Minerals( III)
Correct, varied nutrition with the inclusion of a sufficient number of vegetables and fruits in the diet is absolutely necessary to prevent the development of hypovitaminosis. Especially it becomes relevant in the spring period, when the deficit of vitamins develops more often.
In the case of breastfeeding a child, additional vitamins( except vitamin D in winter) are not required provided that juices and full lures are introduced in a timely manner.
In cases of various infectious diseases accompanied by fever, the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, respiration, liver, kidneys, as well as the appointment of antibiotics and sulfonamides, the body's need for vitamins increases. In all these cases, the use of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6 in doses that are somewhat higher than the age-related physiological needs should also be included in the treatment complex even in the absence of clinical signs of hypovitaminosis.
Signs of hypovitaminosis are such manifestations as increased fatigue, worsening of sleep, irritability, decreased interest in sports activities, as well as reluctance to work. The influence of the first signs of hypovitaminosis in the period of training and competition is of particular importance.
Developing hypovitaminosis is manifested by the following symptoms:
- pinpoint hemorrhages in the area of hair bulbs on the shins, loosening of the gums and increased fatigue signal the presence of hypovitaminosis C;
- the appearance of furunculosis, tenderness along the nerves, abnormally increased excitability are signs of hypovitaminosis B1;
- in case of changes in the skin, mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue, we can talk about hypovitaminosis B2 and PP;
- Some impairments in the adaptability of the eyes during the transition from bright light to semi-darkness are manifestations of hypovitaminosis A.
In cases where hypo-and vitamin deficiency is diagnosed, one-ingredient preparations should be used. Preparations of multivitamins should not be prescribed.
Large doses of vitamins, uncontrolled by humans, can cause an intoxication of the body with the development of hypervitaminosis and provoke an allergic reaction. In most cases, the needs of the human body in vitamins and minerals are met by a balanced daily diet.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"