- How useful is "golden milk"?
- Health recipes
- Contraindications and side effects
Turmeric is an exotic yellow spice that has proved itself not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine and cosmetology. Its influence on health is known for a long time, old recipes recommend using it together with milk.
The use of milk with turmeric is enormous: it cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, painful syndromes in bones and joints, prevention of cancer and blood purification. Consider what constitutes "golden milk" and consider several medicinal recipes.
How useful is "golden milk"?
Turmeric has been very popular since Ayurvedic medicine. It is valued for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. It is directed against headache, edema and cold, for healing of wounds and prevention of infections. Curcuma also has analgesic and disinfecting properties. It is not for nothing that people call it "natural aspirin".
Attention! Turmeric with milk is used as a healing drink, cleansing lotion, firming mask. The drug is called "golden milk", thereby emphasizing the multifacetedness of its medicamentous action.
The healing duo is useful in every respect:
- strengthens bones and joints, relieves pain syndromes, heals illnesses;
- makes the skin healthy, elastic and elastic, eliminates irritation, stains and redness;
- cures colds, coughs;
- eliminates diarrhea and other digestive system disorders;
- cleanses the blood and liver;
- strengthens the immune system;
- stabilizes blood pressure;
- removes carcinogens from the body;
- alleviates the symptoms of senile dementia( Alzheimer's disease) and prevents its progression;
- is the prevention of cancer;
- eliminates excess weight.
Attention! Useful properties of turmeric and milk are not limited to this list. According to folk healers, the remedy removes menstrual pain, improves sleep, promotes the normal course of pregnancy and even facilitates childbirth.
Health recipes
"Golden milk": classic recipe
To begin with, you need to prepare a paste of turmeric. You will need:
- ¼ cup powder of this spice;
- 0.5 teaspoon ground( spicy to taste) pepper;
- 0.5 cup cold boiled water.
Mix all ingredients and cook over moderate heat for 7-8 minutes, stirring constantly. You should form a thick mass. Prepare the prepared paste, place in a glass container and determine in the refrigerator. Its shelf life is exactly 30 days.
"Golden milk" with turmeric: drink recipe and its benefits
When the paste is ready, you can proceed to the preparation of the product itself. To do this, store:
- with one cup of milk( with equal success, cow, goat, coconut, soy or almond);
- 1 teaspoon of oil( sesame, coconut, sunflower or almond oil);
- 1 teaspoon paste from turmeric;
- honey( to taste).
Paste the pasta with milk, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. In a slightly cooled drink add honey and butter."Golden milk" is ready!
Attention! Drink should be drunk in the morning for 40 days. Although some doctors say that turmeric with milk is more useful at night. Number of courses - 1-2.
"Golden milk" cleanses blood and liver cells, removes harmful substances from the intestines and normalizes the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Regular intake of the product helps wash away the deposits of salts, strengthen the spine, bone tissue and nervous system. In addition, it improves the complexion, activates the brain, alleviates the symptoms of arthritis and gives ease of movement.
"Golden milk" or turmeric with milk and honey is a powerful trio in which each participant is endowed with extraordinary healing abilities.
With cough and sore throat
Recipe 1. This ancient Indian recipe effectively relieves sore throat and chills. In ¼ cup of boiled water, add 0.5 teaspoon turmeric( powder) and 1 teaspoon of ginger( also a powder).Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a glass of milk and boil. In a lightly cooled drink, add honey or sugar to taste, strain and drink. Drink a drink better at night. By the morning you will feel a noticeable relief.
Recipe 2. Another remedy, where turmeric is involved with milk, is used against cough. In a glass of milk, add a little sugar, and then heat. Then 0.5 teaspoon of carambola seeds fry in a pan until they have a golden color. Add ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and mix. The resulting mass is added to the milk, mix and drink hot.
For insomnia and sleep disorders
To fight insomnia, drink 1 glass of warm milk daily, 30 minutes before you go to bed, with a pinch of turmeric added to it.
With diarrhea
"Golden milk" from turmeric is guaranteed to relieve diarrhea and indigestion of the stomach. To prepare the drink, a small piece of turmeric root is added to the milk and heated. Mix the mixture before use.
Warning! To treat diarrhea, use only low-fat milk, otherwise the drink will only exacerbate the problem.
With pain syndromes
The drug works reliably and with chronic joint and spinal pain. It releases the back muscles from spasms and returns the mobility to the locomotor apparatus."Natural aspirin" is ruthless and in the case of headaches.
For arthritis
Turmeric contains curcumin - one of the most useful substances with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The use of milk with turmeric is the ability to quickly relieve the pain and swelling caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, reduce the "creak" of the joints and burn the soles after physical exertion. Take a drink twice a day before a meal, and the ease of movement will be assured!
For the health of the skin
The secret of Cleopatra's beauty is that she systematically took milk baths with yellow spices. The use of milk with turmeric for the skin is proven by cosmetologists. To improve the complexion or to remove the rash, redness and other irritations, it is recommended to treat affected areas with this healing mixture. Together with the masks you can take it inside - the skin instantly acquires elasticity, silky and pearl luster.
Contraindications and side effects
Excessive intake of turmeric is fraught with such side effects as:
- indigestion( heartburn, constipation);
- hair loss;
- increase in blood cholesterol;
- weakened immunity;
- lowering blood pressure;
- lowering of blood sugar level.
"Golden milk" with turmeric has also contraindications:
- gastritis and stomach ulcer;
- stones in the gallbladder;
- chronic diseases;
- Drug Administration
Attention! Turmeric liquefies the blood and strengthens the effect of other substances, so it should be stopped 2-3 weeks before the operation.
If you use the product in full accordance with the instructions, the benefits of milk with turmeric will be enormous: it's the body's health, and the beauty of the skin, and getting rid of excess kilograms.