Potatoes - advice from specialists
You can not eat sprouted or green potatoes. In such potatoes, a poisonous substance accumulates: solanine. Try to peel potatoes as thin as possible, because most of the proteins, vitamins and mineral salts are directly concentrated under it.
Young potatoes are easier to clean if briefly put it first in a hot, and then in cold water. When cleaning young potatoes, the skin of the hands often darkens. To avoid this, you must moisten your hands with vinegar before cleaning and, without wiping them, allow the vinegar to dry.
Young potatoes should not be scraped with a knife. Sprinkle it with salt, put it in a plastic bag and rub it a little potatoes, and then rinse with cold water.
The cleaned potatoes from the contact with the air darken, so the peeled potatoes should be immediately lowered into cold water. However, it is not possible to keep the tubers in water for long, since nitrous substances and sugar are washed away from the outer layers, vitamin C is destroyed.
Peel the potatoes under a stream of very cold water - it will be cooked faster and becomes friable.
Watery potatoes, before you cook, put them in a dry, warm place for the night, so that it dries well, then it will be much tastier.
Sliced raw potatoes should be thoroughly rinsed with water before frying to remove starchy grains from the surface, otherwise they will stick together and stick to the bottom when roasting. Then they need to be dried on a napkin. This will speed up the formation of crusts, the fat will be less sprayed and the pieces will be fried evenly.
Frozen potatoes should be put in cold water - then it will immediately roll back and become quite edible.
Hands, blackened from cleaning potatoes, carrots and other vegetables, can be washed, cutting off the top of the lemon and wiping her hands. A cut piece of lemon can be used for the same purpose several times. It cleanses the hands of rhubarb and pumice well.