Water consumption
In the understanding of yogis, water refers to the means of internal purification. Yogis give water a great hygienic and therapeutic value. Water is the mineral base of all tissues and cells of the body, not to mention the liquid environment of the body: gastric and intestinal juice, lymph, blood, saliva, bile. Water in the blood plays the role of a vehicle. Water supplies cells with nutrients and oxygen, and also carries away unnecessary metabolic products. Water is consumed by the body very intensively, because it regulates the intensity of combustion of nutrients in the cells. A person for a day releases up to 15 glasses of water through the skin, lungs, kidneys. Such losses must be replenished in the required amount. According to the yogis, many people lose their natural sense of real thirst. Such people practically do not drink fresh water and claim that it is generally harmful to drink it.
A significant number of diseases are associated with a lack of water in the body - confident yoga. If there is not enough water, then, since everything is interconnected, all the functional systems of the body do not work in the optimal regime. Not enough sufficient juices are produced, without which normal digestion is impossible. This, in turn, causes the appearance and development of many diseases of metabolism and digestive organs. The metabolic products that appear with the continuous renewal of tissues and organs are not removed from the body in time. Diseases of the urinary system often causes a small burden on the kidneys. Increase in the concentration of salts in tissues, their deposition in the kidneys, gall bladder, joints is also facilitated by a shortage of water in the body. An unbalanced diet without sufficient water enhances the deposition of salts. The detoxification function of the blood is not fully assured, because of this, water-soluble toxins are not released through the skin, lungs and kidneys, which come from outside as well as from the body itself. In medicine, with many poisonings, it is no accident that forced diuresis is used - it is the excretion of poisons from the body with the help of a large water load.
To human longevity, water also has the most direct relationship. As the body ages, it is known that the water content in the tissues decreases. The newborn's body consists of water more than 70%, and the body of the elderly is 65% or less.
Regular drinking of water, according to yoga, is one of the main conditions for successful recovery or health preservation. Yogis are advised to drink only raw water, for this ideal spring water is ideal. Meltwater is similar in its properties to spring water.
Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"