Products that approximate old age

Healthy nutrition is the guarantee of a good body condition, skin youth and beautiful appearance. But some of the foods that we are used to eating on a daily basis have a bad effect on the work of the internal organs and accelerate the aging process. What products need to be deleted from their diet in order to preserve the youth of the body longer?

1. Black tea

Black tea contains tannin. This chemical causes the appearance of dark spots on the teeth. When adding lemon to black tea, the harm from tannin is even more noticeable, because under the influence of citric acid the tooth enamel becomes porous and more susceptible to this substance. Those who can not give up black tea, it is recommended to dilute it with milk, as dairy products weaken the effect of tannin.

2. Coffee

Caffeine, which is a part of coffee, dehydrates the human body, resulting in wrinkles and skin becoming duller. In addition, frequent use of coffee leads to the destruction of tooth enamel. Avoid the destructive effects on teeth by drinking coffee with water.

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3. Trans fats

Trans fats, which are part of fast food, contribute to the destruction of collagen, which affects the strength of tissues in the body. This is fraught with skin inflammation and increased skin exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation.

4. Lemonade

Citric acid damages the tooth enamel, and the addition of sugar in the drink is even more detrimental to the health of our teeth.

5. Energy drinks

Power engineering leads to darkening and destruction of tooth enamel, dehydrate the body and make the skin dry.

6. Acute food

People who eat a large amount of spicy food in their diet are more likely to suffer from skin inflammation and are more prone to acne and acne. In addition, acute food provokes varicose veins and the appearance of swelling and red spots.

7. Salt food

Strongly salty food has a harmful effect on the skin and leads to its dryness.

8. Sweet food

Excessive consumption of sweets can cause glycation in the body, which contributes to the destruction of proteins. As a result of this process, the skin becomes dry, less elastic, wrinkles and cracks form on it.

9. Charred meat

Who among us does not like kebabs? But, when consuming a large number of charred products, it should be remembered that soot causes the destruction of collagen and inflammation on the skin.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 07, 2018
  • 92
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