- The correct choice of dietary supplements
- The correct dosage
- Duration of admission
- Features of application
Insufficient intake of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D in adults and children causes a deterioration of twilight vision and reduced immunity. Replenish the stock of these biologically active substances will allow the exchange rate intake of fish oil in capsules or liquid dosage form. To introduce dietary supplements into the diet of a person brought only benefits, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of use. How to take fish oil is detailed in the annotation attached to the package. But it is best before going to the doctor to consult a doctor and adhere to his recommendations regarding dosages and the duration of the therapeutic course.
The right choice of dietary supplements
Before taking fish oil in capsules, adults need to decide on its dosage form. Many people refuse to use this useful biologically active additive, remembering its extremely unpleasant taste and smell. This natural product is still manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry. But in most dosage forms, manufacturers added fruit and berry flavor improvers and flavors. Now fish oil is accepted with great pleasure even by fastidious kids. The introduction of such methods of attracting consumers somewhat limits the range of use of dietary supplements. Flavored and sweetened fish oil is contraindicated:
- to people with individual sensitivity to certain flavors;
- for children and adults with intolerance to fructose, sucrose and other artificial and natural sweeteners.
If, after taking a dietary supplement on the skin, redness and rash appear, then its use should be stopped immediately and consulted by your doctor. After a short survey, he will replace fish oil with his safer dosage form. As a rule, it becomes a natural liquid product in bottles of dark glass.
Recommendation: If a nursing woman has decided to gradually introduce fish oil into her diet, she should prefer a dietary supplement in liquid form without dyes and flavors. Even in the absence of sensitivity to food additives in the mother, there is no guarantee that the allergic reaction will not occur in the baby.
A wide assortment of fish oil in capsules is located on pharmacy stalls. They have a different shape, weight, and color. Most dietary supplements in capsules are intended for use in children older than 7 years, who do not have difficulty in swallowing. Some manufacturers have established the production of small transparent pills that do not exceed the size of a pea. Such capsules can be taken by a young child, but it should be borne in mind that they will have to use not one but three or four pieces at once.
The gelatinous membrane well disguises the unpleasant odor and taste of fish oil. It also provides a longer( 1-2 years) shelf life of the biologically active additive. If the capsules are not packaged in blisters from metallized foil, then after the opening of the hermetically sealed vial, their shelf life is significantly reduced.
Chewable capsules
Such a medicinal form of fish oil appeared relatively recently with the invention of new modern technologies. In the packs of dietary supplements are colored chewable capsules or marmalades with a fruit or berry flavor. They are made in the form of bears, fish, apples, lemons, pineapples. This form of release does not mean that delicious chewable capsules are only for babies. You can buy marmalade with fish oil, which is produced for adults.
Chewable capsules are used to treat and prevent various pathologies in children from the age of three. Store this biologically active additive should be in places protected not only from sunlight, but also from curious toddlers. They take capsules for delicious sweets and can eat them in excess. This can cause allergies, dyspeptic disorders and require gastric lavage.
Thick liquid
Despite the specific odor and taste of this fish oil formulation, most doctors prefer it. In the natural product is the maximum number of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Fish oil in liquid form is used in the treatment of children from two years old, but if necessary, it is used in the treatment of babies from 6 months. Biologically active additive is indicated for the prevention of rickets - a disease characterized by curvature of the lower extremities and the spinal column. Also, liquid fish oil is recommended for the following pathological conditions:
- deficiency in adults and children of vitamins A, E, D;
- frequent recurrences of viral and bacterial infections;
- high cholesterol.
To use liquid fish oil has the maximum therapeutic effect, it should be stored in a cool, sheltered from the sun's rays. This will prolong the shelf life of the biologically active additive, avoid oxidation of fat-soluble vitamins with oxygen from the surrounding space.
