What is Coenzyme Q10 really capable of?

  1. General information
  2. The need and the rules of reception
  3. The action on the body
  4. Reviews of specialists
  5. Effect on the skin
  6. Harmless application of

Coenzyme q10 is a natural antioxidant, studied by scientists in many corners of our planet. The Nobel Prize for his works, based on the disclosure of the properties of this substance, in 1978 was received by an American Peter Mitchell. A little later, in 1997, the International Center was established, whose specialists continued to study its effects on the body. What is so remarkable about this coenzyme?

It is believed that coenzyme q10 is able to reveal the secret of youth, longevity and vigor

General information

Often, coenzyme q10 is referred to vitamins and other similar substances. However, in fact, it is a coenzyme, a natural antioxidant, which under certain conditions is produced in our body, and is also part of some foods and dietary supplements.

In the human body, this coenzyme is found in absolutely all tissues and organs in one or another quantity. And the more a specific organ needs energy, the greater the proportion of this antioxidant will be in it. These include the heart, liver and kidneys.

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And why do we need coenzyme q10?He takes part in all metabolic reactions, performing numerous functions:

  • promotes energy production;
  • suspends the aging process;
  • normalizes the "use" of oxygen cells;
  • stimulates the work of enzymes;
  • acts as an immunomodulator.
Thus, it turns out that this antioxidant is vitally important for the human body - it actively helps it to perform not only all current processes, but also increases its protective forces

However, the human body is able to synthesize coenzyme q10 in the required quantity only at a young age and with participationvitamins A, C, group B and tyrosine. Over the years, its concentration begins to decline rapidly. And if its deficit reaches a critical value, then there is a risk of developing complex diseases.

Natural sources

So, let's figure out which products contain coenzyme q10.This group includes:

  • fish of fatty varieties;
  • some varieties of meat, in particular, chicken, lamb, beef and rabbit;
  • byproducts, with the greatest amount in the heart and liver;
  • bran;
  • whole grain products;
  • brown rice;
  • soybeans;
  • eggs;
  • greens.

Important! However, it should be remembered that these products will be able to supply a sufficient amount of coenzyme q10 only if the above substances are taken in parallel. If this condition is neglected, then this coenzyme will not be assimilated completely, but only 10% of the total amount, respectively, a deficit can not be avoided!

However, not always the problem of lack of coenzyme q10 can be completely solved with the help of products alone - a day of them we get no more than 15 mg, and this is very small. In such a situation, dietary supplements come to the rescue.

Artificially created sources

To date, a lot of drugs with coenzyme q10 can be found on sale and they can have different forms of release.

  • The most convenient are gelatin capsules, since the coenzyme is already placed in the fatty environment necessary for its normal assimilation.
  • Another coenzyme q10 can be found in the form of drops. They are usually added to drinks. But while the drops need to seize some fat component.
  • The third form is chewing lozenges. They in their composition, in addition to the coenzyme, usually contain vitamin E.
  • There are also tablets with coenzyme q10.These are a combination of coenzyme with various mineral additives, for example, with potassium, magnesium, etc.

However, it is extremely undesirable to start taking any preparations of coenzyme q10 independently, as in this case you risk not only benefit from them, but also harm, which will be expressed as side effects. And to avoid possible health problems, it is advisable to consult with a doctor.

The feasibility of taking any drug with coenzyme Q10 is only possible to establish the specialist

. The need and rules for the admission of

. The adult body requires 50 to 200 mg of coenzyme q10 per day. However, this is subject to the absence of any serious health problems. If any, the indicated amount of coenzyme is increased. The dose in these cases should be determined only by a specialist.

Note! With Parkinson's disease, the daily requirement for coenzyme q10 increases several times. This coenzyme can also be used to prevent the development of a complex disease such as Alzheimer's. The highest efficacy of drugs is noted when they are taken in the early stages. In such cases, with constant therapy, the development of the disease may be delayed for several years!

Since coenzyme q10 is a fat-soluble coenzyme, it should be taken along with some fat, for example, with oil.

Daily dose for better absorption is divided into several methods. To use preparations of coenzyme q10 it is possible only after appointment of the expert.

Action on the body

The main benefit of coenzyme q10 is a powerful antioxidant property. It neutralizes the activity of free radicals, and also significantly reduces the consequences of their influence on our body.

Note! Free radicals are active, as a rule, unstable particles, which under certain conditions( high temperature, radiation, electromagnetic radiation) start to work not in favor of our health. They contribute to the early aging of the body and can cause heart disease and cancer processes!

