Soy dishes

Soy Dishes

Soybeans are used in the same way as peas with beans.200 g of soybean beans completely break the needs of the body in the protein. Soybeans are used for cooking garnishes, salads, soups and fries. Before consumption, they should be soaked for 6-8 hours, and then cook for 1-2 hours.

Soy cutlets are made of two kinds:

  • Vegetarian. In this case, the following ingredients are needed: vegetable oil( 3 tablespoons), chopped onion( 50 g), boiled soy beans and cooked rice( 200 g), flour( 50 g), salt, pepper and greens - to taste. Beans are boiled, and then mixed with rice, then cutlets are formed, paniered and fried until crusty. At the end of cooking it is advisable to extinguish them.
  • With the addition of meat. In case of cooking cutlets with meat take 300 g of beef, 300-600 g of boiled soy beans, 2-3 onions, 3-4 eggs, as well as salt and pepper to taste. From these products, minced meat is prepared, cutlets are formed, which are then breaded in breadcrumbs and roasted until a crust is brown, after which they are stewed to the full.
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  • The meatballs and soda rag are prepared in the following way. Soya beans are soaked for 12-16 hours, after which they boil in with the addition of salt for 3-4 hours. After the beans are boiled, they are wiped through a sieve. The resulting mass is a semi-finished product, from which it is possible to cook cutlets, meatballs and ragout. Also, this semi-finished product in the amount of 50-150 g can be used when preparing the first dishes.

    The green soybean sprouts are also eaten and .They can be eaten raw, cooked, roasted, used in the preparation of second courses, and added to the first dishes. Get green sprouts in the following way: soybeans are poured with warm water for a period of 5-6 hours. After that, the water is drained, and the beans are covered with a cloth and washed daily with cold water. On day 5 the sprouts will reach 2-3 cm in length, and they can also be grown to four to five centimeters long.

    Soymilk milk is similar to cow's milk 1.5-2% fat. It does not contain lactose in its composition, so it allows you to replace milk for people who are allergic to dairy products. Soymilk is made from soybeans. To obtain milk, dilute dry soy milk with water in a ratio of 1: 2, then stir, let stand for 10 minutes, and bring to the concentration of regular milk. Soymilk is used to prepare milk soups, various cereals, purees, desserts, and also is added to beverages such as coffee or cocoa.

    Texturizers called products that replace meat. They are obtained by punching soy concentrate at high pressure and temperature through openings( filters).As a result of this process, products similar in structure to meat are obtained. Textures are used for cooking minced meat, goulash, schnitzel and beef stroganoff. They contain up to 50% of vegetable protein. Immediately before cooking, the stuffing is poured with water, and the goulash and schnitzel - hot water or boiling water for 10 minutes, as a result of which these products swell, increasing in volume by 2-3 times. Water before cooking squeeze. These semi-finished products can both be mixed with meat, and used as independent dishes. Soya chops are cooked for 25-30 minutes, beef stroganoffs - 10-15 minutes, and soya forcemeat - 5-8 minutes.

    Soy cheese, or tofu , has a vegetable, sweetish smell. Store it should be no more than 2 weeks in the cold, filling the water and rinsing immediately after purchase. If tofu has a sour smell, then it must be boiled for 20 minutes, after which it is again fit for consumption. When painting tofu in pink, it is forbidden to eat.

    Soy cheese is used in various sauces, pastas and salads. Also, its pieces can be used in soups as meatballs. In addition, it is used with pasta, rice, dumplings and ovaries are prepared from it. In the east, tofu cheese serves as the main type of protein product.

    Materials used:
    Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"

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