What benefits will bring the use of Brazil nuts?

The Brazil nut is a large oval or round fruit, covered with a hard herbaceous membrane. Its diameter can reach 15 cm, and weight - 2 kg. Under the skin of this fruit are a few pretty delicious kernels, sometimes their number can number more than 20 pieces.

Brazil nut is useful for adults and children

These nuts are intended for consumption, both in fried and raw form. In addition, the kernels produce oil, which has a delicate structure. It is widely used in the culinary sphere, and is also a component of some paints and cosmetics. Today we will talk about how useful this fruit is for the human body and in what cases its use is recommended.

Main characteristics

On the yield, the wild Brazilian walnut trees go far ahead of their cultural counterparts, since for pollination they need a significant amount of bumblebees and wild bees. This plant has impressive dimensions and can reach 45 meters in height and 2 meters in diameter of the trunk. The tree of the berthelet is a real long-liver, its age ranges from 500 to 1000 years.

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An interesting fact! Rodents - agouti - help reproduce this plant. They gnaw through the outer shell of the fruit, part of the inner nuts are eaten, and the rest are buried in the ground, which after germination.

How to look like a ripe Brazil nut can be seen in the photo below.

This box with nuts inside thanks to its appearance deserves another name - coconut with chestnuts

Useful properties

Let's figure out how useful the Brazil nut. The value of this fruit lies in its richest composition, which includes:

  • trace elements - copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium;
  • a wide vitamin range - C, D, E, B vitamins;
  • betaine;
  • arginine;
  • fatty acids;
  • cellulose;
  • protein;
  • amino acids.

Thanks to its unique composition, the Brazil nut has a lot of useful properties. These fruits are indispensable for the normalization of the intestine, they stimulate peristalsis and effectively purify the body.

Note! By the concentration of saturated fats, the Brazil nut is even superior to macadamia. And their nutritional and taste qualities are several times higher than coconuts, so the latter in cooking is often replaced by the fruits of the birch tree.

Selenium content in Brazil nuts is as high as possible. This substance is an excellent prevention of cancer of the lungs, intestines, prostate and mammary glands. To cover the daily requirement of the organism in selenium, it is enough to eat 2 walnuts a day.

Useful substances that make up this fetus help to overcome depression, get rid of stress and fill with vital energy.

An important amino acid - methionine - promotes the best absorption of selenium. This substance performs another important function - it takes an active part in the process of producing glutathione, which, in turn, strengthens the immune system and fights against free radicals.

Despite its high caloric value, which is 698 calories per 100 g of product, the Brazil nut helps to get rid of extra pounds. The fact is that it contains a sufficient number of amino acids that burn fats, convert them into energy and affect the set of only muscle mass.

Note! For this reason, the fruits of the tree are often included in the composition of diets.

Having included the Brazil nut in your diet, you will help the body cope with thyroid diseases, heart diseases, as well as atherosclerosis and cataracts. These fruits improve metabolic processes, normalize blood glucose levels and eliminate traces of chronic fatigue.

Brazil nut oil will give any dish a special note of

Brazil nut oil has also found wide application and it especially benefits women. It is used in the manufacture of cosmetics for hair care, perfumes, and also includes face and body creams. Possessing a gentle taste and aroma, the oil of this fruit is an excellent dressing for salads and an indispensable ingredient in the production of desserts and baking.

Is Brazil nuts harmful?

But in addition to the obvious benefits of excessive use, Brazil nut can also cause harm. Its composition contains a small amount of radium and barium, and with intensive eating of fruits the body will receive a certain dose of these radioactive components, and all the value will be lost. Doctors, nutritionists recommend eating no more than two nuts per day. This portion will be enough to provide your body with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

This product has and contraindications:

  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance.

In addition, the envelope of the fetus contains aflatoxins, which contribute to the development of cancer, so it is recommended to purchase only peeled nuts.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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