All about slimming rules with chia seeds

It's hard to find a girl who would be completely satisfied with her appearance. Each second leads an unequal fight with extra pounds, but grueling training and strict diets are often interrupted, as simply lacking willpower. And in search of the "magic pill" many are knocked down, so as a result and not finding the coveted means. In this situation, one product can help - chia seeds for weight loss are very effective and this is evidenced by the testimonies of those who have already tried them in action.

Chia seeds dream of an ideal figure turns into reality

How and why does it work?

Chia seeds as a means to lose weight attracted attention in the early 90's, when a well-known British magazine published an article about a product that can burn fat deposits and at the same time relieve the intestines of toxins. After reading this material, scientists became interested in seeds. They conducted a number of studies and found out that they are really able to saturate the human body with unsaturated fatty acids and help get rid of excess kilograms.

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Let's take before we take chia seeds for weight loss, we'll look in more detail at their composition:

  • fatty acids, namely omega-3 and omega-6 - they are the dominant substances. Their "purpose" is purification of blood vessels from cholesterol and improvement of blood circulation, which, in turn, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body;

    Important! It is proven that these acids are excellent antidepressants. Since it is not a secret for anyone that often it is the depression that causes night snacks and evening overeating, which are very detrimental to the condition of the figure.

    Do not compensate for the depressed mood with delicious food - replace the sandwich with seeds of chia
  • fiber - 25% of the total mass. As you know, slag does not allow you to find the ideal figure, and also interfere with the assimilation of nutrients. Fiber actively fights with the remnants of refined products and removes them from the intestines;
  • mucins, which "cooperating" with fiber, do not allow overeating - the seeds of chia swell quickly and fill their stomach, so that the feeling of hunger is dulled;
  • chlorogenic acid is a substance that is very rare in food. This acid helps burn fatty tissue, which afterwards is converted into energy.

    Warning! This property of chia seeds is especially useful for people who lead an active lifestyle. After all, energy is just necessary for training!

As you can see, chia seeds can become for you the best "ally" in the fight against extra pounds.

How to use this product?

So, we turn to the main question - how to take chia seeds to lose weight. Their taste is neutral and this allows them to be added to a wide variety of dishes:

  • salads;
  • porridge;
  • soups;
  • sauces;
  • juices;
  • cocktails.

But at the same time, you need to make sure that the dish itself is low-calorie, since, after sprinkling a piece of a sponge cake with butter cream, it will not be possible to lose weight exactly. The basic rules for using this product are as follows:

  • calorie content of chia seeds - 486 kcal per 100 g of product, therefore, their dosage should be clearly controlled;
  • combining chia seeds with some dairy product, be it yogurt, milk or kefir, and, having drunk it on an empty stomach, you will be able to use their cleansing properties to the maximum;

    Tip! Prepare such a cocktail in the morning, and you quickly get a sense of satiety, which is enough for the next meal. Intestines will be cleared of toxins, and digestion processes will return to normal.

  • that at night not to run to the refrigerator and not to suffer from insomnia, overcoming the feeling of hunger, prepare for yourself a salad dressed with gel from these seeds for dinner. This component of the dish will swell in the stomach and give a feeling of satiety;
  • chia seeds can be consumed 20-30 minutes before meals, but they must necessarily be combined with water. This method will not allow you to overeat;
  • to retain its weight, this product should be taken after eating - the seeds in this case will convert food into energy.
Eat a small amount of seeds a couple of hours before training, and they will not let you rush to the refrigerator after it

And in the end you need to more clearly demonstrate how you can use chia seeds for weight loss.


In this case it is necessary to prepare smoothies on kefir or natural yoghurt, additives can be very different, fresh vegetables, berries, fruits.

But at the same time it is worth paying attention to the caloric content of the components, for example, from banana, pear, plum, avocado and grapes it is better to refuse and pay attention to cranberries, melon, grapefruit and watermelon. In one serving of a cocktail it will be enough to add one teaspoon of chia seeds.

If you want to achieve a quick result, you can simply connect a glass of milk drink with seeds, kill the mixture and drink 40 minutes after cooking.

gel As mentioned above, a gel made from chia seeds is an excellent salad dressing. And to prepare it is simple:

  • put 2 tablespoons of seeds in a bowl;
  • pour a glass of boiled water;
  • leave for 8 hours or overnight;
  • after a specified time, mix the mixture with a blender until it is uniform.

The gel is completely ready and can be added to salads.

Chia seeds are the ideal product for those who care about their body and want to give it a perfect shape. Take yourself in hand is not so difficult - the path to an ideal figure is enclosed in two teaspoons. With the seeds of chia, you can adjust the metabolic processes, remove the slag and finally lose excess pounds, without exhausting yourself with strict diets.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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