Dried cranberries - useful action and healing properties

Dried cranberries are not only a delicious addition to ice cream and liquid chocolate, but also a very useful food product. Daily use of aromatic berries will avoid the development of respiratory and intestinal infections, eliminate dyspeptic disorders. Biologically active substances from the chemical composition of dried cranberries destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi, improve the condition of blood vessels. To ensure that the introduction of berries in the diet is not the cause of health problems, you should consult a doctor about the individual safety of their use.

Dried cranberries are used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of bronchitis, sore throat, tracheitis

Useful composition

Fresh cranberries contain a lot of benzoic acid, which is considered a natural preservative. Thanks to her berries can be stored for a long time without any heat treatment. But all the same, sooner or later, the processes of decay and fermentation, leading to damage to cranberries, begin to occur. Not only the absence of a freezer and the presence of a large number of berries cause hostesses to dry cranberries. In the process of this type of processing, a delicious and healthy food is produced at the output, helping to cure colds and saturating the body with the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

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Tip: For the preparation of dried cranberries at home, you need to discard the unripe or spoiled berries that are harmful to insects. Otherwise, the rotting process that has developed after the treatment will lead to the deterioration of all dried fruits.

The caloric content of dried cranberries, in a large assortment of stores presented on the shelves, is about 120-130 power units. But the nutritional value of a product cooked at home can vary considerably. The fact is that this method of processing uses sugar syrup, and its concentration differs in the recipes used. In addition, many housewives to improve the taste and appearance of the product:

  • powder cranberries with powdered sugar;
  • add to it olive oil, preventing the sticking of berries between them.

The calorie content of such a treat increases several times, which should be taken into account for people with excess weight or for those who use dried cranberries for weight loss. Fruits are practically absent in berries, but the total protein and carbohydrate content is close to 30%.Most of the organic matter of cranberries is represented by high molecular weight polysaccharides.

The chemical composition of sweetened dehydrated berries includes bioflavonoids, phytoestrogens, tannins and organic acids. Very much in the cranberry of magnesium, copper, potassium, chromium, zinc and iron. A high concentration of ascorbic, nicotinic and folic acid allows you to consider cranberries as a source of water-soluble vitamins.

Adding dried cranberries to baked goods and desserts allows to reduce caloric content of dishes, to enrich them with useful fiber, vitamins and microelements.

. Healing actions.

. The fair sex representatives often include dried cranberries in their diet to prevent premature aging. Delicious berries contain anthocyanins that can destroy free radicals and hinder their formation. And replenishment of vitamins and trace elements helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, accelerate hair growth and strengthen the nail plates. Phytoncides of cranberries contribute to the elimination of small pimples, redness, acne.

It is interesting: The extract of berry cranberry juice manufacturers of cosmetic and hygienic products are added to creams, tonics, lotions, shampoos. The curative ingredient normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, moistens all layers of the epidermis, eliminates the effects of acne.

Regular consumption of dried cranberries can stop inflammatory processes in the body, regardless of their location. Also for dried cranberry the following useful properties are characteristic:

  • antiviral;
  • antimycotic;
  • bacteriostatic, and in large doses and bactericidal;
  • is mucolytic;
  • disinfectant;
  • toning;
  • is an antitumor.

Cranberry bioflavonoids have a positive effect on the condition of veins, arteries and capillaries. Normalization of blood circulation leads to rapid healing of skin and mucous membrane damage. And the ability of cranberries to increase the elasticity of blood vessels is used in folk medicine for the treatment of venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis. This is of great importance in the therapy of arterial and renal hypertension. The inclusion of dried cranberries in your diet helps prevent pressure build-up throughout the day.

Candied dried cranberries are contraindicated in people with excess weight and high glucose level in the systemic bloodstream.


Drinking a few dried cranberries with hot infusion of rose hips will significantly reduce the severity of cystitis symptoms. Biologically active compounds normalize urination, relieve cuts and burning, eliminate pain in the abdomen. Due to the high concentration of potassium and bioflavonoids, the cranberry has powerful diuretic properties. The pathogenic bacteria( staphylococcus, E. coli) are washed out from the urethra and bladder, as well as toxic products of their vital activity. Organic acids of dried cranberries prevent the development of symptoms of general intoxication - increased temperature, weakness, rapid fatigue.


Dried cranberries are used in folk medicine not only for the prevention of colds, but also for its treatment. Delicious berries relieve the adult and the child from a cold, nasal congestion and sore throat. And phytoncides of cranberries facilitate breathing and promote normal sleep. Organic acids reduce the viscosity of thick sputum and help to evacuate it from the bronchi and the nasopharynx. Of no less importance is the rich vitamin-mineral composition of dried berries, which is necessary for strengthening the protective forces of man.


The use and harm of dried cranberries causes a high concentration of bioactive substances in its chemical composition. The use of berries can provoke an allergic reaction in a person who has an individual sensitivity to it. The content of organic acids in berries determines the following contraindications:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • erosive and hyperacid gastritis;
  • tooth decay, thin and sensitive tooth enamel;
  • of hypovitaminosis;
  • predisposition to stone formation in the kidneys, bile and urinary bladder;
  • chronic liver pathology.

Do not forget that during the preparation of dried cranberries, sugar syrup was used. Therefore, berries are categorically forbidden in diabetes mellitus of any type. Excessive consumption of dried fruits will cause increased gas production, heartburn, diarrhea and damage to tooth enamel.

Warning: Doctors do not recommend using dried cranberries during childbearing and lactation. A pediatrician warns that the inclusion of berries in the diet of a child up to three years, can cause ulceration in his mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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