improve efficiency and maintain the nervous system.
- Goat's milk composition includes lysozyme - this is a special substance that significantly reduces the acidity level of gastric juice, which is very important for peptic ulcer.
- This drink also contains such biologically active components as albumin, choline, biotin, lecithin and globulin. Working together, these substances provide optimal skin care, making it more elastic, and thus slowing down the aging process.
.If you choose between raw and pasteurized goat's milk, the most useful is considered to be the first, because during the pasteurization many enzymes are destroyed!
Effect on the body
Useful properties of goat's milk extend to the improvement of the state of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This drink contributes to the formation of normal intestinal microflora, which significantly helps with dysbacteriosis and increases immunity. It shows very good results in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and duodenum, and after food poisoning helps quickly restore strength and saturates the body with valuable substances. The rich vitamin-mineral complex, included in its composition, helps to reduce acidity, which relieves heartburn and stabilizes the process of digestion.
Goat's milk can become an indispensable helper for gastritis. Thanks to a special enzyme, which is part of its composition - lysozyme, this product neutralizes the negative effect of acid on mucous membranes and relieves unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. At the same time, after its use, completely eliminated such side effects as nausea, bloating, etc.
Goats' milk consumption has a positive effect on colds and respiratory diseases. For example, when coughing is recommended decoction of oats based on this drink, they drink that after half an hour after a meal. With bronchitis, very good results show warm goat milk, and to improve the therapeutic effect, it is desirable to add a teaspoon of natural honey. If the common cold led to a general weakness, then in this situation, traditional medicine recommends in the last cocktail to add a teaspoon of goat or badger fat and drink it all hot before bedtime. In the morning you are guaranteed to feel much better.
Quite good goat's milk helps with multiple sclerosis, and this property was known in the old days. With such a disease, the product obtained from goats is considered to be especially useful, the basis of the ration being the branches of chestnut, birch, viburnum, elm, oak, ash, blackthorn or willow. Milk with such a menu turns somewhat bitter, but it has a powerful healing power. Drink it is recommended only in raw form( fresh milk) three times a day.
The properties of goat's milk become relevant in oncology. It is proved that its use with chemotherapy helps to reduce the side effects of the drugs used and somewhat speeds up the recovery process. For such situations, there is a simple recipe according to which 100 g of fresh natural honey should be melt in a water bath, add to it a crushed aloe leaf( large) and boil everything for five minutes, then combine the resulting mixture with 500 ml of goat's milk,at room temperature and leave overnight in the refrigerator. The finished product is taken every hour at a rate of 50 g per 1 kg of weight. The duration of the course is 2 weeks - 7 days before chemotherapy and 7 days after it.
For the child's body
Since goat's milk is well absorbed, it is often recommended to use for feeding young children. In its composition, it has all the necessary biologically active substances, which is especially useful for babies who were weaned early. However, it should be remembered here that its fat content is much higher than the fat content of breast milk, so it is better to combine them at first or mix them with baby food.
Goat's milk, despite its huge benefits, requires a competent approach, and for this you need to know how old it can be introduced into the baby's diet. Doctors say that this product can participate in the menu of toddlers who are already a year old. This drink, having a rich composition, can positively affect the proper formation of the immune system and the overall development of the whole organism. In this case, goat's milk will provide protection against colds and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including chronic ones.
As for the presence of goat's milk in the diet of children under one year, its benefits will be minimized, and serious harm is possible. This is due to the fact that at such a young age the digestive tract is not yet fully formed, and therefore is not able to digest such a fatty product. While lipase, an enzyme present in breast milk, fully copes with this task.
However, parents should remember that even after reaching the year, the body of not every child will normally react to goat's milk, and often allergies to it. In most cases, this condition develops against the background of the ingestion of casein, the milk protein, which is a provoker of sensitization. As a result, intensive production of antibodies begins, which leads to an allergic reaction. There may be several reasons for this:
- hereditary predisposition;
- unreasonably early introduction into the baby's menu of any milk of animal origin;
- when a maternity diet is disturbed and consumes products with a high level of allergens.
Note! However, allergy should not be confused with intolerance. The latter arises from the absence of lactase in the body - it is an enzyme, due to which splitting of lactose must occur!
Today on sale you can find goat's milk powder, as well as various infant formulas based on it. Similar products have a balanced for the body of babies composition, and some of them, in the absence of certain components in the composition completely solve the problem of allergy. Dry goat's milk is cooked very quickly and simply and at the same time it can be used as natural milk - it is based on not only porridge, but also home-made yogurt or cottage cheese.Women's Health
And what is the use of goat milk for women? First of all, during pregnancy and lactation, it saturates the body with biologically active substances and prevents the development of such unpleasant conditions as anemia and avitaminosis, which often cause chronic fatigue and increased nervousness.
Goat's milk is the main supplier of calcium, which is simply necessary for successful lactation, as well as a source of protein, the main building material for cells.
In addition, goat's milk is quite actively used to preserve youthand beauty of the skin of the face. This product is included in professional cosmetic products, whose action is aimed at smoothing wrinkles and improving the complexion. As for traditional medicine, she recommends the use of natural goat milk for washing. Such a simple procedure helps to significantly improve the skin condition and relieves acne. In addition, this product can also be used as a hair conditioner - just one rinse per week will prevent their loss, cross-section of tips and contribute to the restoration of dry and damaged hair.
For the male organism
Goat's milk also has some benefits for men. The proteins that make up its composition are easily assimilated by the body, which positively affects the state of the reproductive system and reproductive function. Plus, thanks to albumins, which are responsible for the normal assimilation of proteins, the quality of ejaculate improves, more active production of male hormones occurs and sexual function is corrected.
Recommendations for use and storage
Boil goat milk or not? Many sources do not recommend to heat it, explaining it by the fact that when boiling it will lose its valuable properties. Of course, the most beneficial will be just fresh milk. And if you need to quickly regain strength after the illness, then it is desirable to find people who contain domestic goats, and sell milk that has passed veterinary control. Try to buy a healing drink from them and immediately after milking. However, if you are not sure of the quality of milk or are going to introduce it into the baby's diet, then it is necessary to boil the product.
Plus, on goat milk, cook deliciously delicious and flavored porridge, which without heat treatment is impossible. These dishes are noteworthy in that they do not need to add butter, as the beverage, which is the basis, is fat and nutritious. In addition, such porridge will be well absorbed and in parallel will take care of the intestinal microflora.
If you talk about how to store goat milk, then it should be poured into a clean glass container and put in the refrigerator. It is stored in fresh form a little longer than cow's and does not spoil about 5 days. At room temperature, a fresh drink should not be left for a long time.
However, like any other natural product, goat's milk has not only useful properties, but also contraindications. To such, above all, refers to individual intolerance. In addition, with pancreatic diseases, you should prefer a low-fat beverage. With caution it is necessary to use it and with thickening of blood.
Otherwise, goat's milk is extremely useful and will certainly provide an invaluable service to your body. Choose only a quality product and stay healthy!