At stake is health: a list of products for longevity

  1. The relationship between nutrition, health and longevity
  2. Top 8 available products of longevity

The resource of our body, laid by mother nature, is designed for a minimum of 120-140 years. Why is the bar even in the 85-90 years for many is insurmountable. You can blame the heredity, pollution of the environment, an increase in stressful factors, but the fact that due to improper nutrition we are shortening our life - a scientifically proven fact. It turns out that the list of products for longevity is not miraculous drugs, but quite ordinary, affordable food, the consumption of which will create a reliable barrier to diseases, the destruction of the organism, premature aging.

Proper nutrition significantly increases the chance to live to a very old age

The relationship between nutrition, health and longevity

Studying how eating food affects health, scientists have identified 90 substances on which the coordinated work of all systems of our body depends - 59 minerals andmicroelements, 12 basic amino acids, 16 vitamins, 3 basic fatty acids. If they are not available or are very few in the products we consume, what health, contributing to longevity, can we talk about?

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Statistics are disappointing - deficiency of such important nutrients as beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, folic acid, iodine, selenium, B vitamins, are tested by different data from 40 to 80% of Russians. Deficiency in the body only calcium can provoke more than 100 diseases. And all this can be obtained only with food, preferably in a balanced form.

Consider substances that are not critical to health.

Proteins are the most important building block of our body.

. This is the main source of amino acids, many of which our body does not produce, but come only with food. The lack of protein disrupts the metabolism, with all the ensuing consequences, the production of enzymes decreases, why other substances are absorbed worse, immunity is weakened.

Among the products of longevity, most of all quality proteins in legumes, dairy products, nuts, fish.

Opinion! Japanese scientists have proved that for a healthy long life, the daily norm of protein can be obtained by eating 200 g of fish or poultry daily. The surplus of this food component is no less harmful than the disadvantage - during the processing of protein, an acid is released that provokes oxidative processes, the washing out of calcium.

Carbohydrates - the energy of our body, thanks to which we live

Organic substances of this group are divided into simple, which when absorbed in the digestive tract is quickly absorbed, and complex - digested slowly, so they blow their potential gradually.

From the point of view of health, complex carbohydrates are useful, which are found in large quantities in cereals, legumes, sweet berries and fruits.

Fats, in contrast to carbohydrates - concentrated energy sources, our strategic reserves

Due to fatty acids, cells retain elasticity. This is a necessary "reagent" for the assimilation of many vitamins and microelements. The list of rich products for useful longevity for longevity includes olive oil, nuts, cheese, butter.

Please note! Particularly dangerous are the so-called trans fats - artificially obtained solid oils. Cells instead of quality nutrition receive a modified building material that destroys them from the inside. Sources of a large number of trans fats - margarine, culinary fat, salomas.

Vitamins - the basis of the correct metabolism

In addition, many of them( A, C, E) - antioxidants, which interfere with oxidative processes, and hence, the destruction and degeneration of cells. Vitamins B - the basis of cellular metabolism, K - is responsible for blood coagulation, vascular health.

Such longevity products as green and brightly colored vegetables, berries, whole grains, milk and its derivatives are distinguished by vitamin and multivitamin composition.

Macro and trace elements - the basis of the biochemistry of the body

Of the 81 elements present in our body, 12 are systemic. These include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, fluorine. But the minerals required in micro doses can significantly affect health. So, the deficiency of selenium promotes the formation of cancer cells, the lack of iodine provokes severe hormonal diseases.

The source of systemic and rare trace elements - fish, cereals, legumes, cheeses, nuts.

Products that extend the life of

The top 8 available products of longevity

By compiling a list of products necessary for maintaining health and gaining longevity, we focused on three sources of information - research scientists, findings of nutritional doctors, personal experience of long-livers. It turned out a fairly extensive list of 8 positions, but only such a balanced approach to nutrition allows you to saturate the body with the necessary substances and protect against disease.


The first place in the prevention of cancer of this vegetable from the family of Legumes is taken away by American scientists. And given that oncological diseases are among the five causes of premature death, beans can safely be considered a product of longevity.

The composition of the bean is unique. First of all, it is a protein, the amount of which is not inferior, and the quality even surpasses many kinds of meat and fish. Complex carbohydrates provide high energy intensity of seeds. In large doses contains such anti-cancer vitamins as ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, tocopherol( E).From trace elements there is a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron.

Daily consumption of beans and other legumes will normalize metabolism, improve the digestive tract, saturate cells with oxygen, strengthen immunity.

Another advantage of the bean is the presence of arginine - a substance that has the properties of insulin

Green vegetables

Among the useful products that help to achieve longevity, the top lines of ratings confidently hold green vegetables - broccoli, spinach, celery cherry, parsley, all kinds of cabbage. What is their value?

