Cold jam from gooseberries without cooking - a selection of recipes

Today we want to tell you how to make gooseberries, ground with sugar. This homemade billet is not only delicious, but also very useful, since boiling or any other heat treatment of the fruit will not be required. The process itself takes just a few minutes, spending which today, you can enjoy a fragrant natural treat throughout the year.

Rub the gooseberry with sugar and enjoy the taste of fresh berries throughout the year.


Gooseberries, rubbed with sugar, can be prepared in a classic way, that is, using only two basic ingredients, or enrich the taste with additional ingredients. In their role most often are citrus fruits, for example, lemon. This component gives the dish a pleasant sourness and is ideal for those who do not like too sweet desserts.

Next, we'll look at each method in as much detail as possible and describe the technology of their preparation.

Classic version of

So, let's look at how to make gooseberries, rubbed with sugar, according to the classic recipe.

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Prepare ingredients:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1,2 kg.

Note! The amount of sugar you can vary at your own discretion. Usually, for 1 kg of berries add about 1-1.5 kg of granulated sugar!

The cooking process.

  1. Fruits of gooseberries sorted and cleaned spoiled, cut stems.
  2. After the rejection process, we glaze the berries with steep boiling water and transfer it to a colander, so that the glasses are superfluous.
  3. Prepared gooseberries dry with a paper towel and put into the bowl of the blender, chop.

    Tip! If there is no blender, then the fruit can be passed through a meat grinder. And for a more uniform texture, the process is repeated twice using the smallest grating!

  4. Put the mashed potatoes in a bowl or pot and add sugar.
  5. Leave the mixture for a while on the table, stirring occasionally, to completely dissolve the sugar.
  6. Sterilized dry jars are filled with ground gooseberry, sprinkled with two spoons of sugar.

    Note! Sugar on the surface of the puree will create a so-called lock, which will not allow bacteria to enter the jar, and thus, the dessert will be stored long enough without losing its quality!

  7. The workpiece is tightly closed with lids and sent to storage in a cool place.
This delicacy can be served to tea or used as a filling for homemade baking

Gooseberry with lemon

In order to prepare gooseberry mashed with sugar and lemon it is desirable to take a sweet variety, for example, Black Negus. In this case, the ingredients will combine as much as possible, and the dessert will not turn out too sour.

Prepare ingredients:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1,2 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.

The cooking process.

  1. Fruits are released from the pedicels, cut off the leaves and discarded the spoiled.
  2. We shift it into a colander, we fill it with steep boiling water and leave it for a couple of minutes, so that excess water is gone.
  3. Berries are dried with a paper towel and placed in a bowl of the blender.

  4. Lemons are thoroughly washed with a brush in water, wipe dry, divide into two parts and remove pits.
  5. Add the lemons together with the rind to the gooseberry and grind to a homogeneous mass.
  6. The resulting mashed potatoes are poured into a bowl or saucepan, pour sugar and mix.
  7. Leave the mixture at room temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring occasionally.
  8. We fill the sterilized jars with cold jam, cover with a lid or gauze and send it to storage in the cold.
Vitamin cocktail of three ingredients

Recipe recommendations

  1. The amount of sugar will depend not only on your taste preferences, but also on the storage conditions of the dessert - the lower the air temperature, the less sugar can be added to the treat.
  2. If you do not want to use a lot of sugar, then in this case it is desirable to pour the dessert on small jars and store them in the freezer, taking out as needed. In this case, the cold jam will not have time to spoil.
  3. Lemon in the second version is quite possible to replace with orange, but it is not recommended to mix citrus fruits.
  4. Pay special attention to the quality of the fruit and carefully remove all bones, otherwise the taste of the billet will be spoiled.
  5. Milled gooseberry, cooked according to the second recipe, is not hermetically sealed, but only covered to ensure normal air circulation.

Another great way to prepare gooseberry, preserving its useful properties:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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