Milk mixture

Milk mixes

Milk mixtures are special baby food products that are designed for artificial and mixed feeding of children. They are divided into 3 types - simple, adapted and therapeutic.

Simple milk mixtures are made by diluting the broths of cereals with whole cow's milk. In this case, the sugar syrup is added to the mixture in an amount of 5% per serving. Presence in a mixture of mucous broths to some extent increases the caloric content of the product, and also leads to a smaller breach of casein milk due to the combination of three carbohydrates( lactose, sucrose and polysaccharide).In addition, slimy broths have the property of reducing the processes of fermentation in the intestine.

Simple milk mixtures, in addition, are subdivided into species depending on the degree of their dilution:

  • A-rice, A-oats, A-buckwheat( 1/3 of milk accounts for 2/3 of the decoction of cereals);
  • B-rice, B-oats, B-buckwheat( milk and decoction of cereals are equally divided);
  • B-rice, B-oats, B-buckwheat( 2/3 of milk accounts for 1/3 of the decoction of cereals).
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Recently, the use of adapted mixtures instead of simple ones has been common. Occasionally, B-mixtures can be used to feed children aged 3 weeks to 3 months. Such mixtures, when compared with human milk, differ from it by lower fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, but have a higher carbohydrate content. Such mixtures as "Krepysh" and "Zdorovye" have a composition similar to that described.

Due to the proteolytic activity of milk bacteria, which are responsible for the cleavage of milk casein, acidic mixtures are absorbed by the body better than sweet or artificially acidified with citric, lactic or hydrochloric acids.

The main difference between adapted milk mixtures and whole cow milk and B-mixtures is that their composition is more closely related to the composition of human milk and the composition of nutrients is better balanced in them.

Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"

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