How to dry gooseberries at home?

In villages and villages for drying berries, fruits, mushrooms and other products from time immemorial, the oven was used. With its help, the drying process could be carried out simply without spending a lot of time for this. In cities, electric driers are used for this purpose. And today we will figure out how to use it to make dried gooseberry. The product that is obtained at the output can be used for cooking a wide variety of dishes - from it you can make compotes, jams and jams, make sauce and seasonings.

Drying gooseberries is possible and at home

Why dry?

To begin with, the question should be asked whether it is possible to dry gooseberries. In fact, drying any food and gooseberry is no exception. But many may not know about this, since these berries are harvested in this way very rarely. The fact is that they are very juicy and get rid of so much liquid is quite difficult and long. But this is only if the drying is carried out in the open air. If you use modern devices, the process becomes incredibly fast.

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Note! Undoubtedly, gooseberries can be dried, but just remember that the dried fruits will be sour, even if you choose the sweetest variety!

So, why dry gooseberries? Here you can distinguish such advantages:

  • dried product can be safely used throughout the year and do not worry about its quality;
  • vitamins and valuable substances will be fully preserved;
  • dried berries are distinguished by a higher caloric value;
  • does not require a lot of storage space, since during the drying process they lose much both in bulk and in mass.

How to dry?

To dry gooseberry, you can choose one of three methods:

  • outdoors under direct sunlight;

  • in the oven or oven;
  • in the electric dryer.

And today we will consider the simplest method - how to dry gooseberries in an electric dryer.

Cooking process

  1. For drying, choose the ripe fruit. Collect them preferably only in dry weather. They must be intact, without traces of decay, sepals and stems should be removed beforehand.

    Important! But at the same time the berries should in no case be overpopulated! Their skin should be firm, and the gooseberry dense!

  2. Pour a small amount of water into a sauter and bring it to a boil. Berries put in a metal colander and in small batches blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Gooseberries should become soft.
    We prepare the prepared berries with a thin layer on the
  3. grate. We put the fruits into the dryer and turn on the machine at low power.
  4. If drying were done in the oven, then in the process it would be necessary to monitor the temperature and from time to time ventilate the oven from the accumulated water vapor in it. The electric dryer does not require this.

    Important! Dried gooseberries will turn out really high-quality, if the drying process will be carried out according to all the rules. Therefore, when using the oven, do not be too lazy and several times necessarily ventilate it.

  5. Berries should be dried evenly, for this they should be sent to the electric dryer in small batches, when their layer on the grate will be minimal, and the berries themselves of the same size.
  6. After about two hours, the temperature in the drying cabinet is increased by adding power.

    Important! Add the temperature after a few hours after the start of drying. If this is done at the initial stage, the skin on the fruit will quickly dry and become very dense, and this will make it difficult to evaporate moisture and slow the drying process!

  7. The whole process of drying gooseberry in the electric dryer takes about 12 hours.
  8. Put the dried fruits on the surface and let them cool down completely, after which we spread them on tissue bags or jars and send them to storage.
Dried gooseberries can be stored for no more than 2 years

If you do not have an electric dryer, the whole process can be done in a conventional oven. The process itself is practically the same. But it is more profitable to dry gooseberries in the sun. Fruits are laid out on metal baking trays, top covered with glass and left under the scorching sun rays. Of course, the day should be clear, without the slightest hint of rain or fog. For several days the berries are turned over so that they dry out evenly and do not stick to the pallets. To accelerate the process on the second or third day, gooseberries are dried in the oven.

Dried berries of gooseberry are an excellent alternative to raisins. They can be added to cupcakes and pies, curd cakes and other desserts.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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