Balanced nutrition
In the theory of balanced nutrition, modern data on the body's need for food substances and the relationship between them are collected and summarized. According to this teaching, for normal functioning of the organism and good digestion of food, it is necessary to supply all food substances, and in certain relationships among themselves. Consumed foods should contain all the necessary ingredients in a ratio and quantities adequate to the enzyme sets of the digestive system of the body, do not contain harmful substances and excess energy. This is the rationality of nutrition. Enzyme systems of the body are adapted to those food substances that are contained in the usual food for a given species. These ratios of nutrients are considered as formulas for a balanced diet.(Source: Handbook of Dietology, 1992).
The hereditary specificity of the functioning of the body's enzyme system, as well as the individual features of the digestion, absorption and rate of assimilation of nutrients, may be the cause of disruption in the breakdown of food products. These processes are also influenced by the characteristics of neuroendocrine regulation of metabolism, constitutional factors, as well as the presence of such diseases as chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, hepatitis and pancreatitis, which lead to impairment of the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, which is expressed by enzymatic deficiency, impaired absorption of individualcomponents of food. Also, a normal microflora of the intestine can be replaced by a conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic one. Indispensable components of food is more than 50. Their balance in the diet is given special importance.
The balanced need of a healthy person in nutritional substances, or rather, its average values, can vary depending on sex, age, nature of work activity, living climate and physiological state of the organism( for example, pregnancy or lactation).These values in a sick person can be changed on the basis of data on the characteristics of the metabolism in the case of each specific disease.
The doctrine of balanced nutrition also includes physiological norms of nutrition and the compilation of food rations for a healthy and sick person, as well as the development of new products.
Evaluation of rations should take into account the balance of the last in many indicators. For example, the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates is normally taken as 1: 1.1: 4.1 in the case of men and women of young age engaged in mental work. But with the employment of heavy physical labor, these ratios are 1: 1.3: 5.The unit for these calculations is the amount of proteins. These relationships may lose relevance in the case of therapeutic diets in which it is necessary to change the content of proteins, fats or carbohydrates. So, for example, with obesity in a diet, the ratios 1: 0.7: 1.5 are used, and for chronic renal failure - 1: 2: 10, etc. In diets, which in their chemical composition are close to rational nutrition, the ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates should average 1: 1: 4-4.5.In nutrition of healthy young people living in a temperate climate and not engaged in manual labor, proteins should be 13%, fats - 33%, and carbohydrates - 54% of the daily energy value of the diet, taken as 100%.
For example, the energy value of the diet is 12.6 mJ( 3000 kcal), in the diet of 100 g of protein, which corresponds to 1.7 mJ( 400 kcal) and is 13.3% of the total energy value.
When evaluating the balance of proteins, it should be borne in mind that the protein of animal origin in the diet should take 55% of the total protein. Vegetable oils, being sources of essential fatty acids, should account for up to 30% of the total amount of fat in the diet. Approximate ratio of carbohydrates in the diet: starch - 75-80%, easily digestible carbohydrates - 15-20%, fiber and pectins - 5%.The ratio of basic vitamins per 1000 kcal( 4,184 mJ) diet: vitamin C - 25 mg, B1 - 0.6 mg, B2 - 0.7 mg, B6 - 0.7 mg, PP - 6.6 mg. The ratio of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which provides the best absorption by the body, is 1: 1.5: 0.5.
Active, or lean, body weight is the difference between body weight and body fat. The human body should receive about 1 g per 1 kg of active body weight per day, and vegetable fats, together with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K - 0.5 g per 1 kg of active mass. The necessary amount of carbohydrates depends on the body's energy needs, it is about 300-500 g or 1000-1800 kcal.
When compiling a diet, you must first pay attention to the balance of food for essential amino acids. A necessary quantity of essential amino acids can be provided by a person either 1.5 liters of milk, or 200 g of beef, or 200 g of cod, or 0.5 kg of bread. The food should contain the necessary set of mineral salts and vitamins. The consumption of vegetable vinaigrettes with vegetable oil in an amount of 20 grams per day, as well as carrots in the amount of 100 grams, 100 grams of cabbage, 100 g of apple and 20 g of lemon with skin will provide a full daily requirement for vitamins A, C and beta-carotene, andhalf the need for other vitamins, mineral salts and fiber. Rye bread, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, added to the daily diet, removes the problems with the amount of carbohydrates necessary for the body and the rest of the proportion of minerals and vitamins.
In the development and evaluation of dietary nutrition, it is necessary to take into account all the considered indicators of the balance of the diet.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"