Preparation of melt water
Prepare the melt water as follows: pour tap water into the wooden or enameled dishes, and then place it in the freezer. After the water turns into ice, it is allowed to melt, but first the ice can be split for a quicker thawing process. Thawing occurs at room temperature. Separating the thawed water from the flocculent sediment and after reaching room temperature, water can be consumed.
Melt water is stored for a day, and later the water loses all its medicinal properties. Melt water is the most useful for the body, as it improves protein and other metabolic species, since it preserves the molecular structure of ice. Spring meltwater activates all life processes of all animals and plants. It is not by chance that all life in spring blossoms and breeds.
If there is not enough time to prepare melt water, then it is possible to use ordinary tap water. It is better to pour this water into a carafe or other open dish, preferably from porcelain, glass, clay, faience, or wood, and then let it stand for at least 20 minutes to allow chlorine to evaporate, provided that the water from the faucet is sanitarynorms. Water should be at room temperature. It is necessary to start drinking this water with 3-4 glasses a day. Every 10 days you need to add 1 glass of water. After 60-70 days, you will drink about 10 glasses a day. In the summer 10-12 and more, and in the winter 8-10 glasses a day. This quantity does not include water, which is used in the preparation of liquid food, for example: soups, compotes, juices, kissels and broths. Yogis do not drink water immediately, with a gulp, and evenly, throughout the day, in small sips, 2-3 sips every 15-20 minutes. Within 1-1,5 hours a glass of water is drunk. Yogis advise wherever you are, always keep a glass of water next to you.10 minutes before meals, water intake stops and it resumes 30 minutes after eating, fruits and vegetables. After eating starch-containing foods - after 2 hours. After taking protein food - after 3-4 hours. During a meal, drinking water causes a bad chewing of food, which causes a desire to swallow it immediately. In addition, water dilutes the stomach and other digestive juices, thereby hindering the work of the gastrointestinal tract. A person feels a natural sense of thirst when he observes such a drinking regime. Do not be afraid to "dilute" the blood. If necessary, the body quickly get rid of excess water. This intake of water removes fatigue, refreshes, causes a surge of energy and strength, nourishes and cleanses the body. Holding every mouthful of water in your mouth, mixing it with your tongue, you should remember this, that is, you need to use self-suggestion - every sip will necessarily benefit.
Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP«Healthy food»