How to brew a portion of health, or curative drinks from ginger

  1. Benefits of gingerbread
  2. Brewing rules
  3. How to prepare
  4. What should I remember?

Biologically active substances, which are rich in ginger root, can provide invaluable help to our body. Possessing a somewhat spicy, piquant, but extremely pleasant taste and aroma, this product often turns out not only in many dishes, but also in drinks. And then we will tell you how to brew ginger for different purposes.

Properly brewing the healing root of ginger, you can get the optimal amount of nutrients that will improve the course of metabolic processes and cleanse the body.

Benefits of ginger drinks

Spicy ginger root has long been considered a curative product that allows you to constantly stay toned, keep vigor and maintain physical health. And it happens because of its biochemical composition - the active substances accelerate blood circulation and improve metabolic processes, which contributes to the removal of toxins and toxins, normalization of body weight and overall sanitation.

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Note! Because of the above described qualities in the East, ginger is called the hot root!

And if you want to get rid of a few pounds without stress for the body and keep your well-being, revise your diet and add a drink of ginger to the menu.

It turns out very fragrant, has a pleasant taste and at the same time has a huge range of medicinal properties:

  • helps in purifying the body of harmful substances and shows antihelminthic effect;
  • significantly improves blood flow and ensures that every cell of the body receives a sufficient portion of oxygen;
  • stimulates brain activity, enhancing intellectual abilities, assiduity and attention;
  • has a mild analgesic effect and relieves both headaches and painful sensations that have emerged against the background of bruises and concealed injuries;
  • takes care of the skin condition, strengthens the nail plate, restores the hair natural shine and beauty;
  • relieves attacks of nausea, which makes this drink indispensable in travel, in particular, with seasickness.
Brewing ginger, it is possible to significantly ease the course of the disease and help the body to recover lost forces

Brewing rules

There are several ways to brew ginger, and the cooking process will always depend on what purpose you are doing it for. Each particular beverage is of some use, since a huge role in this case is played by the water temperature, the duration of heat treatment, and additional ingredients, if any, presupposes a prescription.

Note! Depending on the above parameters, ginger will give the drink a different amount of biologically active substances, hence the effect of consumption will be different!

For the preparation of ginger broth, you can use fresh root, and dried, while in the first case the product can be placed as a whole or chopped - into thin slices or into gruel.

If you decide to use a fresh root, then remember that the highest concentration of tea will be reached after a quarter of an hour after the start of its boiling. As a result, it will turn out to be quite spicy, somewhat burning, but extremely useful. The main rule in this case is to maintain a constant temperature regime in the cooking process - boiling should occur at low heat, which will allow the medicinal substances, which in the majority of volatiles, to remain to the maximum extent. At the end of the allotted time, the broth is removed from the plate and allowed to cool at room temperature. When the drink has cooled to 35. .. 37 ° C, it is already possible to add a sweetener: honey or sugar.

When using dried ginger or powdered into powder, it is recommended to make a decoction in a water bath. The product should be placed in a porcelain or clay pot, pour it with boiling water and leave in a saucepan with boiling water for about a third of an hour. After the specified time, the broth is filtered and used for various ailments.

Recommendation! From ginger powder it is convenient to prepare concentrated brewing, which, as necessary, is simply baked with boiling water!

To strengthen the warming effect in ginger drink it is customary to add cinnamon or cayenne pepper, and to make it more fragrant - balm or mint

Ways of cooking

The brewed ginger root is unique, regardless of the recipe, it is able to quench your thirst in the heat, andwarm in cold weather, and at the same time demonstrate strong bactericidal properties in parallel. A fresh warm drink will help in the treatment of the common cold, it will be useful in inflammatory diseases of the throat and is necessarily useful in the therapy of bronchial and lung diseases.

Note! The longer the ginger root is in hot water, the more tart and piquant will the infusion!

You can brew ginger both individually and together with various medicinal herbs. Basic ways of making such a drink are few, and they will be discussed further.

With a cold

This tea is considered an excellent anti-cold remedy and perfectly copes with a cough and sore throat.

  1. Take a small piece of fresh ginger, about 2-3 cm, clean it from the peel and cut into thin slices.
  2. Brew about 800 ml of green or black tea and filter it through a fine sieve or gauze.
  3. Add a couple of pods of cardamom, two dried cloves and prepared ginger.
  4. Put everything on the fire and cook for a third of an hour. At the end of cooking, a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice or orange can be added to the broth.
  5. Let the beverage cool down at room temperature and filter once more.

