Crunches like cabbage, but it has more good and taste( kohlrabi)

Kohlrabi is one of the varieties of cabbage, which is characterized by a large overgrown stem. The name of this vegetable in German means "cabbage-turnip".And this is not accidental, since the appearance of kohlrabi is similar in many respects to cabbage and turnips. The color of its peel may be light green, crimson or purple, the pulp is white.

Kohlrabi is rich in vitamin C, for which he was nicknamed the "northern lemon"

. With its taste, this product resembles a cabbage cabbage, but much juicier and sweeter, since it contains a significant amount of fructose and glucose. In addition to these substances, the vegetable contains trace elements, mineral salts and vitamins, thanks to which it is considered incredibly useful.

According to its taste, cabbage kohlrabi surpasses most of its "relatives", so it can be safely eaten raw, adding to various salads and snacks.

This product can be recommended for those who follow their shape and want to get rid of excess weight, as tartronic acid, present in the composition of this vegetable, prevents the formation of fatty deposits. In addition, the calorie content is negligible - only 45 calories per 100 g of product, which also plays an important role for obese people who follow a diet.

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Exposure to the body

As shown in the photo below, kohlrabi cabbage may be of different colors, but this does not affect its valuable qualities.

All varieties are equally capable of providing the body with a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins

Important! Remember that it is recommended to eat young and small fruits - a large-sized vegetable will have a harder flesh.

About the benefits of

Among the useful properties of kohlrabi, the following can be distinguished:

  • healing;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • is soothing;
  • expectorant.

The use of this product positively affects the work of almost all internal organs. It eliminates irritation of the mucosa, normalizes the functionality of the liver and gallbladder, removes cholesterol, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

Note! It is proved that by introducing kohlrabi into your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of oncological and infectious diseases.

In addition, kohlrabi protects the nervous system and helps normalize blood pressure. It is often recommended for flatulence, metabolic disorders and malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And the potassium, entering into its structure, deduces from an organism the collected liquid. This vegetable is the ideal dietary product, the use of which is allowed during pregnancy and lactation.

Kohlrabi helps to eliminate increased gas generation

One of the main advantages of kohlrabi cabbage is that it can show useful properties for a long time, both in its raw form and after heat treatment. Using it in your menu, you can cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins in a short time, improve digestion and prevent inflammation of the mucosa.

This product is capable of:

  • to alleviate gastritis;
  • with complex approach helps to overcome stomach ulcers;
  • prevent the formation of benign and malignant tumors in the rectum and large intestine;
  • restore liver cells and improve its functioning;
  • normalize sleep and appetite.

The roots of this plant are used to prepare a decoction that significantly improves the condition of patients suffering from asthma and diabetes. And with the help of juice, you can alleviate expectoration and fill the lack of iron in the blood. To eliminate inflammation in the oral cavity, strengthen the gums and teeth, it is recommended to gnaw kohlrabi in raw form, both to adults and children.

On the Harm of

Despite the huge benefit, kohlrabi in some cases can bring and harm.

  1. If you want to lose weight, do not independently introduce this vegetable into your diet - in this matter only nutritionists who will develop a diet according to your situation will be able to help and establish the feasibility of using kohlrabi in it.
  2. With increased acidity of the stomach from the use of this product should be completely abandoned, as it, increasing appetite, stimulates the production of gastric juice.
  3. You should not get involved in self-medication, paying attention to various folk methods. Any use of kohlrabi for medicinal purposes should be agreed with your doctor in advance.

And the last. Kolrabi has the ability to accumulate nitrates, so if you decide to cultivate it on your home plot, be extremely careful with the amount of fertilizer that should increase yield. After all, nitrates increase the risk of oncological diseases, as well as significantly impede the transfer of oxygen through the circulatory system.

So, now you know absolutely everything about kohlrabi - thanks to the photo you will be able to recognize it, and this article described in detail how and when this cabbage can be consumed. Use the gifts of nature deliberately, and they will certainly bring you maximum benefit.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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