About some sweeteners
Monosaccharide fructose as a food product is digested slower than sucrose, and it is easier to get involved in metabolic processes, quickly leaves the bloodstream. Therefore, it is believed that fructose is less than sucrose, it serves as a source of fat formation in the body, especially - excess.
It is also established that the replacement of sucrose with fructose in candies by about 40% reduces the risk of tooth decay with caries.
Despite many advantages of fructose, it should not be consumed more than 15 g per day. Systematic consumption of large doses of fructose is undesirable.
The natural suppliers of fructose are many fruits, vegetables, natural honey, jam. Of fruits and vegetables, fructose contains more( in 100 g,%): grapes - 7.7, apples - 5.5, pears - 5.2, cherries and sweet cherries - 4.5, blackcurrants - 4.2, raspberries- 4.1, strawberries - 3.9, melons - 2.0, plums, tangerines, cabbage - 1.5-1.6, peaches - 1.4-1.6, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin - 1,0-1.2.
The main supplier of lactose to humans is fresh, or, as it is called, fresh, sweet milk. Thus, 100 g of cow's milk contains 4.7 g of lactose. In the human digestive tract, it is split up to glucose and galactose. When, for one reason or another, the acid-forming and secretory functions of the gastric glands are reduced, and also in some bowel diseases lactose is not completely cleaved. As a result, there are such unpleasant sensations as nausea, shortness of breath, heaviness in the epigastric region, increased gas formation( flatulence).
All this is considered one of the manifestations of nutritional allergy.
Maltose etymologically goes back to the English "malt"( malt) and now means in many languages of the world - malt sugar. This disaccharide is most abundant in germinating seeds of cereal crops, especially barley and rye. There is also maltose in the beet leaves, in soy beans. A small amount of maltose is formed in the human body from starch and glycogen upon exposure to the enzyme-amylase, so that then another maltase enzyme can be split into two glucose molecules. In its pure form maltose in separate nutrition is not used.
There is no starch in the human body, but it is he who is the most important part of the human carbohydrate diet. In 100 g of starch flour, 54 to 68 grams( in%), 60 to 70 grams, cereals from 60 to 70, rye bread - an average of 40, wheat bread - an average of 50, potatoes from 15 to 70 grams.21 The population of European countries traditionally needs starch to make up bakery products, and in some areas - the consumption of dishes from potatoes.
Very many people should refrain from hobbies sweets. There are several reasons for this. One of the main features is the specificity of the formation of taste sensations. They are, as everyone knows, four: bitter, sweet, sour, salty. Needless to say, for many, sweet is much more pleasant than bitter or sour. This is explained by a dynamic stereotype, which, according to the teaching of Academician IP Pavlov, is taking into account the previous experience. To confirm this, it is sufficient to recall that sweets in nutrition constitute an excessively large proportion. And this is the beginning of the formation of the sweet tooth stereotype, since the taste sensations, unlike, for example, from visual perceptions, are almost always colored emotionally and are associated with the process of metabolism.