Meat( II)

Meat( II)

Also bad for health and complete exclusion from the diet of meat and meat products, as the body stops receiving a full-length protein containing essential amino acids, which the body needs every day. The protein of animal origin, which in addition to the foregoing is better assimilated by the human body than the protein of plant origin, approaches the maximum in the content of essential amino acids to a high-grade protein.

In the case of vegetarianism, it becomes necessary to practice a variety of approaches that sometimes aim at long and complex processing of the original food products in order to increase the bioavailability of the nutrients contained therein. Meat, which includes a full-fledged protein, removes these problems without any additional difficulties.

The rabbit, which refers to the so-called white meat, can not be highly satisfied with the task of increasing the usefulness of protein nutrition, taking into account the reduction in the diet of the level of fats, especially saturated. The amount of high-grade protein in the rabbit is higher than in lamb, beef, pork and veal. But its vitamin and mineral composition is much richer than in the case of almost all other types of meat. It contains a lot of vitamins PP, C, B6 and B12.It contains a large number of useful elements for the human body, such as iron, phosphorus, cobalt. Also in it there is a sufficient amount of potassium, manganese and fluorine. Along with its other properties, making it an indispensable element of dietary nutrition, is the low content of sodium salts in it. Systematic and regular consumption of this meat for food provides normal maintenance of the body for fat metabolism and optimal balance of nutrients. The presence in its composition of lecithin and the least possible cholesterol content is a factor ensuring the prevention of atherosclerosis.

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Before reaching the age of seven months, the rabbit organism does not perceive strontium-90 and other nuclear decay products, as well as herbicides and pesticides. The rabbit has the property of reducing the dose of radiation taken in the human body, as well as curing ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to restore postoperative patients due to almost complete digestibility, reaching 96%.In addition, it is recommended to consume people of extreme professions - pilots, submariners, paratroopers.

In some cases, restricting meat products is advisable. Such states include, for example, atherosclerosis, when it is recommended to limit the consumption of animal products, as well as a person's possible desire for some time completely to exclude meat from their diets. The products of animal origin contain saturated fats, which can cause the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels. Vegetable food does not contain cholesterol.

In the case of obesity, it is recommended that a person restrict intake of animal fats. On the other hand, obesity is a disease of protein deficiency. In this state, the body lacks proteins, which are the building material for the human body. For this reason, in the case of the development of many diseases( such as, for example, pancreatitis), conversely, an increase in the intake of animal food is recommended. In very many cases, health professionals often suggest limiting the use of meat, but at the same time increasing the proportion of plant food in the diet. Also, one should not forget about low-fat cooked meat( for example, dietary horse meat). .. more

Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mitsio VP"Healthy Nutrition"

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