Preparation of pasta dough
When preparing pasta, less than half of the volume of water that can absorb proteinaceous substances and flour starch should be used. Macaroni pasta is characterized by such features as absence of fermentation process, and practically stopped proteolysis. In addition, artificial disintegrants are not used during its manufacture. Macaroni pasta is distinguished by the absence of a bound structure and is a three-phase disperse system. In fact, it is a mixture of lumps of various sizes. Such a system is able to compact and harden.
The sealing of the pasta is caused by special machining. For the most part, it is common to mix in water at a temperature of 56 ° C.With such a blend, the flour components are swelling more evenly, gluten formation occurs, and protein folding also takes place. The resulting dough is subjected to compression after vacuum treatment, which is carried out using matrices of different shapes that determine the tone and type of pasta. The parameters of the temperature regime of pressing gluten proteins( with increasing temperature), leads to their coagulation, as well as to the oxidation of enzymes. After that, the raw pasta is dried by blowing them with air, and then, after cutting and spreading, is sent to the final drying, during which water is lost, thermal denaturation of the protein, partial decomposition of the protein and starch gelatinization takes place. In addition, the drying process also causes partial oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. Oxidation of lipids is accompanied by destruction of carotenoids, as a result of which macaroni lose their yellow color. The formation of dark-colored pasta is carried out at the expense of a special tyrosinase enzyme.
Chemical composition of pasta( per 100 g of product):
- top-notch pasta: water - 13 g, protein - 10.4 g, fats - 1.1 g, carbohydrates - 69.8 g, calories - 337;
- pasta of the first grade: water - 13 g, proteins - 10,7 g, fats - 1,3 g, carbohydrates - 68,6, calories - 335;
- top class pasta, egg: water - 13 g, proteins - 11.3 g, fats - 2.1 g, carbohydrates - 68.1, calories - 345.
Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mitsjo V.P."Healthy food"