Loose buckwheat with onion-carrot frying


  1. Valuable tips for cooking buckwheat
  2. Secrets of vegetable processing
  3. Universal recipe
  4. Buckwheat in a pot
  5. Buckwheat with vegetables and mushrooms

The correct preparation is the guarantee that buckwheat with onions and carrots will become a favorite dish of the whole family, and children are no exception. The porridge should turn out friable, fragrant, with a slight sweetish aftertaste. In general, you lick your fingers.

This garnish will make you forget about the pasta

What is the secret of success?

First, the kernels of good porridge never stick together, forming lumps and incomprehensible mass.

Secondly, the boiled cereals surprisingly appetizing smell of buckwheat, while additionally is consumed by the aroma of fried onions and carrots.

Third, neat execution and serving will make the porridge an ornament of the table in the restaurant, not that at home. Bright vegetable colors - 100% attract the attention of tasters, evoking the appetite and desire to taste the dish.

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How to achieve these three components of success? It is only necessary to follow the recommendations set out below.

Valuable advice on cooking buckwheat

Strict adherence to the percentage of products, technology and cooking time will lead to a logical result. The porridge will turn out friable and will reach the necessary degree of readiness.

So, to weld 1 serving of cereal, you need no more, not less, and exactly 2 servings of water. In case of a shortage, the porridge will be stiff, rubbery. Conversely, excess fluid will lead to excessive digestion of the nucleoli, loss of their shape and elasticity.

It does not matter, in the cold or boiling water mistress will pour buckwheat. As a result, this will not be reflected in any way. Salt, add to taste at the beginning of cooking. The average amount is 0.5-1 teaspoon without a slide on 1 cup of cereal.

Butter is placed 3-5 minutes before the buckwheat is ready. At the same time, it is not advisable to interfere with porridge. It is better to cut the butter in small pieces and spread it over the entire surface of the pan.

Important! From the beginning of boiling and before removing dishes from the plate, buckwheat is cooked under a closed lid! In regular stirring, groats do not need!

Secrets of vegetable processing


Surprisingly, the way to fry onions and carrots also affects the end result - the taste and aroma of buckwheat porridge.

The beginning of vegetable processing is standard. Both the onion and the carrots must be peeled off the peel and peel, chopped with a knife, blender or grater.

In this case, the onions are usually cut into quarters of rings, and the carrots are turned into flakes, armed with a metal float.

Best vegetable cutter - kitchen knife

If the hostess sets the target, she can chop the products with squares, bars or any geometric figures, using different nozzles for vegetable cuttings.

Choice of oil and heat treatment


Roasting oil - at the discretion of the chef: vegetable or creamy. It should be noted, the second option will give vegetables a special flavor. Preferably stay on it.

First you have to melt the butter in a frying pan. When a light foam appears on the surface of the light yellow liquid, bubbles that indicate sufficient heating of the product, pour in onions and evenly distribute on the bottom of the pan.

If squares, semirings, etc.became transparent, you can add carrots. After 2-3 minutes the roasting will have a pleasant orange-golden shade and an interesting aroma. Why? There was a partial distillation of essential oils in onions.

Softness of carrots, partial appearance of ruddy crusts without sharp charring - a sign of readiness roasting.

Onion-carrot mass is added hot to cooked buckwheat porridge.


If for some reason you have to avoid fried foods, onions and carrots can be extinguished.

The beginning of the process is described above. Vegetables are ground, fried in oil( fat), and in the end add a little water, and preferably broth. Favorite spices and spices also do not interfere. With onions, carrots and buckwheat successfully combined: cumin, turmeric, a mixture of spices such as Indian garam masala.

Note! Flour is a separate story. If a tablespoon of the product is fried in vegetable oil( literally oil the bottom of the pan) and added to onions and carrots at the stage of quenching, you will get a wonderful gravy.

The universal recipe

The variations of cooking porridge are actually countless. But in general, the following key elements can be distinguished.


  • serving cereal
  • 2 servings of water
  • large onion
  • large carrot
  • 1-2 tablespoonsvegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp.and 1 tsp.butter
  • salt to taste.

Buckwheat wash, pour cold water or boiling water, add salt, cover, cook over medium heat until water is completely absorbed. Butter( 1 tablespoon spoon) divided into parts, spread on the surface of the finished porridge.

Peel the bulb from the husks, cut into quarter-rings with a width of about 0.5 cm, pour out the sunflower oil in the pan heated up in a frying pan.

Remove the carrots from the peel, grind them in the usual way, add to the onions after the latter becomes transparent. The fire is average. Roasting should not burn, but it is not worth it to torment the food at too low temperatures. In this case, the vegetables will turn out to be half stewed because of the carrot juice.

One minute before removing the frying pan from the stove, add a teaspoon of butter. The mass is gently mixed and poured out to boiled porridge.

The dish can be served on the table, but it is better to give it ½ hour to brew, enrich with vegetable flavors and exchange flavor notes.

Buckwheat in a pot

To such a dinner, the household will surely be surprised. .. nice

A ceramic pot is an excellent dish for cooking dishes based on buckwheat. This recipe for buckwheat with carrots and onions is additionally sourced with sour cream and cheese. If desired, mushrooms and greens are added to the basic composition.

  • Ingredients:
    • cereal - ¼ volume pot
    • ½ small carrot
    • ½ small bulb
    • 15 g butter
    • spices to taste
    • broth - 2/3 of the pot
    • tablespoon sour cream
    • piece of cheese
    • spices.

    The bottom of the pot is oiled with vegetable or butter. A convenient way to grind vegetables: on a grater or with a knife. The shape of the pieces is not fundamental: squares, rings, etc.

    Rinsed cereal in raw form is mixed with carrots and onions, spread in a pot, poured with meat or vegetable broth.

    Cover the pot with a lid, put in the oven for 30 minutes.5 minutes before the meal is ready for buckwheat, add sour cream and grated cheese.

    Note! Sour cream can be replaced with pieces of mushrooms. They will give the buckwheat a special taste and aroma.

    Buckwheat with vegetables and mushrooms

    The recipe does not contain any special tricks. As part of the usual products:

    • 1 cup cereals
    • 2 glasses of water
    • 7-8 medium mushrooms
    • 1 bulb
    • 1 carrot
    • oil for frying
    • salt.

    As for the ratio of products, it is better to be guided by personal preferences. Some like more vegetables, others - mushrooms, others - porridge.

    The general principle of cooking buckwheat according to this recipe is to cook the cereals described above, as well as to separate frying onions, carrots and mushrooms.

    Champignons are washed, cut into small pieces( plates).Onion is chopped with squares, carrots - circles or tinder on a grater. All individually fry in vegetable oil until the appearance of a crust.

    Finished vegetables and mushrooms add to the porridge. Allow the dish to brew for about 20 minutes. You can put it on the table. Whether it is necessary to cut salad additionally is a matter for everyone. This buckwheat porridge with carrots and onions is quite good without accompanying dishes and drinks.

    That's all. Bon Appetit!

    Training roller for cooking loose crumbs in a multivariate:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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