Fats( II)

Fats( II)

Fat, formed as a result of the described process, differs from the original, which got into the stomach. The body synthesizes a kind of fat that is peculiar to this organism. For example, even if a person consumes various fats that contain oleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids, his body eventually still synthesizes fat-specific for humans. However, if there is only one kind of fatty acid in the diet( for example, oleic acid), then the fat synthesized by the body will differ from the human and will approach the more liquid fats. In the case of human consumption of predominantly lamb fat, the fat formed in his body will be harder. Fats are very different in nature even in different organs of the same animal.

Like carbohydrates, fats are mainly energy material and are used by the body to generate energy. During the oxidation of 1 g of fat, 2 times more energy is produced than in the case of the oxidation of the same amount of carbohydrates or proteins.

Nevertheless, fat serves the body not only as a source of energy. In addition, it is part of the cells, it is an obligatory component of protoplasm, nucleus and shell. Remaining from the amount of fat that has entered the body after covering the need for energy and building cells, is stored in the form of fat droplets.

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Predominantly in the body, fat accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, omentum, around the kidneys( where it forms the kidney capsule), as well as in other internal organs and in some other areas of the body. A fairly large amount of fat stores the body contains in the liver and muscles. This fat supply is mainly a source of energy, which is mobilized in cases of energy consumption, when its supply is lower than required. In these cases, the fat from body stores is oxidized to the final degradation products. Also spare fat performs other functions besides energy value. For example, subcutaneous fat reduces the increased heat output, and the pericarpal kidney protects the kidney from bruises.

The body can save a considerable amount of fat. At the person fat reserves make on the average from 10 to 20% of the total weight. In the case of obesity, if there is a violation of metabolic processes in the body, the amount of deferred fat can reach up to 50% of the person's weight. The size of the fat stock may depend on different conditions. This is the sex of a person, his age, working conditions, health status, etc. In the case of sedentary work, fat deposition occurs more intensively, which is why the composition and quantity of the diet of people leading a sedentary lifestyle should be very important.

Rich sources of unsaturated fats are all types of vegetable oil( such as sunflower, olive, soybean, rapeseed and corn), as well as nuts, mostly walnuts. But it is absolutely not recommended to completely avoid animal fats, which are the main source of cholesterol, which is absolutely necessary for the body to synthesize very many hormones. Milk of medium fat content and light oils, containing up to 25-40% of animal fats, are a very good source of fats of this kind.

Body fat is synthesized not only from fat, but also from proteins and carbohydrates. Even in the case of complete elimination of fat from the diet, it is still formed, and can even be deposited in the body in a fairly large amount. The main source of fat in the body is mainly carbohydrates.

Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"

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