Disadvantages of raw plant food
In contrast to the above advantages of raw plant foods, the following arguments can be cited:
With raw plant foods, pathogenic microbes and animal parasites can be introduced into the body. Raw fruit with foulbrood are carriers of toxins and pathogenic bacteria, raw greens, vegetables and fruits - the carriers of eggs are worm( that's why when using plant food in raw form, vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed and ideally fresh). Fast saturation, given by raw food, with a small number of calories;this saturation does not at all indicate that the body's needs are met: general well-being, the ability to do mental and physical work is even better than when fed with boiled food, but despite these positive data, the body is in a state of relative starvation. Interestingly, this fasting of the body is not reflected for some time in weight, as the body detains in its tissues the liquid contained in raw plant foods in quantities up to 80%, and sometimes even up to 95%.This inadequate diet is hidden, because the person is constantly fed, the energy at work does not go away, and he feels even better, as stated above, than when eating boiled food. But, in the end, the body's strengths begin to fall, protein balance is disturbed, and weight falls.
If there are indications that proteins and carbohydrates of raw plant foods are fairly well absorbed, then on the other hand there are studies showing that when feeding raw food or boiled digestion of proteins goes the same under otherwise equal conditions, and in some cases digestibilitydifferent components of boiled food is even better than raw: from organic substances, raw is digested - 83.6%, boiled - 86%;of crude protein - 84.1%, boiled - 86.1%;from vegetable fibers of raw - 80,6%, cooked - 89,4%;of carbohydrates - 90.5%, cooked - 91.2%. There are indications that raw vegetable food leaves the stomach much faster than the cooked. Raw carrots, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers faster than cooked, leave the stomach and cause a mild secretion of gastric juice;this property of raw plant foods to quickly move from the stomach to the intestines must be attributed to the negative, and not to the positive aspects of this method of nutrition: food not sufficiently processed in the stomach, gives an excessive burden to the intestines, resulting in a number of unpleasant symptoms in some people. Reinforced chewing, which is indicated as a positive side of nutrition by raw plant food, requires a good chewing apparatus, which not all have, especially with age. Needless to say, as if only raw plant food adequately provides the body with vitamins;the rational preparation of food from greens, vegetables, fruits and berries preserves sufficiently the activity of vitamins. In addition, a lot of vitamins in the juices of raw vegetables, fruits, berries. When feeding exclusively raw vegetable food, you need knowledge of special cooking, mechanical processing and a combination of different raw foods, rational composition of the food ration. Anyone who eats raw carrots, nothing but pleasant taste, does not get. The orange colored substance carotene( provitamin A), necessary to strengthen the protective forces of our body, is indeed contained in carrots in large quantities, but it is tightly blocked by indigestible cellulose. Gastric juice can assimilate these necessary elements only if the carrot is ground or subjected to heat treatment. And carotene can be absorbed by the walls of the stomach only on condition that it is dissolved in small droplets of fat. The promising thesis of lovers of raw food "The more natural, the healthier!" - sounds impressive, but not very convincing. Nature does not give health just like that. In the course of evolution, different groups of plants developed one or another survival strategy, and some of them accumulate poisonous substances as a protective device for being eaten. And nature has given man a chance to find ways to remove or neutralize these substances. For example, for millions of people, legumes are a staple food because of their high protein content, but they contain many toxic substances. The consumption of legumes in raw form in large quantities or regularly is very harmful. Wheat and other cereals contain low-value substances, which are removed only by heat treatment. Therefore, many prefer flakes, which are grain cereals after appropriate processing, which makes them more suitable for consumption. This is better than raw porridge from crushed and softened grains. To oxides also applies oxalic acid, which is contained in spinach, rhubarb, sorrel and chard. Oxalic acid stuffs on edge, disrupts the normal assimilation of the body's most important minerals. With an excess of oxalic acid, calcium, so necessary for strengthening bones, and hematopoietic proteins are not accepted by the body. As a result, especially sensitive to oxalic acid, people can develop kidney stone disease. The oxalic acid-containing vegetables in their raw form are especially contraindicated for the elderly and children. Already our great-great-grandmothers knew that the leaves and stalks of sorrel should be scalded or boiled, and not drink liquid broth. Everyone who suffers from an allergy is usually advised to eat boiled food, not raw. Allergy sufferers react sharply to certain protein substances, which only change during heat treatment so that the immune system of allergy sufferers does not react to them, and the food is digested without difficulty. As time proved, the system of Dr. Bircher-Benner was not devoid of shortcomings. But the impregnable fortress of protein nutrition, which destroys and poison the body, was taken by storm. Vegetables and fruits ceased to be considered "heavy and harmful to the stomach" and took an honorable place on the dining table. However, in the following decades, the theory of raw food was improved, due attention was paid to cooking vegetables for a couple with the preservation of their nutritional and taste properties. The theory of "fruit and vegetable" has become something more - a way of life, a full-fledged system of separate food.
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