Hot tea from raspberry and cold will leave you!

Raspberry is a berry, loved by millions. It is known, loved and appreciated for its useful properties, and therefore many people are ready to use this berry in large quantities. No less useful and important for health is the tea with raspberries. If you look at the kitchen to the housewives, then practically everyone can find a bag with the raspberry leaves prepared for the winter and a jar of fragrant raspberry jam.

Raspberry tea is considered one of the best folk remedies against colds

About the benefits of the drink

Tea made from raspberry leaves is a highly effective remedy for inflammatory diseases of any origin.

  • This drink is useful for articular pains that occur against the background of arthritis and gout.
  • It has an antisclerotic effect, cleaning and strengthening the walls of the vessels and regulating the amount of cholesterol in the body.
  • This tea is good for catarrhal diseases, significantly easing the patient's condition, reducing body temperature in fever and accelerating the healing process.
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Raspberry tea with honey is very useful for reproductive organs

For all the above reasons, representatives of not only folk medicine but also traditional medicine insist on the use of raspberry tea in detecting inflammatory processes in the body.

Note! The main raw material for medicinal tea is the raspberry leaves. They are collected in late spring - early summer, dried and stored in linen bags or glass jars!

Benefit for nursing mother

It is known that breastfeeding takes a lot of energy and energy from the young mother and also deprives her body of a significant proportion of important substances. And as a consequence, a decrease in immunity and frequent colds, especially during their exacerbation.

And here comes to the rescue a fragrant and healing drink. Tea with raspberries with breastfeeding will be useful not only for mom, but for the baby. This is due to the fact that the valuable substances with which it is saturated, enter the body of the child through the mother's milk, strengthening and its immune system. A mother of this tea will help get rid of the cold and will not allow her to re-develop.

Raspberry tea during breastfeeding will increase the protective forces of the body and mother and child

However, it should be remembered that raspberries are a strong allergen, so it is better to make tea not from fruits but from leaves of the plant and always monitor the reaction of the baby after eatingthis drink. A child's organism can always react to new foods, even if it is not considered to be allergenic.

Help with cold

Raspberry tea has not only an anti-inflammatory effect, it is also capable of showing diaphoretic and antitussive effect. That's why tea with raspberries is often recommended for use in colds and is considered an effective remedy for this ailment.

To prepare a cold remedy, you must:

  • pour two tablespoons of dried raspberry fruit with a glass of boiling water. Drink the product in hot form, preferably at bedtime and at least 2 glasses at a time. The received drink is not only a curative remedy for colds, but also tones the body perfectly;
  • a teaspoon of dried leaves pour a glass of steep boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of the finished product is recommended to drink with raspberry jam.

As a result of the application, tea with raspberries helps to get rid of sore throat and temperature.

Important! This drink will be effective only if the patient's body temperature does not exceed 38 ° C.At higher rates, only medications will help!

How does the raspberry tea fight against colds and high body temperature?

  1. Raspberries contain salicylic acid, which is popularly called natural aspirin. This substance shows special qualities similar to the drug - it disinfects, relieves inflammation, removes pain and destroys pathogenic microbes.
  2. This plant is rich in vitamins and microelements, and also contains pectins. And these components, working together, help strengthen immunity, support the body's strengths and fight diseases.
Hot raspberry tea warms up the body and helps to better assimilate the beneficial substances

Is harm possible?

But sometimes the use of tea from raspberry leaves will bring not so much benefit, how much harm.

  1. You can not drink more than 2 liters of this drink per day, otherwise the basic functions of the kidneys can be violated.
  2. This drink is not recommended for inclusion in the diet of people suffering from heart disease, as well as in the parallel reception of anticoagulants. Drinking raspberry tea in such situations can provoke cardiac arrhythmia, dizziness and general weakness.
  3. Aspirin is also not allowed to be combined with a drink from raspberries and crimson leaves.
  • Mar 08, 2018
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