Vitamin C( ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C( ascorbic acid)

It is not synthesized by the human body and must systematically act with food, otherwise, first of all, the walls of blood vessels begin to suffer. Ascorbic acid is found in many fresh vegetables and fruits, but most of it is rich in parsley and dill greens, rose hips, fresh cabbage, currants, tomatoes, citrus fruits and potatoes.

A significant portion of ascorbic acid is destroyed by improper culinary processing of products. Cook them in a closed container, and lay vegetables in the already boiled salted water. For a long time, controversy continues about the specific ability of large doses of ascorbic acid to prevent, for example, influenza. Prominent American chemist Linus Polling for this purpose recommends taking up to 10 g of ascorbic acid daily. Academician AL Myasnikov considered it acceptable and even useful for patients with atherosclerosis to take 1 g of this vitamin every day for several years.

The last recommendation was based on large factual material. In particular, the fact that many people in summer and autumn with fresh fruits and vegetables consume daily and more than 1 g of ascorbic acid without any undesirable consequences. It is also known from the special literature that quite large doses of ascorbic acid are a good means of correcting immune disorders and thereby maintaining the body's defenses at the proper level.

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However, there are data that call into question the ability of vitamin C to prevent and treat catarrhal diseases. In the United States, two groups of servicemen were observed. One group received daily 2 grams of vitamin C, the other - a neutral substance. During the 8 weeks of the experiment there was no difference in the turnover of the military personnel of both groups for medical assistance. So once again it was confirmed that even the action of the most famous vitamin - ascorbic acid - on the human body has not been fully studied. In this regard, let us recall the official recommendation: the daily requirement of an adult healthy person in ascorbic acid ranges from 70-100 mg. And we should not forget about the peculiar relationship of this vitamin with proteins and some vitamins of group B. Their useful effect increases with a combination therapy.

Synthesized powdered ascorbic acid and vitamin C of natural origin are identical in chemical structure. And yet, preparations of vitamin C are best taken in a mixture with chilled compotes, kissels or jam, diluted with water.

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