According to numerous clinical studies, the use of coenzyme in conjunction with well-constructed therapy can prevent and help in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. It is usually recommended in the following cases:

  • constant physical activity, because in these situations the body quickly consumes energy and constantly needs timely replenishment;
  • with frequent stresses - work, study, etc.;
  • to persons with hypertension and cardiological problems, and also after chemotherapy - in such cases, the use of coenzyme q10 is extremely necessary to maintain the heart;
  • respiratory diseases, as even with the common cold our immune system is significantly weakened;
  • in immunodeficiency - this coenzyme is able to positively influence the immune function, and, accordingly, the general well-being of people with HIV and AIDS;
  • before any operations or after them - it is established that, using coenzyme Q10, the recovery proceeds much faster and easier;
  • with an elevated cholesterol level;
  • for periodontal disease;
  • for migraines;
  • for men to improve fertility and increase sperm motility.
Coenzyme q10 improves performance and strengthens memory

Complications of

deficiency As mentioned above, with age, the body is no longer able to synthesize coenzyme q10 in sufficient quantity and its deficiency leads to health problems. At the same time in the main risk group are people with certain diseases, in particular, with Parkinson's disease, with bronchial asthma and with cardiac problems. And since the high concentration of this coenzyme is concentrated in the heart, then in case of its lack, the cardiovascular system falls first.

The most frequent complications are:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • angina.
In addition, other problems may develop. For example, fluctuations in blood sugar, gum disease, often periodontitis, and gastric ulcer are quite possible.

Support for the cardiovascular system

The use of coenzyme Q10 in most cases fully justifies itself with problems with the cardiovascular system. It is noted that when the substance is taken, the condition of such patients is significantly improved. This is due to the fact that in cardiac diseases there is a worsening of blood circulation and, to the greatest extent, in the capillaries, which causes stasis in the vessels. Coenzyme q10 dilutes the blood and restores its normal movement, every cell of the body is filled with oxygen, and tissues and organs, including the heart, receive optimal nutrition.

In addition, the use of coenzyme q10 can help our cardiovascular system in such situations:

  • with a heart attack - reduces the risk of possible complications and the development of relapse;
  • after ischemic stroke - significantly alleviates the condition of patients and helps the body to recover faster;
  • with increasing or decreasing blood pressure - coenzyme q10 regulates the pressure and brings it back to normal.
Coenzyme q10 is able to provide significant assistance to our cardiovascular system

Reviews of specialists

It is far from superfluous to consider the opinion of doctors on the benefits and harm of coenzyme q10.Their feedback on the effect of this substance on the human body is very contradictory:

  • alone are certain that the main task of coenzyme q10 preparations is to stimulate energy exchange, and therefore they are most effective to exercise only with chronic fatigue, constant overwork and lethargy;
  • others about coenzyme q10 speak as follows - until 35-40 years the use of any drugs with this substance does not make sense. After reaching this age, it is impossible to slow the aging process in the body, even with prolonged intake of any agents with coenzyme Q10;
  • according to the results of a study conducted in 2007, the production of this coenzyme in case of its deficiency is quite possible from the products, but the most effective is still the intake of additives, and those containing vitamin E.

Effect on the skin

Since coenzyme q10is a powerful antioxidant, it is also in demand in cosmetology. This substance has a positive effect on skin condition:

  • actively combats free radical activity and prevents loss of elasticity;
  • provides cells with additional energy and significantly improves their regeneration;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and does not allow the destruction of elastin fibers, as a result, the skin acquires elasticity and does not sag;
  • smoothes the fine and reduces the intensity of manifestation of deep wrinkles;
  • inhibits development and promotes the removal of inflammatory processes, and also accelerates the healing of scratches, cracks and sunburn.

Coenzyme is often included in many cosmetic products. It is added to lotions, creams and serums that perfectly nourish the skin and prevent loss of moisture. At the same time, cosmetologists note that to achieve maximum efficiency, the external application of agents with coenzyme q10 should be combined with the internal intake of preparations of the same substance. So its antioxidant properties will be fully disclosed and it will have a positive effect on the body as a whole, which will certainly affect the skin condition.

Coenzyme q10 - an invaluable gift to your skin

Harmless application of

During pregnancy, the use of any drugs with coenzyme q10 is highly undesirable. This is due to the fact that at the moment its effect on the body in these periods of time is not fully understood.

In addition, taking this coenzyme is not recommended in such situations:

  • a stomach or duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • with a decrease in the heart rate - less than 50 beats per minute.

For oncological problems, cardiac diseases and kidney diseases, the use of coenzyme in a mandatory case must be agreed with a specialist.

If we talk about side effects, then they are extremely rare. With prolonged and uncontrolled administration of coenzyme q10 preparations, sleep disturbances, heartburn, nausea, and allergic skin rashes can occur.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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