- Cooking recipes
- Other recipes for preparing cherries
A compote made from cherries is one of those few drinks that both children and adults love. It is prepared for every day, canned for the winter, put on a festive table. A unique aroma, taste and rich color will give an iridescent color even to the most gloomy autumn day, and the beneficial substances contained in berries strengthen health and return the lost blush.
Cherry compote should be able to cook every good mistress. For those who have not yet mastered this art, we have collected the most interesting recipes.
Recipes for cooking
There are a lot of ways of making cherry compote. So, for example, you can brew a drink from frozen berries, from cherries with bones, without them, with other fruits and fruits. You can prepare it for the winter. In this case, the preservation methods can also differ significantly from each other. Here we presented the most interesting and accessible recipes from our point of view. Which of them are the best, it's up to you.
The simplest recipe for
Most often, the housewives make compote of cherries with bones. The recipe for such a drink is simple enough and everyone can do it. In order to cook it, you will need the following products:
- half a kilogram of berries;
- granulated sugar - 200 g;
- water - 1 liter.
First, prepare the cherry. It is sorted and washed. The pedicels are removed, leaving the bones. Pour water into the pot and pour out the sugar. After the syrup is cooked, put the cherry. Compote removed from the fire a couple of minutes after boiling.
How should I prepare compote from cherry from the point of view of a nutritionist? This drink should contain a minimum of calories, so it should be cooked without sugar.
To prepare a diet compote you will need:
- cherry berries pitted - 400 g;
- black currant - 150 g;
- 2.5 liters of water.
Dietary compote is prepared quickly and easily. In the boiling water fall asleep cherry. Following her lay the currant. All cook about 4-5 minutes. After half an hour, after the compote is used, it is ready for use. This drink contains only 8.5 kcal per 100 ml and it can be drunk without fear for the figure.
An interesting fact! Caloric content of cherry compote directly depends on the amount of sugar used in its preparation, so if you want to lose weight, it is better to put it less. On average, it contains approximately 99 kcal.
Of seedless berries
For young children cherry compote is better to cook without seeds. In order to prepare it, you will need:
- 2 tbsp.ripe berries;
- sugar - half cup;
- water - 500 ml.
The first thing to do is make syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in boiling water. Then put the cherry, from which the stones are preliminarily removed. It is boiled over a slow fire for about 15 minutes. Ready compote is cooled and poured into glasses.
With apples
Traditional for Russian cuisine is compote of cherries and apples. This drink has a rich, rich taste and will be appropriate at any time of the year.
Required products:
- cherry-free cherry berries - 300 g;
- 2 apples;
- 100 g of granulated sugar.
- 3 liters of water.
Prepare the fruit. Apples are washed, peeled, cut into equal slices. Cherries are washed, and if frozen berries are taken, they are not thawed. Put prepared apple slices in a pot of water. They are cooked for about 15 minutes. Then in the compote pour cherries, add sugar and boil on low heat for about 10 minutes. After this time, the pan is removed from the plate and covered with a lid.
Tip! If frozen cherries are used for compote, then it should not be thawed, as it is necessary to do with other berries and fruits. It immediately put in boiling water. If still the juice had time to stand out, then it is poured, and then added to the drink at the end of cooking.
Cherry-berry assortment
Cherries perfectly match almost any berries and fruits. Its sweetness and aroma is enough for everyone. For the preparation of berry assortments you will need:
- 100 g of cherry;
- 300 g of any berries;
- 200 g of granulated sugar;
- water - 3 liters.
First, prepare the syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in boiling water. Then washed raspberries are put in a pan. They are cooked for about 10 minutes. At the end of this period the compote is ready.
Preserving for the winter
It's a great idea to prepare cherry compote for the winter. In this case, it is better to take berries without pits. This drink is better stored and can stand on the shelf for a long time.
You will need:
- cans from 1 to 3 liters in volume;
- fresh pitted cherry;
- sugar, approximately 300 grams per kg of berries.
Put pre-washed berries in a pan. They are covered with sugar and heated for 4 minutes.on a small fire. At the same time, banks are preparing. They are washed and sterilized with hot steam. Banks fill the hot cherry to the very top, and then roll up.
There is an alternative option for making compote, when berries are poured directly into jars with hot sugar syrup. You can also simply decompose the fruit on glass containers, and then pasteurize them in a water bath. There are a lot of ways of preserving and every mistress herself chooses the most suitable variant for her.
An interesting fact! Cherries can be poisoned! Her bones contain amygdalin, a substance that has the property of turning into hydrocyanic acid.
. Other recipes for the preparation of cherries.
. The compote made from cherries is not the only way to prepare this delicious berry. Children will certainly enjoy and cherry jelly will be very useful, and adults will necessarily have to taste refreshing mors.
Cherry jelly
A cherry jelly is prepared quite simply. It will require:
- 300 g of berries;
- a liter of water;
- 100 g of granulated sugar;
- 2 tbsp.tablespoons of starch.
Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then sugar is poured into it, as well as pre-prepared berries. After 5 minutes.the pan is removed from the fire. A hot kissel is filtered through a sieve, wiping the cherry in passing. Bones and squeezes are thrown away, and all the rest of the dishes are put back on the fire. At the same time, starch is diluted in half a glass of cold water. It is poured in a thin trickle. It is important to constantly stir the brew, otherwise lumps may form. Boil the kissel 5-7 minutes.before thickening. Before serving, it can be decorated with a mint leaf or whipped cream.
Morse from cherry is an excellent way to quench your thirst on a hot summer day. Such a drink will help to cheer up and enrich the body with vitamins.
Required products:
- cherry glass;
- half a cup of granulated sugar;
- 1 liter of water.
To prepare cherry fruit juice, firstly squeeze the juice from the berries, squeezing it out with a wooden pestle or spoon. The juice is poured into a separate bowl and placed in the refrigerator. The extracted squeezes are poured with boiling water. They cook for about 10 minutes. Then filter, and to the received broth add juice and sugar. All is mixed, cooled and served to the table. In glasses you can put ice cubes, then the drink will turn out to be especially refreshing and invigorating.
A step-by-step recipe for compote from cherry can be found in this video: