Principles of Nutrition

Principles of nutrition

Use nuts as the main source of protein. Most nuts are rich in complex proteins needed for tissues. Nuts are also valuable stocks of minerals and vitamins and easily digestible fats.

Use fat in a moderate amount. Butter, sour cream, vegetable oil, etc. - inhibit digestion, especially the digestion of proteins, thereby increasing fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, overloading the toxins of the liver and kidneys. Fats are best added to food after cooking, not during it. They can not be used with proteins.

Do not cook different types of food in one dish and cook for long. This is for those who are not yet ready to completely get rid of the heat treatment of food. Those who are not ready to fully switch to a healthy diet should learn how to handle food with the least damage.

There is only one drink - water. Drink only pure water. All other "drinks" are food( fruit juices, milk) or poisons( coffee, tea, cocoa, wine, soda drinks).Consuming coffee or tea will suffer from headaches when it stops taking them. But it will only last a few days. Water should be drunk only if you feel thirsty. It can not be eaten. Water should not be cold, best of all cool. Drink it slowly. Do not force yourself to drink water in the absence of thirst and do not get used to constant drinking. Drink water clean, not hard and without additives.

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Avoid consumption of salt, pepper( all kinds), cloves, spices and seasonings. These substances are useless and are not needed by the body. They irritate, distort the sense of taste, inhibit the absorption of food and cause overeating. At first, food without the usual seasonings, salt, vinegar, pepper will seem fresh, tasteless. But soon the helpless food nerves will recover, the language will disappear, and the person will discover magnificent delicate flavors in food, which he had never suspected before. Consuming salt, abandoned it and returned to a vegetable diet, almost always experience frequent urge to urinate at night. But this annoying feeling disappears after the body is freed from accumulated salt.

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