We prepare the most delicious and aromatic pickle with buckwheat and pickled cucumbers

Rassolnik can be made not only with pearl barley

We all know that it's hot or the first one needs to eat every day, since it is useful for the stomach and intestines. Soups - a traditional dish, old, and each hostess prepares them for the family according to their usual recipes or by the method that the grandmother or mother taught. But often traditional combinations are already boring, and you want something new, tasty and fragrant. We offer you just such a recipe and we advise to prepare a pickle with buckwheat and pickled cucumbers. No one will remain indifferent.

That's interesting! Rassolnik was prepared by our ancestors in Russia. What only they did not put in it components - cabbage, watermelon brine, roots, fish, kidneys, to get a unique combination of flavors.

Rassolnik with buckwheat and pickles - choose your recipe

Option first

This soup will be very rich, satisfying, it is eaten with pleasure by men.

We will need:

  • meat - take pork, preferably with bone - ½ kg;
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  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces of medium size, it is best to take sour vegetables;
  • one carrot;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • pepper peas - 4-5 pieces;
  • potatoes - 5 medium pieces;

  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil - we take traditional sunflower for frying;
  • greens;
  • buckwheat - 120 grams of corn;
  • parsley - need a root - 2 pieces.

Tip! If you want to add some of your components or, for example, do not put the root, then prepare the soup the way you like it. The main thing that it was tasty for you and the family. You can replace pork with beef or chicken.

Cooking rassolnik.

We start with meat - it is thoroughly washed, after cutting the veins, fat, bone leave. We cut it into pieces immediately so as not to do this later and put it in a saucepan. Now cook the broth - fill the water with 2.5 liters, put our parsley root, bay leaf and a couple of peas. When the water boils, be sure to remove the foam, so that our rassolnik was not cloudy and dark. On slow heat, cook the meat until ready, usually about one hour in time.

Rassolnik loved by our ancestors

Advice! To taste the rassolnik was more saturated, you can fry the buckwheat before cooking. This is done in a skillet without oil for 10 minutes.

When the meat is ready, we remove it, we must filter the broth, we remove all the components. Remove the bone and put the pieces back. Now we're sorting out our buckwheat, removing all the impregnations, washing it through a fine colander or strainer, waiting for the water to drain. My potatoes, clean, mine again, cut into cubes or straws, put them in a bowl. Shink wash the onions, carrots.

Tip! If you are not very fond of cooked carrots, it is better to grate it on a grater, if you want to taste the taste of a vegetable, cut it better with straw.

Vegetables fry in oil until ruddy, but that they do not burn. You can also add a little ground pepper, a little salt here. Cucumbers shred on a grater or cut into strips or cubes, put them in a bowl and pour in water for 10 minutes, then remove the liquid. Well, it's time to prepare our rassolnik with buckwheat and pickled cucumbers.

Broth set on average fire, waiting for him to boil. After rash our yadritsu, give her a little cook - about 3-5 minutes, after falling asleep potatoes, we still cook for 10 minutes. Next, we shift from the frying pan a roast with onions and carrots, cucumbers, we put 2-3 peas of pepper and 1-2 bay leaves. Try the broth to see if you need salt, because cucumbers can give you the flavor you need. Prepare the soup for 5-7 minutes, turn it off, close tightly and insist another 15 minutes. Pour into plates, decorate with greens and put sour cream as desired.

Variant of the second

This recipe will be more dietary, as we will brew pickle with buckwheat and chicken breast. Very tasty, light lunch for the whole family.

Tip! To taste even more intense and unusual, you can add a little brine to the broth at the very end. In this case, it can be both cucumber and others.

We will need:

  • core - 120 grams;
  • chicken breast - 2 pieces;
  • one carrot and an onion;
  • pickled cucumbers - again those that are needed are needed - 2-3 pieces;
  • tomato paste or ketchup - table spoon;
  • potatoes - 4 medium pieces;
  • frying oil;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • greens;
  • pepper pot and bay leaves - 2-3 pieces each.

We cook pickle.

We begin, of course, with the broth - the breast is good for washing, cut it into pieces immediately so that it does not with the hot product. Fill with 2.5 liters of water and cook, removing the foam, after boiling for 10 minutes. You can boil a broth with spices, a pot of pepper and a bay leaf. My potatoes, clean, mine again and shred straw. We pour the vegetable into our broth, when it again begins to boil, we fall asleep croup. Of course, it must first be thoroughly rinsed and removed all dirt. Cook after boiling the soup for about 20 minutes.

Rassolnik you can cook and with your own ingredients to taste

Important! Cucumbers for pickle must be taken from sour and salted, and not pickled. Great for barrel soup. You can lay the roots, you can not. In this case, you can use not only the root of parsley.

While the broth is brewed, shred cucumbers cubes or on a grater. We make a roast from onions and carrots, before washing everything, cleaning and cutting. When vegetables are browned in oil, pour ketchup and put cucumbers. We extinguish all five minutes. We put everything in a saucepan, salt, pepper, put the bay leaves and peas. Cook until ready, pour into plates, put greens and sour cream. Serve with fresh crispy bread.

For information! Buckwheat - croup is unique and very useful, it is often considered abroad as originally Russian, but it came to us from the Himalayas, where her native land is. Groats do not contain gluten, but it has many minerals and vitamins.

Here's a delicious rassolnik you can cook quickly and simply. The main thing is that the dish not only diversifies the table, but also fills the body with health.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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