The correct dosage of
The daily rate of fish oil can vary significantly depending on the overall health of the person, his weight and age. If an adult or a child takes a dietary supplement according to the doctor's prescription, then the results of laboratory tests affect the amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids consumed during the day. Dosage depends on the purpose of taking a dietary supplement. As a rule, many fish oils are not required to prevent respiratory or cardiovascular pathologies. And when diagnosing metabolic disorders, dietary supplements should be taken at higher dosages.
Tip: To replenish the stocks of vitamins A, E, D should include in their diet of fatty marine fish. But its frequent use often causes weight gain. Therefore, for people caring for their shape, it is more appropriate to take fish oil in capsules or liquid form.
The daily dose of fish oil in liquid form is 15-20 ml, this volume is contained in a tablespoon. People, leading an active lifestyle, engaged in sports, can take up to 2 tablespoons of natural remedy during the day. The average daily amount of a product for children depends on their age:
- 6-12 months - 4-5 ml or half a teaspoon;
- 1-3 years - 7-8 ml or half a tablespoon;
- 3-6 years - 10-12 ml or a dessert spoon;
- is older than 7 years - a tablespoon.
Pediatricians recommend injecting fish oil into the diet of babies in small amounts, gradually increasing the dosage to the recommended one.
Regarding capsules, everything is not so simple. The fact is that the pharmacies sell packages with transparent pills of different weights. They can differ in size, weight, concentration of active ingredients. Therefore, to calculate the correct dose, you should carefully study the annotation attached to the package, and also take into account that to replenish the stocks of biologically active substances an adult needs about 20 ml of fish oil a day.
When buying a dietary supplement should pay attention to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in it. If the manufacturer indicates on packaging their quantitative content is less than 30%, then this is not a very good fish oil. But the value of 50% and above indicates the high quality of the biologically active additive. The use of such fish oil is very convenient - the number of receptions and capsules used is reduced.
Warning: dietary supplements should not be taken to people with urolithic and cholelithiasis. Fish oil is contraindicated in hypervitaminosis, an open form of pulmonary tuberculosis, acute and chronic kidney failure.
Duration of admission
The correct use of a biologically active additive with daily and one-off dosages allows regular consumption of fish oil. But only at a normal state of health. Many adults take pharmacological drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases, and the children are diagnosed with respiratory infections several times a year. Fish oil has the ability to alter the action of such medications:
- benzodiazepines;
- anticonvulsant;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial;
- cardiac glycosides.
Under the action of a biologically active additive, the therapeutic efficacy of drugs can be significantly reduced and increased. Often this becomes the reason for the accumulation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins in the tissues of the body. There is an overdose, or hypervitaminosis, which needs additional treatment.
Doctors recommend a course of fish oil intake for 2-3 months. During this time, the human resistance to viral and bacterial infectious agents increases. A small child has a correct formation of the spinal column and tooth enamel, and the adult has problems with peristalsis and digestion. Now it's time for a short break. It is necessary to exclude fish oil from the diet for 3-4 weeks.
Warning: In the vastness of the Internet, there are recommendations to take fish oil only in the spring and autumn, during periods of epidemics of respiratory infections. Doctors say that this is too short a time for complete saturation of the body with useful biologically active substances.
Features of application of
Proper use of dietary supplements depends on whether you take fish oil before or after eating. The natural product contains a high concentration of fatty acids, so when you eat before eating, you may experience dyspepsia:
- nausea;
- attacks of vomiting;
- excessive gassing.
A large amount of fat will have on the human body and a strong laxative effect, which can adversely affect the state of the intestinal microflora. To sudden diarrhea did not make any unwanted adjustments to the plans, you should take fish oil only after eating, washing it with pure still water. It is better not to use the biologically active supplement all at once. To achieve maximum therapeutic effectiveness, you need to take fish oil 2-3 times a day.
It's interesting: In some people, the taste of fish oil is associated with red caviar. They just smear it on a piece of bread and eat it during breakfast, lunch and dinner.