Important! Eating ginger tea at elevated body temperature is prohibited!

For immunity

To strengthen immunity, you can brew and drink ginger both during and after the disease. Such tea is a good help in replenishing lost strength, and for its preparation you can use only one root.

  1. Rinse the root of the ginger and release it from the peel.
  2. Rub on a grater or cut into thin slices.
  3. Fill with boiling water and cook for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Ready broth is added to regular tea and we drink during the day.

Only half a cup of ginger broth per day will significantly improve your well-being and contribute to strengthening immunity. And in order to increase its effectiveness, in the pan during cooking, you can add dried fruit of a dogrose, grass senna or buckthorn.

Coffee with ginger

Ginger coffee is a wonderful invigorating drink, which in cooking is quite simple.

  1. Small pieces of fresh ginger can be put directly into the Turkish, in which you make coffee.
  2. If you combine ginger, coffee and cocoa, you get a softer drink, which is also able to charge with energy in the morning.
  3. The ginger coffee recipe in the Mediterranean, in addition to the two main ingredients, includes a small portion of cocoa, a pinch of cinnamon, an anise star and a small portion of orange peel.
  4. You want to cook the ginger latte - boil the milk, add a little cinnamon powder, nutmeg on the tip of the knife, cardamom and cloves, a minute later, put the chopped ginger and a couple of mint leaves. At the end of the preparation, add coffee and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. We wait 5-10 minutes and enjoy the spicy taste of the drink.

Tip! If you use ground ginger when brewing coffee, then it should be added in a slightly smaller quantity than fresh ginger!

Ginger infusion in thermos

Some people prefer to brew ginger in a thermos.

  1. For 2 liters of water should be prepared two centimeter root of fresh ginger.
  2. We put the peeled and sliced ​​product in a thermos and pour it with steep boiling water.
  3. Tightly close the lid and leave for 40-45 minutes.

In order to improve the prepared infusion, it can add a favorite jam, a small portion of honey or sugar.

With garlic

The combination of ginger with garlic is considered one of the best in the season of colds. Such a drink perfectly protects against infectious diseases, and helps to cope with an already existing problem.

  1. We clean the ginger root, about 4 cm, crush it and put it in a thermos bottle.
  2. Prepare garlic: clean and cut into small slices. Add to ginger.
  3. Pour the ingredients with boiling water and close.
  4. The present drink is filtered, if desired, add honey and drink half the glass throughout the day.

For weight loss

As the warm drink from ginger shows very powerful warming effect and accelerates metabolism, its use is quite capable to help and in struggle against excess weight. You can drink it in breaks between meals, but not on an empty stomach.

You can prepare a ginger beverage for weight loss by any of the above recipes, combining the root with a variety of herbs and spices. But at the same time there is one method of brewing ginger, which is considered the most effective.

  1. Clean the ginger root and crush it into the gruel. Separate 2 teaspoons.
  2. Grind green coffee into powder. Separate a similar portion. Mix the prepared ingredients and fill with boiling water.
  3. Brew a quarter of an hour.

Tip! If you want to enrich the taste of a ready-made drink, then it is possible to add a bud of cloves or a pinch of cinnamon. The main thing is not to use sweeteners, cream and milk!

What should I remember?

  1. Brewing ginger is not recommended again, since in this case the benefit of consuming such a drink will be minimal. Remember, the most powerful properties are only freshly made tea or coffee.
  2. Ginger is literally full of "warming" biological active substances, and therefore when you drink it for the first time you may experience some sensations, for example, it can be thrown into fever. Do not panic, as it is normal - in this way the body reacts to the activation of metabolic processes. To reduce such manifestations, at first to drink ginger tea should be small portions.
  3. If the taste of the ready-made drink from ginger turns out to be unpleasant, then it's possible that you have filtered it badly - you need to do it very carefully. By the way, the same result can arise when using a stale root, wrinkled, covered with mold.
  4. It is better not to drink ginger at night, especially if today you are worried. Otherwise, you can provoke insomnia.
  5. In large quantities, drinking tea or coffee with this burning root is highly undesirable. Nutritionists insist on the norm, which is reduced to 1.5 liters a day, while remember that you should start with a much smaller amount.

In general, ginger drinks may well become an integral part of your immunity. The main thing is to prepare them properly and use them moderately. In this case, they will bring great benefits to your body and help in maintaining the optimal weight.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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