  • A large amount of fiber - dietary fiber, significantly improving the work of the intestines, and this is our immunity.
  • Contain slow carbohydrates that give energy, but do not turn into fat.
  • Have in the vitamins of the antioxidant group( A + C + E).
  • Contain sulforaphane - an enzyme with anti-cancer properties.

To make the most of the useful properties of green vegetables, nutritionists recommend eating them raw. The daily norm is 200-300 g.

Green vegetables have low caloric content, therefore they are super popular as a dietary product.

Fish, seafood

Fish is considered a product of youth and longevity not only by doctors, but also by the inhabitants of the regions known for the longest life - the Mediterranean, Japan. People who regularly eat it, suffer less from heart ailments, strokes, and other vascular diseases. The health value is:

  • is a quality protein that is not inferior to the best sorts of meat;
  • valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, which do not form cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • vitamins A, D, E.

It is worth replacing that only sea fish have such properties, its river cousin is delicious, but not so useful.

Among the leaders in terms of usefulness are not rare species, but common herring, sardines, tuna, mackerel

Nuts and whole grains

The list of products of this group is large, they all allow long to keep youth and reach longevity. The phenomenon is explained by the presence in whole cereals, and in fact seeds, of a complex of all necessary vitamins and microelements that nature has provided to give life to a new plant. By cleaning, polishing, crushing grain, the industry empties the most valuable of them, leaving simple carbohydrates, which, with excess consumption, are stored in fat stores.

If you want to live long, the products of the daily diet should be unpeeled rice, buckwheat, bread with bran, oat flakes of coarse consistency, requiring cooking. In addition to the multivitamin composition, they contain a lot of fiber.

No less valuable are nuts, especially the fatty unsaturated acids that make up their composition. If you eat 2-3 walnuts a day, you will keep a bright mind and a good memory for the rest of your life.

Cereals and nuts make life full, balanced

Colored vegetables

On the table of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean daily there are useful products of longevity - colored vegetables. Each of them has not only an excellent taste, but also a unique set of characteristics.

  • Tomato is a vegetable of youth number 1.Contains lycopene, which does not allow cancer cells to develop.
  • Carrots are a leader in beta-carotene, one of the three strongest antioxidants.
  • Pepper, especially red, yellow, orange, rich in vitamins A and C.
  • Eggplant is useful in fiber, plenty of potassium and magnesium, necessary for the heart, brain activity. Vegetable regulates the acid-base balance of the body.
  • Onions and garlic are generally a panacea, with regular consumption these vegetables are able to repel an onslaught of any infections.

The inhabitants of Sardinia believe that in order to successfully combat illnesses, one must eat 100 grams of vegetables of five colors a day - red, yellow, green, violet, white.

Multicolored palette of health


Making a list of products for longevity, you can not bypass the berries. These are absolute record holders for the complex content of vitamins C, A, PP, B₁, B₂, E, trace elements of iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. The summer season is an opportunity to replenish the body with berries, to cleanse them with the help of the intestines from slags, to normalize the metabolism, the work of the whole gastrointestinal tract.

All berries are useful, but there are simply unique ones.

  • Cranberry, black currant contains just a huge amount of antioxidants.
  • Strawberries are a source of pantothenic and folic acid involved in hormone metabolism. Berry clears the body of excess harmful acids.
  • Blueberries have an insulin-like effect, improves vision, memory, normalizes the work of the genitourinary system.
  • Seabuckthorn, lemongrass, chokeberry - genuine multivitamin complexes.
A product that you can be young while enjoying

Olive oil

A product of longevity, the effectiveness of which is proven by science and life - olive oil. Its main advantage is unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily absorbed by the body and do not clog vessels, as occurs in the case of animal fats. In addition to beneficial effects on the vascular system, olive oil improves the intestinal motility, heals the damage to the mucosa of the digestive tract.

Tip! The most precious and expensive is the oil of the first and second pressing in a cold way without the use of chemical ingredients. To feel the healing properties, use it to refill dishes, not subject to heat treatment.

Mediterranean elixir of health and longevity

Fermented milk products

We complete our list of dairy products for longevity. This is the source of the available protein, essential for our body of milk fat, a balanced set of vitamins and minerals - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.

Especially useful are beverages obtained by fermentation with natural enzymes - homemade yogurts, kefir, fermented baked milk, leaven.

By the amount of easily digestible protein, cheeses outnumber meat and fish

In summary, I would like to note that, certainly, longevity depends not only on proper nutrition. But let's not turn your body into a garbage dump, and if not prolong, then, at least, do not reduce the number of years allowed to us from above.

Products for the extension of youth:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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